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Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Spiophanes Grube 1860



Genus Spiophanes Grube 1860

® Spiophanes afer Meißner (2005)


LITERATURE RECORDS: Katzmann 1973a, 1983; Amoureux 1983a; Zavodnik & Vidaković 1987; Aleffi et al. 1988; Lardicci 1989; Požar-Domac 1994; Zahtila 1995, 1997; Cantone & Di Pietro 2002; Aleffi et al. 2003; Simonini et al. 2004; Solis-Weiss et al. 2004; Simonini et al. 2005a, 2005b, 2007; Solis-Weiss et al. 2007; Castelli et al. 2008; Mikac et al. 2011; Musco et al. 2011.

NEW RECORDS: BM11, BM12, BM17, BM20, BM21, BM22, BM25, BM28, BM30, BM31, BM33, BM36, BM37, BM38, BM39, BM40, BM42, BM43, BM48, BM49, BM50, BM51, BM52, BM53, BM54, BM55, BM65, BM91, BM92, BM96, BM97, BM99, BM101.

OTHER REPORTED NAMES: Spiophanes kroyeri Grube 1860; Spiophanes kroyeri kroyeri Grube 1860 REMARKS: These are the first records from the Adriatic Sea. Traditionally, Spiophanes kroyeri Grube 1860 was reported from the Adriatic Sea. However, based on the comprehensive revision of the genus Spiophanes, Meißner (2005) concluded that so far only the specimens from the North Atlantic can be assigned to S. kroyeri, while most of the previous records of that species are probably misidentifications of similar species. Indeed, new specimens analysed and reported in this list were all confirmed to be S. afer. This suggests that all previous Adriatic records of S. kroyeri probably also belong to S. afer, a species that has been normally misidentified as S. kroyeri and distributed in the western Mediterranean Sea, South Atlantic and Indian Ocean (Meißner 2005), Aegean Sea (Daðlý et al. 2011) and Marmara Sea (Daðlý 2013).

DEPOSITED MATERIAL: BM54, 26.06.2003., 1 spec. (PMR-17614). BM53, 28.03.2003., 1 spec. (PMR-17644).

Spiophanes bombyx (Claparède, 1870)


LITERATURE RECORDS: Fauvel 1940; Scaccini 1967; Katzmann 1972; Cognetti-Varriale & Zunarelli-Vandini 1978; Bedulli et al. 1983; Ambrogi et al. 1987; Orel et al. 1987; Aleffi et al. 1988; Lardicci 1989; Požar-Domac 1994; Zavodnik & Kovačić 2000; Aleffi et al. 2003; Simonini et al. 2004; Solis-Weiss et al. 2004; Castelli et al. 2008.

NEW RECORDS: BM12, BM13, BM52, BM53, BM54, BM91.

Spiophanes reyssi Laubier, 1964 DISTRIBUTION: NA, CA, SA.

LITERATURE RECORDS: Bellan 1969; Katzmann 1972, 1973b; Amoureux 1976, 1979; Zavodnik 1979; Gillet 1986; Lardicci 1989; Požar-Domac 1994; Crema et al. 2001; Cantone & Di Pietro 2002; Zavodnik et al. 2006; Castelli et al. 2008.

OTHER REPORTED NAMES: Spiophanes kroyeri reyssi Laubier, 1964. REMARKS: The former subspecies Spiophanes kroyeri reyssi Laubier, 1964 was raised to a specific level by Meißner (2005).


Published as part of Mikac, Barbara, 2015, A sea of worms: polychaete checklist of the Adriatic Sea, pp. 1-172 in Zootaxa 3943 (1) on pages 123-124, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3943.1.1,


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Spiophanes Grube, 1860 sec. Mikac, 2015


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