Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Erymanthus gemmatus Klug 1842


Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, 1842

(Figs 18–19, 39 F)

Klug 1842: 327, t. 1 f. 6; Spinola 1844: 61, t41 f5; Imhoff 1856: t6 f33; Desmarest in Chenu 1860: t18 f4; Schenkling 1906: 282; Ekis 1975: 39.

Specimens examined: Lectotype (designated here): Caffraria, Krebs, Syntypus, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug 1842, labelled by MNHUB 2012, Hist. Coll. (Coleoptera) Nr. 17813, Zool. Mus. Berlin (ZMB). Paralectotypes (designated here): Caffraria, Paratype?, Gemmatus Klug. Mon. 327.1.6., Ex Musaeo James Thomson, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr, (MNHN). Caffraria, Krebs, Syntypus, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug 1842, labelled by MNHUB 2012, Hist. Coll. (Coleoptera) Nr. 17813, Zool. Mus. Berlin (ZMB). Caffraria, Krebs, Syntypus, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug 1842, labelled by MNHUB 2012, Hist. Coll. (Coleoptera) Nr. 17813, Zool. Mus. Berlin (ZMB).

Comment on type specimens: In stating “Fand sich verschiedentlich in Sendungen des Hrn. Krebs aus dem Kaffernland”, Klug (1842: 327,328) implied that there were more than one specimen he examined and therefore all type material are considered syntypes (ICZN 1999: Article 73.2) and available for lectotype designation (ICZN 1999: Article 74.1). We have designated the lectotype and three paralectotypes from specimens from type material held in ZMB and MNHN.

Others: Uamgebiet, Bosum, 11.– 20.6.14, Tessmann S., Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, Museum f. Naturkunde Berlin (ZMB). Uamgebiet, Bosum, 11.– 20.6.14, Tessmann S., Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, Museum f. Naturkunde Berlin (ZMB). Uamgebiet, Bosum, 11.– 20.6.14, Tessmann S., Erymanthus gemmatus J. J. Menier det. 19 (ZMB). Südafrika, 8.ii.1995, KwaZulu-Natal: St. Lucia Park, Charter's Creek, 28°12' S / 32°25' E, leg. F. Koch (ZMB). Cap de Bonne-Espérance, E. gemmatus Kl. Schenkling vid. 1901, Muséum Paris (MNHN). Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, Cape, Ex Musaeo Parry, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr (MNHN). Chesen, Afr. Orient, Coll. Oberthur (MNHN). Klaserie-Kampersrus, 7/ 800m 17.XI., Transv. S.A., W. Wittmer 1983, Muséum Paris, Don de W. Wittmer 1984 (MNHN). 16m S. of Nelsspruit, XI.1965, L. Schulze, Mazoe, Mashonal., Dec. 0 5 GAKM, Mazoe, Mashonal'd, Dec. 0 5, G.A. K. Marshall, 1926 ex British Museum, Marshall Coll. 1914–554, J. B. Corporaal det. 1926 Erymanthus gemmatus Klug (RMNH). South Africa, E. Cape, Queenstown, Long Hill, 31.52 S 26.53 E, 2 Dec 1989, S. van Noort, South African Museum Cape Town, Eurymanthus Spinola, 1841, det. W. Opitz, SAM-COL- A068403 (SAMC). Transvaal, Potchefst. Dist., Purck 1879, T. Ayres, gemmatus Kl., 1146, SAM-COL-A038085 (SAMC). Estcourt, Natal, Dec. 1896, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, J. J. Menier det. 1981, Marshall Coll. 1914–554 (BMNH). Kenya, Kilifi, 1601, J. C. M. Gardner, G4179 Jan. '56, Pres by Com Inst Ent B M 1956–30, Com. Inst. Ent. Coll. No. 14936, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, J. J. Menier det. 1981 (BMNH). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 11.12.2001, E-Y: 3459, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Game Res., 25.40’ S– 28.29 E, 22.11.2001; E-Y: 3448, beating, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 22.11.2001; E-Y: 3453, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 22.11.2001; E-Y: 3453, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Game Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 16.1.2002; E-Y: 3475, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Waterberg Geelhoutbush farm, 24.22 S – 27.33 E, 8.10.1995; E-Y: 3155, pyrethrum fogging, Endrödy & Bellamy, Acacia robusta (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Game Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 16.1.2002; E-Y: 3475, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Game Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 16.1.2002; E-Y: 3475, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). South Africa, TVL. Pretoria, The Willows, 25.45S 28.21E, 10.xii.1995, collected at light, R. G. Oberprieler, National Coll. of Insects Pretoria, S. Afr (SANC). South Africa, TVL, D'Nyala Nat. Res., Ellisras, 23.45S 27.49E, 850m, 24–26.ix.1990, R. G. Oberprieler, National Coll. of Insects, Pretoria, S. Afr (SANC). Tanzania c.occ., 1200m, 3°25,5' N; 31°47,1' E, 100km on Kathama road, leg. L. Hálková, 24.xii.2006, Jakub Rolčík Collection Prague (JRCP). Zimbabwe-NE, 10-30km E and NE of Shamva, Nyagui river, 1998, lgt. S. Bečvář, 15.–16.xii, Jakub Rolčík Collection Prague (JRCP). RSA, Kruger NP, Numbi Gate, 8.– 14.1.2007, Šafanda leg. (RGCM). Tanzania, Iringa pr., 100km NE Iringa, S 07°37' E 36°17', 660m, 9.1.2007, J. Halada lgt., Jakub Rolčík Collection Prague (JRCP). South Africa, TVL, D'Nyala Nat. Res., Ellisras District, 23.45S 27.49E, 8.–10.xii.1989, M. W. Mansell, Collected at light, National Coll. of Insects, Pretoria, S. Afr. (SANC)

