Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Scalibregma Inflatum Rathke 1843


ScalIbregma Inflatum Rathke, 1843

Scalibregma inflatum Rathke, 1843: 184 –186, pl. IX, figs 15–21.— Furreg 1925: 157 –163, figs C–H.— Støp-Bowitz 1945: 67 – 72, fig. 2; 1948: 25–26, fig. 8.— Mackie 1991: 268 –271, figs 1–10.

Oligobranchus roseus M. Sars, 1846: 91 –94, pl. 10, figs 20–27.

Type localities. Scalibregma inflatum: near Molde, western Norway. Oligobranchus roseus: Florø, western Norway.

Material examined. The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876–1878, Norwegian continental shelf break, Sta. 18, 62°44'N 1°48'E, 753 m, 1 spm (ZMBN 2276), identified by Hansen (1882). R/V ‘ Håkon Mosby’ stations: Sta., Lat: 62.491 Long: 0 1.721, 604 m, 1.1°C, 21 Jan. 1982, 1 spm; Sta. 83.06.0 2.1, Lat: 62.198 Long: -00.003, 708 m, -0.3°C, 0 2 June 1983, 1 spm; Sta., Lat: 62.593 Long: 0 1.233, 781 m, -0.9°C, 17 June 1983, 2 spms; Sta., Lat: 62.553 Long: 0 1.820, 625 m, -0.8°C, 21 Nov. 1984, 3 spms; Sta. 85.01.0 8.1, Lat: 62.525,Long: 0 1.443, 701 m, -0.9°C, 8 Jan. 1985, 6 spms; Sta., Lat: 70.810 Long: - 0 9.728, 886 m, -0.6°C, 27 July 1986, 1 spm; Sta., Lat: 62.610 Long: 0 1.573, 654 m, -0.9°C, 15 Aug. 1986, 1 spm; Sta., Lat: 62.691 Long: 0 1.756, 750 m, -0.9°C, 17 Aug 1986, 4 spms. R/V ‘ Jan Mayen ‘ stations: Sta. 808-99, Lat: 70.9768 Long: -08.7735, 109 m, 14 Sept. 1999, 17 spms; Sta. 813-99, Lat: 71.1068 Long: -09.5877, 514 m, 15 Sept. 1999, 1 spm. Environmental monitoring stations: Sta. OL-02, Lat: 63.49451 Long: 0 5.41986, 822 m, 17 June 2004, 2 spms; Sta. OL-03, Lat: 63.50035 Long: 0 5.36968, 867 m, 17 June 2004, 7 spms; Sta. OL-04, Lat: 63.51289 Long: 0 5.37823, 858 m, 18 June 2004, 3 spms; Sta. OL-05, Lat: 63.50675 Long: 0 5.40527, 828 m, 17 June 2004, 2 spms; Sta. OL-06, Lat: 63.52349 Long: 5.37058, 870 m, 18 June 2004, 4 spms; Sta. OL-07, Lat: 63.52469 Long: 0 5.40486, 843 m, 18 June 2004, 2 spms; Sta. OL-08, Lat: 63.53813 Long: 05.38181E, 852 m, 18 June 2004, 2 spms; Sta. OL-09, Lat: 63.53583 Long: 0 5.40537, 854 m, 18 June 2004, 2 spms; Sta. OL-10, Lat: 63.53050 Long: 0 5.43927, 810 m, 18 June 2004, 3 spms; Sta. OL-11, Lat: 63.55031 Long: 0 5.42835, 851 m, 18 June 2004, 6 spms; Sta. OL-12, Lat: 63.55516 Long: 0 5.36859, 901 m, 19 June 2004, 2 spms; Sta. OL-13, Lat: 63.56073 Long: 0 5.39664, 883 m, 19 June 2004, 2 spms; Sta. V-06, Lat: 63.50074 Long: 0 5.33366, 913 m, 0 1 June 1998, 6 spms; Sta. V-09, Lat: 65.00138 Long: 0 5.00019, 757 m, 0 1 June 1998, 2 spms.

