Platynereis Kinberg 1866
Genus Platynereis Kinberg, 1866
?(AL) Platynereis australis (Schmarda, 1861)
LITERATURE RECORDS: Castelli et al. 2008.
REMARKS: Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea, with origin from New Zealand (Pacific Ocean) (Read 2007; Zenetos et al. 2010). The presence in the Adriatic Sea is uncertain; specimens were found in 1992 by Castelli (unpublished data) in Sacca Barbamarco, near the Po River delta (Castelli et al. 2008).
Platynereis coccinea (Delle Chiaje, 1827)
LITERATURE RECORDS: Katzmann 1971, 1972; Amoureux 1983c; Požar-Domac 1994; Castelli et al. 2008. NEW RECORDS: BM34.
Platynereis dumerilii (Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833)
LITERATURE RECORDS: Grube 1861; Lorenz 1863; Stossich 1883; Carus 1884; Graeffe 1905; Santucci 1922; Vatova 1928; Fauvel 1934, 1938; Zalokar 1942; Banse 1959; Laubier 1962; Zavodnik 1965, 1967b; Bellan 1969; Banse 1970; Zavodnik 1971; Katzmann 1971, 1972; Marcuzzi 1972; Matjašić & Štirn 1975; Velimirov & Sint 1975; Amoureux 1975, 1976; Vrišer 1978; Vaccarella et al. 1981; Vrišer et al. 1981; Igić 1982; Amoureux 1983c; Avčin & Vrišer 1983; Požar-Domac 1983; Del Piero et al. 1984; Vaccarella et al. 1985; Požar-Domac 1986; Aleffi et al. 1988; Gherardi et al. 1993; Požar-Domac 1994; Zahtila 1995; Crema et al. 2000; Pranovi et al. 2000; Zavodnik & Kovačić 2000; Piscitelli et al. 2001; Sfriso et al. 2001; Fraschetti et al. 2002; Maggiore 2002; Nonnis et al. 2002; Giangrande et al. 2002a, 2003, 2004; Prevedelli et al. 2007; Solis-Weiss et al. 2007; Castelli et al. 2008.
NEW RECORDS: BM1, BM2, BM4, BM5, BM6, BM7, BM8, BM9, BM11, BM14, BM18, BM19, BM55, BM69, BM68, BM74, BM75, BM81, BM82, BM89.
OTHER REPORTED NAMES: Platynereis dumerilii (Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1833); Nereis dumerilii Audouin et Milne-Edwards, 1833; Nereis zostericola Ørsted, 1843.
® Platynereis nadiae Abbiati & Castelli, 1992 DISTRIBUTION: NA.
NEW RECORDS: BM80, BM83, BM84, BM87.
REMARKS: These are the first records from the Adriatic Sea.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Nereididae
- Genus
- Platynereis
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Phyllodocida
- Phylum
- Annelida
- Scientific name authorship
- Kinberg
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Taxonomic concept label
- Platynereis Kinberg, 1866 sec. Mikac, 2015
- Castelli, A., Bianchi, C. N., Cantone, G., Cinar, M. E., Gambi, M. C., Giangrande, A., Iraci Sareri, D., Lanera, P., Licciano, M., Musco, L. & Sanfilippo, R. (2008) Annelida Polychaeta. In: Relini, G. (Ed), Checklist della flora e della fauna dei mari italiani (Parte I). Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 15 (Supplement 1), pp. 327 - 377.
- Read, G. B. (2007) Taxonomy of sympatric species of New Zealand Platynereis, with description of three new species additional to P. australis (Schmarda) (Annelida: Polychaeta: Nereididae). Zootaxa, 1558, 1 - 28.
