Acineria uncinata Tucolesco 1962
Acineria uncinata Tucolesco, 1962
Acineria uncinata — Szentivány & Tirjaková 1994: 93; Totková et al. 1994: 132; Krno et al. 1995: 32; Matis & Tirjaková 1995: 247; Tirjaková 1997a: 15; Tirjaková 1997b: 27; Tirjaková 1998: 15; Baláži & Matis 2002a: 155; Baláži & Matis 2002b: 8; Tirjaková 2003a: 36; Tirjaková & Stloukal 2004: 16; Tirjaková & Vďačný 2005: 25; Novikmec et al. 2007: 23; Tirjaková & Vďačný 2013a: 670; Tirjaková & Vďačný 2013b: 529.
Nomenclature. Tirjaková (1998) incorrectly ascribed this species to Dujardin (1841) instead of Tucolesco (1962).
Main morphological characters (according to Foissner et al. 1995). Size 30–60 × 10–15 µm in vivo. Body lanceolate with hook-like curved anterior body end and narrowly to broadly rounded posterior body end. Two macronuclear nodules with a single micronucleus in between. Contractile vacuole subterminal. Extrusomes rodlike, about 2–3 µm long, scattered in cytoplasm and attached only to anterior portion of oral bulge. Somatic ciliary pattern Litonotus -like; about 3 right and 2 left kineties.
Distribution. Acineria uncinata was reported from the benthos of the Karlova Ves (Bratislava) Branch of the Danube River (Szentivány & Tirjaková 1994); from activated sludge of sand filters in an indoor school swimming pool in Bratislava (Totková et al. 1994); from a groundwater vein in the Vtáčnik Mountain Range (Krno et al. 1995); from the littoral zone of the Danube River and its through-flowing river arms near the hydroelectric power structures in Gabčíkovo (Matis & Tirjaková 1995); from gravel and debris of the spring area below the Veľký Javorník, Malé Karpaty Mts (Tirjaková 1997a, Tirjaková & Stloukal 2004); from an oligotrophic stream in the National Nature Reserve Rozsutec, Malá Fatra Mts (Tirjaková 1997b); from the benthos of the Hron River and its tributaries (Tirjaková 1998); from the pelagial of the Morava and Danube River (Baláži & Matis 2002a, 2002b); from the benthos of the Gidra River (Tirjaková 2003a); from tree-holes of Quercus dalechampii in Lošonec-lom quarry (Tirjaková & Vďačný 2005); from benthos of the Ulička stream in the Poloniny National Park (Novikmec et al. 2007); from sediment in the littoral zone of the upper Váh River (Tirjaková & Vďačný 2013a); from sediment in the Zubrovica stream, Low Tatra Mts (Tirjaková & Vďačný 2013b).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Litonotidae
- Genus
- Acineria
- Kingdom
- Chromista
- Order
- Pleurostomatida
- Phylum
- Ciliophora
- Scientific name authorship
- Tucolesco
- Species
- uncinata
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Acineria uncinata Tucolesco, 1962 sec. Vďačný & Rajter, 2014
- Szentivany, M. & Tirjakova, E. (1994) The structure and dynamics of the community of Ciliophora in the benthos of the Karlova Ves (Bratislava) Branch of the Danube. Acta Zoologica Universitatis Comenianae, 38, 83 - 102.
- Totkova, A., Klobusicky, M., Valent, M. & Tirjakova, E. (1994) Helmintologicke a protozoologicke nalezy vo vode skolskeho bazenu [Helminthological and protozoological findings in water of a school swimming pool]. Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie, 43, 130 - 136. [in Slovak with English title translation and summary]
- Krno, I., Tomajka, J., Tirjakova, E., Bulankova, E., Halgos, J. & Kosel, V. (1995) Vplyv kyslych zrazok na faunu pramenisk pohoria Vtacnik [Influence of acid rain on groundwater vein fauna in the Vtacnik mountain range]. Rosalia, Nitra, 10, 21 - 34. [in Slovak with English title translation and summary]
- Matis, D. & Tirjakova, E. (1995) The impact of the hydroelectric power structures Gabcikovo on the ciliate communities (Ciliophora). Gabcikovo part of the hydroelectric power project-Environmental impact review, year 1995, 241 - 250.