Remarks. Type material of Scalibregma inflatum is not known to exist. Mackie (1991) gave a redescription of S. inflatum based on specimens from the Sunndalsfjord in western Norway, close to the original type locality. He also confirmed the synonymy of Oligobranchus roseus with S. inflatum after examining a specimen of O. roseus kept at the Zoological Museum, University of Oslo, and presumed to be the material for the original description. M. Sars (1846) described O. roseus, being unaware of Rathke’s description (note p. 94; 1846), but appears later to have accepted the synonymy (M. Sars in G. O. Sars 1872).

The specimens examined in the present study were all collected on the upper slope of the Norwegian continental margin, at depths greater than 600 m, and from Jan Mayen. The specimens agree with the description given by Mackie (1991). The presence of short, acute or bifurcate spines on chaetiger 1–2, as described by Mackie (1991), was confirmed.

Distribution. Scalibregma inflatum is known to have a wide distribution in northern coastal waters. Støp- Bowitz (1945, 1948) reported S. inflatum from a number of localities in Norwegian and Arctic areas in depths from 10 to 200 m. In deeper waters there are scattered records from west Greenland, Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen in 450– 1275 m (Støp-Bowitz 1948). This study confirms the presence of the species in shelf break areas down to about 900 m depths in the Norwegian Sea (Fig. 7 B). The species may seem to have a depth limit at about 1000 m in the Nordic Seas.

Scalibregma inflatum is reported from world-wide areas (Blake 1981). Most probably several species are confounded. Mackie (1991) commented that several descriptions in faunal works from the northeast Atlantic may incorporate S. celticum Mackie, 1991 as well.


Published as part of Bakken, Torkild, Oug, Eivind & Kongsrud, Jon Anders, 2014, Occurrence and distribution of Pseudoscalibregma and Scalibregma (Annelida, Scalibregmatidae) in the deep Nordic Seas, with the description of Scalibregma hanseni n. sp., pp. 101-117 in Zootaxa 3753 (2) on pages 109-110, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.2.1,


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Scientific name authorship
Inflatum Rathke
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Scalibregma Rathke, 1843 sec. Bakken, Oug & Kongsrud, 2014


  • Rathke, H. (1843) Beitrage zur Fauna Norwegens. Verhandlungen Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie Naturforscher, Breslau ,, 20, 1 - 264. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 11613
  • Furreg, E. (1925) Zur Systematik der Polychatenfamilie Scalibregmidae. Zoologische Jahrbucher, Abteilung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 50, 123 - 190.
  • Stop-Bowitz, C. (1945) Les Scalibregmiens de Norvege. Nytt Magasin for Naturvidenskapene, 85, 63 - 87.
  • Mackie, A. S. Y. (1991) Scalibregma celticum new species (Polychaeta, Scalibregmatidae) from Europe, with a redescription of Scalibregma inflatum Rathke, 1843 and comments on the genus Sclerobregma Hartman, 1965. Bulletin of Marine Science, 48, 268 - 276.
  • Sars, M. (1846) Fauna littoralis Norvegiae I. Oder Beschreibung und Abbildungen neuer oder wenig bekannten Seethiere, nebst Beobachtungen uber die Organisation, Lebensweise und Entwickelung derselben. Johann Dahl, Christiania, 194 pp.
  • Hansen, G. A. (1882) Annelida. In: The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876 - 1878. Grondahl & Son, Christiania, pp. 1 - 53.
  • Sars, G. O. (1872) Diagnoser af nye Annelider fra Christianiafjorden, efter Professor M. Sars' efterladte Manuskripter. Forhandlinger fra Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania, 1871, 406 - 417.
  • Stop-Bowitz, C. (1948) Sur les polychetes arctiques des familles des Glyceriens, des Opheliens, des Scalibregmiens et des Flabelligeriens. Tromso Museums Arshefter, 66, 1 - 58.
  • Blake, J. A. (1981) The Scalibregmatidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from South America and Antarctica collected chiefly during the cruises of the R / V Anton Bruun, R / V Hero and USNS Eltanin. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 94, 1131 - 1162.