- Zenetos, A., Gofas, S., Verlaque, M., Cinar, M. E., Garcia Raso, J. E., Bianchi, C. N., Morri, C., Azzurro, E., Bilecenoglu, M., Froglia, C., Siokou, I., Violanti, D., Sfriso, A., San Martin, G., Giangrande, A., Katagan, T., Ballesteros, E., Ramos-Espla, A., Mastrototaro, F., Ocana, O., Zingone, A., Gambi, M. C. & Streftaris, N. (2010) Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution. Mediterranean Marine Science, 11 / 2, 381 - 493. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.12681 / mms. 87
- Amoureux, L. (1983 c) Annelides Polychetes de l'Adriatique. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 19, 15 - 21.
- Pozar-Domac, A. (1994) Index of the Adriatic Sea Polychaetes (Annelida, Polychaeta). Natura Croatica, 3, (Supplement 1), 1 - 23.
- Grube, A. E. (1861) Ein Ausflug nach Triest und dem Quarnero. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Thierwelt dieses Gebietes. Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 175 pp.
- Lorenz, J. R. (1863) Physicalische Verhaltnisse und Vertheilung der Organismn im Quarnerischen Golfe. Verlag der Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 379 pp.
- Stossich, M. (1883) Prospeto della fauna del Mare Adriatico. IV Vermes. Bollettino della Societa adriatica di scienze naturali in Trieste, 7, 168 - 242.
- Carus, J. V. (1884) Prodromus Faunae Mediterraneae, I. E. Schweizerbarfsche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch), Stuttgart, 524 pp.
- Graeffe, E. (1905) Ubersicht der Fauna des Golfes von Triest. X. Vermes. I. Teil. Arbeiten aus den zoologischen Institute der Universitat Wien und der zoologischen Station in Trieste, 15, 317 - 332.
- Santucci, R. (1922) La Geodia cydonium come centro di associazione biologica. Bollettino. R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano, 103, 1 - 20.
- Vatova, A. (1928) Compendio della Flora e Fauna del Mare Adriatico presso Rovigno. Bollettino. R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano, 143, 1 - 614.
- Fauvel, P. (1934) Annelides Polychetes de Rovigno d'Istria. Thalassia, 1 (7), 1 - 78.
- Fauvel, P. (1938) Annelida Polychaeta della Laguna di Venezia. Bollettino. R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano, 246, 1 - 27.
- Zalokar, M. (1942) Les associations sous - marines de la cote adriatique au - dessous de Velebit. Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de Geneve, 33, 172 - 195.
- Banse, K. (1959) Polychaeten aus Rovinj. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 169, 295 - 313.
- Laubier, L. (1962) Quelques Annelides Polychetes de la lagune de Venise. Description de Prionospio caspersi n. sp. Vie et Milieu, 13, 123 - 159.
- Zavodnik, D. (1965) Prispevk k poznavanju naselja Cystoseira barbata (Good. & Wood.) C. Ag. v severnem Jadranu. Bioloski Vestnik, 13, 87 - 101.
- Zavodnik, D. (1967 b) Dinamika litoralnega fitala na zahodnoistrski obali. Razprave, Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, 10, 5 - 71.
- Bellan, G. (1969) Contribution a l'etude des Annelides Polychetes de la region de Rovinj (Yougoslavie). Rad Jugoslavenske akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 354 (13), 25 - 55.
- Banse, K. (1970) Polychaeta. In: Riedl, R. (Ed.), Flora und Fauna der Adria. Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin, pp. 225 - 256.
- Zavodnik, D. (1971) Contribution to the dynamics of benthic communities in the region of Rovinj (Nothern Adriatic). Thalassia Jugoslavica, 7, 447 - 514.
- Marcuzzi, G. (1972) Le collezioni dell'ex Istituto di Biologia marina di Rovigno conservate presso la stazione Idrobiologica di Chioggia. Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Patavina di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, 84 (2), 169 - 219.
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- Velimirov, B. & Sint, P. (1975) Quantitative Untersuchungen von Faunengrenzen im nordadriatischen Phytal am Beispeil der Polychaeta. Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abteilung 1, 184 (8 / 10), 341 - 368.
- Amoureux, L. (1975) Annelides Polychetes de l'ilot Banjole (pres de Rovinj, haute - Adriatique). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 16, 231 - 244.
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