Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
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Leptura Linnaeus 1758


Leptura Linnaeus, 1758

63. Leptura (Macroleptura) thoracica (Creutzer, 1799)

Examined material. None.

Distribution. Eastern Europe, Eastern Palaearctic, Oriental region.

Distribution in Serbia. S (2; 21).

Remarks. Rarely found in Serbia. Only one reliable finding in the country (Mt. Jastrebac). Mikšić & Georgijević (1971) mentioned its presence in Serbia, but without any precise data on the locality.

64. Leptura (Leptura) quadrifasciata quadrifasciata Linnaeus, 1758

Examined material. 14 S, Pčinja D, Vlasina Lake surroundings, 29.VII–03.VIII.1986, NI; 3 S, Zlatibor D, Mt. Zvijezda, Džanići, 09.VII.1988, NI; 1 S, idem, 08.VII.1990, NI; 2 M, 2 F, Bor D, Tekija, 27.VII.1993, NI; 3 F, idem, 06–17.VI.2009, NI; 1 S, Moravica D, Mt. Ovčar, 21.VII.1987, NI; 1 S, Pomoravlje D, Svilajnac, bank of the Morava River, 22.VI.1986, NI; 1 F, Zaječar D, Mt. Rtanj, village of Rtanj, 03.VII.1998, NI; 1 M, idem, 12.VII.2001, NI; 2 S, idem, 12–23.VII.2013, NI; 1 S, City of Belgrade D, Belgrade, village of Ripanj, 04.VI.2000, ZN & SĆ; 1 S, Rasina D, Aleksandrovac, village of Ploča, 07.VII.2000, BR; 1 S, Zlatibor D, Mt. Tara, Predov Krst, 12–30.VII.2006, NI; 1 S, idem, 22.VII–15.VIII.2008, NI; 1 S, Zlatibor D, Mt. Zlatibor, village of Semegnjevo, 07– 20.VII.2007, NI; 118 S, Zlatibor D, Sjenica, 21–31.VII.2007, MČ; 2 S, South Banat D, Deliblato Sands, Šumarak, 23.V–20.VI.2009, NI; 1 M, 1 F, Bor D, Kazan Ploče, 20–22.VII.2009, DS; 1 S, City of Belgrade D, Belgrade, Košutnjak Park, 05.VIII.2012, MM; 16 S, Pčinja D, Vlasina Lake surroundings, Mt. Čemernik, village of Vlasina Rid, 1,150 m a.s.l., 02–16.VIII.2014, NI (Ćurčić et al. 2003; Ilić 2005; Ilić & Ćurčić 2013; Ilić et al. 2013; this paper).

Distribution. Europe, Siberia.

Distribution in Serbia. N (V), W, C, E, and S (including K) (2; 9; 10; 14; 17; 21–23; 27; 43; 68; 73; 80).

Remarks. Sporadically found at different altitudes on flowers, in woodpiles and wine traps.

