Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



Key to species of Hybos from the western Palaearctic

The following key was compiled to identify material collected from the western part of the Palaearctic including Europe, North Africa, and Middle Asia. We think that such an approach is justifiable because there is a clear gap in Hybos species diversity between the eastern and western parts of the Palaearctic and there is a very weak interaction between these faunas (see discussion below). To identify species of Hybos from China we refer to Yang & Yang (2004) and Li et al. (2014); the key to Hybos from the Russian Far East was compiled by Shamshev et al. (2013). No key to Japanese species of Hybos is available, but some can be identified using Yang & Yang (2004) and Plant (2013).

1 Mesonotum largely shining, broadly greyish tomentum along acrostichal setae; or with four shining vittae; i.e., tomentum along acrostichal and dorsocentral setae.................................................................. 2

- Mesonotum uniformly thinly grey or brownish tomentum, at most subshining.................................... 4

2 Mesonotum largely shining, broadly greyish tomentum along acrostichal setae. Male: hypandrium with bifurcate projection apically (Fig. 31).................................................................... H. femoratus (Müller)

- Mesonotum with four shining vittae; i.e., tomentum along acrostichal and dorsocentral setae. Male: hypandrium with digitiform projection apically (Figs 1, 39)...................................................................... 3

3 Wing with cells br and bm lacking microtrichia. Hind femur with two complete rows of short ventral spines and 3 longer anteroventral spines closer to apex........................................................ H. andradei sp. nov.

- Wing with cells br and bm microtrichose. Hind femur with two complete rows of ventral spines and complete row of somewhat longer anteroventral spines...................................................... H. mediasiaticus sp. nov.

4 Fore tibia and metatarsus clothed in short setae, longest posteroventral setae on tibia at most slightly longer than its width; hind metatarsus only with short fine setae ventrally. Male: terminalia very large, globose, broader than abdomen............. 5

- Fore tibia and metatarsus clothed in long outstanding hair-like setae (longer in males), except anterior face of tibia; hind metatarsus with several short black ventral spines. Male: terminalia very large or small; if very large then legs almost entirely yel-

low to brownish yellow................................................................................ 6 5 Fore tibia with 1 anterodorsal bristle; mid tibia with 2–3 anteroventral bristles................ H. culiciformis (Fabricius)

- Fore tibia with 4 anterodorsal bristles; mid tibia without anteroventral bristles................... H. fulvitarsatus Raffone

6 Legs entirely black, with black setation; mid femur without strong anterodorsal bristles, mid tibia without strong anteroventral bristles. Male: terminalia small, hypandrium short, with deep excision apically (Fig. 33)............. H. grossipes (Linné)

- Legs partly yellow to brownish yellow, with at least hair-like setae yellow to brownish yellow; mid femur with row of strong anterodorsal bristles, mid tibia with 2 anteroventral bristles. Male: terminalia large and globose, broader than abdomen (H. striatellus) or small (H. vagans)........................................................................... 7

7 Legs (except coxae and trochanters) almost entirely yellow to brownish yellow, only fore and mid tarsomeres 3–5 and hind tarsomere 5 brown; mid tibia with 3–4 long, black dorsal bristles. Male: hypandrium rather elongate ovate and narrowed apically................................................................................. H. striatellus Villeneuve

- Legs (except coxae and trochanters) with femora extensively black; mid tibia with 2 very long, brown dorsal bristles on basal half. Male: hypandrium with deep apical excision, covered with numerous very long, strong setae on distal part................................................................................................... H. vagans Loew


Published as part of Shamshev, Igor, Grootaert, Patrick & Kustov, Semen, 2015, New data on the genus Hybos Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from the Palaearctic Region, pp. 451-484 in Zootaxa 3936 (4) on pages 453-454, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3936.4.1,


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  • Yang, D. & Yang, C. (2004) Diptera Empididae: Hemerodromiinae, Hybotinae. Fauna Sinica, Insecta, 34, i - x, 1 - 335.
  • Li, Z., Wang, N. & Yang, D. (2014) New species of Hybos Meigen from Northwest China (Diptera: Empidoidea, Hybotinae). Zootaxa, 3786 (2), 166 - 180. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3786.2.5
  • Shamshev, I. V., Grootaert, P. & Yang, D. (2013) New data on the genus Hybos (Diptera: Hybotidae) from the Russian Far East, with description of a new species. Russian Entomological Journal, 22, 141 - 144.
  • Plant, A. R. (2013) The genus Hybos Meigen (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotidae) in Thailand. Zootaxa, 3690 (1), 1 - 98. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3690.1.1