- Tirjakova, E. (1997 a) Nalevniky (Ciliophora) prameniska pod Velkym Javornikom [Ciliophora of the spring area below the Velky Javornik]. Folia faunistica Slovaca, 2, 7 - 22. [in Slovak with English title translation and summary]
- Tirjakova, E. (1997 b) Nalevniky (Ciliophora) NPR Rozsutec (NP Mala Fatra) [Ciliophora of the National Reserve Rozsutec (National Park Mala Fatra Mountains)]. Folia faunistica Slovaca, 2, 23 - 29. [in Slovak with English title translation and summary]
- Tirjakova, E. (1998) Saprobiologicke hodnotenie vod Ziarskej kotliny na zaklade druhoveho spektra a abundancie nalevnikov (Ciliophora) [Saprobiologic water evaluation of Ziarska kotlina based on the species spectrum and abundance of ciliated protozoa (Ciliophora)]. Folia faunistica Slovaca, 3, 9 - 18. [in Slovak with English title translation and summary]
- Balazi, P. & Matis, D. (2002 a) Composition, seasonal dynamics and feeding groups of ciliated protozoa in the pelagial of the Morava river. Biologia, Bratislava, 57, 153 - 160.
- Balazi, P. & Matis, D. (2002 b) The species diversity, seasonal dynamics and trophical relations of the pelagic ciliated protozoa in the selected rivers of Slovakia. Ekologia, Bratislava, 21, 3 - 14.
- Tirjakova, E. (2003 a) Micro- and meiozoobenthos with focus on ciliates (Ciliophora) of the Gidra River basin. Acta Zoologica Universitatis Comenianae, 45, 29 - 40.
- Tirjakova, E. & Stloukal, E. (2004) Structure and dynamics of ciliated protozoa (Protozoa: Ciliophora) in an acidified spring area of the Male Karpaty Mts. Biologia, Bratislava, 59 / Supplement. 15, 11 - 21.
- Tirjakova, E. & Vdacny, P. (2005) Ciliate communities (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in tree-holes and influence of selected environmental factors on their structure. Ekologia, Bratislava, 24 / Supplement. 2, 20 - 36.
- Novikmec, M., Svitok, M., Bulankova, E., Ciamporova-Zatovicova, Z., Derka, T., Halgos, J., Hamerlik, L., Illesova, D., Illyova, M., Krno, I., Lukas, J., Nemethova, D., Pastuchova, Z., Stasiov, S., Sporka, F., Stefkova, E., Tirjakova, E., Tomajka J. & Bitusik, P. (2007) Limnology of streams in the Poloniny National Park (the East Carpathians, Slovakia). Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen, 69 pp ..
- Tirjakova, E. & Vdacny, P. (2013 a) Analysis and evolution of water quality of the upper Vah River (northern Slovakia) by long-term changes in the community structure of ciliates (Protista: Ciliophora). Biologia, Bratislava, 68, 667 - 678. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2478 / s 11756 - 013 - 0211 - 5
- Tirjakova, E. & Vdacny, P. (2013 b) Recovery of ciliate communities from an oligotrophic mountain stream after a catastrophic wind damage. European Journal of Protistology, 49, 526 - 537.
- Dujardin, F. (1841) Histoire naturelle des zoophytes. Infusoires, comprenant la physiologie et la classification de ces animaux, et la maniere de les etudier a l'aide du microscope. Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, 684 pp. [Explication des Planches, Planches 1 - 22, 14.]
- Foissner, W., Berger, H., Blatterer, H. & Kohmann, F. (1995) Taxonomische und okologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems - Band IV: Gymnostomatea, Loxodes, Suctoria. Informationsberichte des Bayerischen Landesamtes fur Wasserwirtschaft, 1 / 95, 1 - 540.