Diagnosis: Erymanthus gemmatus can be confused with E. transversopustulatus n. sp. and E. testaceus. Erymanthus testaceus has white setae on gibbosities A, C and D. Erymanthus transversopustulatus n. sp. is 18– 20mm long and has black setae on gibbosity B and black legs with two light brown crossbands on each femur.

Length: (29 specimens measured) 8–13mm (average 9.72mm).

Head: Yellow to brown with a dark triangular spot, tapering posteriorly; frontal umbo light; with short light pilosity and with isolated long dark hairs; antennae distally darker.

Pronotum: Pronotal length to width ratio 1.03:1 to 1.21:1 (average 1.11:1); yellow to brown, with characteristic dark pattern (Fig. 39 F); broadest behind middle; gibbosities plane; with isolated punctation; with dorsally long dark, laterally white pilosity.

Scutellum: Black; vested with white setae.

Elytra: Elytral length to width ratio 1.69:1 to 2.02:1 (average 1.83:1); apical half of elytra conspicuously broader, yellow to brown, with variable dark markings; always with spots next to scutellum; punctation in the anterior half always lighter; first 3–4 rows of punctation slightly rasp-like; punctation coarse, almost circular and anteriorly in distinct rows, anteriorly interstices smaller than diameter of punctation; pilosity with long dark and short white hairs; gibbosities B and E yellow, the others brown; gibbosities A, C and E with dark and dense setal tuft, D sometimes with dark setae, B with white setal tuft.

Legs: Yellow, tibiae proximally darker, femora with dark pattern around the middle.

Lower surface: Dark brown, with white pilosity.

Male genitalia, pygidium, ventrite VI: Tegminal lobes one-tenth of tegmen length, tips of tegminal lobes pointed; tegminal struts broadened until two-thirds of whole length and then tapering concavely; phallic tip hooklike in lateral view; posterior side of pygidium angular; tips of ventrite VI blunt.

Distribution: Central African Republic, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa.

Seasonal occurrence: Collected from June to February.


Published as part of Gerstmeier, Roland & Salvamoser, Max, 2014, Revision of the checkered beetle genus Erymanthus Spinola, 1841 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), pp. 501-548 in Zootaxa 3755 (6) on pages 516-518, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3755.6.1,


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Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, 1842 sec. Gerstmeier & Salvamoser, 2014


  • Klug, J. C. F. (1842) Versuch einer systematischen Bestimmung und Auseinandersetzung der Gattungen und Arten der Clerii, einer Insectenfamilie aus der Ordnung der Coleopteren, Abhandlungen der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften, 259 - 397.
  • Spinola, M. (1844) Essai monographique sur les Clerites Insectes Coleopteres. Imprimerie des freres Ponthenier, Genes, Tomes 1 and 2, I (I - IX, 1 - 386); II (1 - 119); Suppl. (121 - 216); 47 pls.
  • Imhoff, L. (1856) Versuch einer Einfuhrung in das Studium der Koleopteren, Basel 1856, 60 - 62.
  • Schenkling, S. (1906) Die Cleriden des Deutschen Entomologischen National-Museums, nebst Beschreibungen neuer Arten, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1906, 241 - 320.
  • Ekis, G. (1975) Taxonomic and nomenclatural status of clerid taxa described by Massimiliano Spinola (1780 - 1857) (Coleoptera, Cleridae), Bolletin del Museo Zoologia dell' Universita di Torino 1, 1 - 80.
  • Spinola, M. (1841) Monographie des Terediles, Revue Zoologique, par la Societe Cuvierienne, 4, 70 - 76.