65. Leptura (Leptura) aurulenta Fabricius, 1793

Examined material. 6 S, Zlatibor D, Mt. Tara, Perućac Lake surroundings, 02.VII.1987, NI; 1 M, Bor D, Donji Milanovac, 10.VI.1993, NI; 1 M, Bor D, Tekija, 10.VI.1993, NI; 2 M, 3 F, idem, 04.VII.1994, NI; 2 M, 1 F, idem, 05–17.VI.2009, NI; 1 S, Toplica D, Blace, village of Popova, 03.VIII.1996, NI; 5 S, idem, 19.VII.2004, NI; 4 S, Zaječar D, Mt. Rtanj, village of Rtanj, 03.VII.1998, NI; 1 M, idem, 07.VII.2012, NI; 3 S, idem, 12–23.VII.2013, NI; 1 S, Zlatibor D, Mt. Tara, Kaluđerske Bare, 25.VII.1998, NI; 1 S, City of Belgrade D, Belgrade, Mt. Avala, 06.VI.2000, SĆ; 1 S, Pirot D, Mt. Stara Planina, 19.VI.2002, NI; 2 S, Srem D, Obedska Bara, 01.VII.2003, NI; 1 S, Srem D, Mt. Fruška Gora, Stražilovo, 15.VII.2003, NI; 1 S, City of Belgrade D, Mt. Kosmaj, 18. VI.2003, NI; 4 S, South Banat D, Vršačko Brdo Hill, 15–23. VI.2003, NI; 1 S, idem, 29.VI.2006, NI; 1 S, Mačva D, Mt. Cer, 10. VI.2003, NI; 11 S, Raška D, Mt. Goč, village of Brezna, 18–25.VII.2004, NI; 1 S, Kolubara D, Mt. Povlen, Pašna Ravan, 15–25.VII.2005, NI; 1 S, Zlatibor D, Mt. Tara, Predov Krst, 15–25.VII.2005, NI; 5 S, idem, 25.VII– 11.VIII.2005, NI; 10 S, idem, 12–30.VII.2006, NI; 1 S, idem, 22.VII–15.VIII.2008, NI; 1 S, Bor D, Mt. Miroč, vicinity of the village of Miroč, 18–27.VII.2005, NI; 2 S, idem, 06–18.VII.2007, NI; 1 S, idem, 20.VI–05.VII.2008, NI; 2 M, 1 F, idem, 06.VII.2011, NI; 3 M, 2 F, idem, 17.VII.2011, NI; 7 S, Bor D, Donji Milanovac, Mt. Liškovac, 27.VII–08.VIII.2005, NI; 1 S, City of Belgrade D, Belgrade, Košutnjak Park, 31.III–17.VII.2006, NI; 27 S, Zlatibor D, Sjenica, 21–31.VII.2007, MČ; 2 S, Srem D, Šid, by the Bosut River, 31.V–17.VI.2008, NI; 1 M, Bor D, Kazan Ploče, 20–22.VII.2009, DS; 1 S, Zlatibor D, Mt. Povlen, Debelo Brdo, Rogačica, 900 m a.s.l., 12– 29.VIII.2011, NI; 1 S, Mačva D, Mt. Cer, mountain house, 24.VI–09.VII.2012, NI (Ćurčić et al. 2003; Ilić 2005; Ilić & Ćurčić 2013; Ilić et al. 2013; this paper).

Distribution. Central and Southern Europe, Northern Africa.

Distribution in Serbia. N (V), W, C, E, and S (2; 9; 10; 14; 21–23; 54; 59; 60; 62; 80).

Remarks. Sporadically found in Serbia. The specimens were collected of flowers, leaves, in woodpiles and wine traps situated in canopies of deciduous trees.

66. Leptura (Leptura) aethiops Poda, 1761

Examined material. None.

Distribution. Central and Eastern Europe, Siberia, China, Korea, Japan.

Distribution in Serbia. C (2; 21).

Remarks. Rarely found in Serbia so far. Solely four specimens of the species were collected in the country (vicinity of Belgrade) (Adamović 1965).


Published as part of Ilić, Nastas & Ćurčić, Srećko, 2015, A checklist of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Serbia, pp. 1-97 in Zootaxa 4026 (1) on pages 29-30, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4026.1.1,


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Leptura Linnaeus, 1758 sec. Ilić & Ćurčić, 2015


  • Miksic, R. & Georgijevic, E. (1971) Cerambycidae Jugoslavije, I deo. Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 175 pp.
  • Curcic, S. B., Brajkovic, M. M., Tomic, V. T. & Mihajlova, B. (2003) Contribution to the knowledge of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) from Serbia, Montenegro, the Republic of Macedonia and Greece. Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 55 (1 - 2), 33 - 38. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2298 / ABS 0302033 C
  • Ilic, N. (2005) Strizibube Srbije (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Faunisticki pregled. Author's edition, Belgrade, 179 pp.
  • Milosevic, I. (2003) Strizibube (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) hrastovih suma Srbije. M. Sc. Thesis. Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 148 pp.
  • Adamovic, Z. (1965) Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) collected in Serbia. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade, B (20), 147 - 183.