Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Succinoomorphus warchalowskii Bukejs & Nadein, 2015, sp. nov.


Succinoomorphus warchalowskii sp. nov.

(Figs 1–5, 14–16)

Types. Holotype: “Nr. 020” [white printed label], “ Holotype / Succinoomorphus warchalowskii sp. nov. / Bukejs & Nadein des.” [red printed label]; sex unknown. A rather clear complete beetle; part of the ventral side of the specimen is weakly obscured by a “milky” opacity. The specimen is embedded in a small, subrectangular amber piece (length about 30 mm, width 25 mm). No other animal or plant syninclusions are present in the studied piece of amber.

Type strata. Baltic Amber, Upper Eocene, Prussian Formation.

Type locality. Baltic Sea coast, Yantarny village [formerly Palmnicken], Kaliningrad Region, Russia.

Etymology. The epithet of this new species is devoted to our dear colleague, Andrzej Warchałowski (Wrocław, Poland), a famous specialist in Chrysomelidae.

Description. Body length 3.2 mm, maximum width 1.95 mm; broadly oval, moderately convex dorsally, flat ventrally; unicolorous black, shining; glabrous.

Head shining; flat in lateral view, with few fine punctures on frons and clypeus. Vertex with a broad longitudinal, medial groove. Eyes triangularly, weakly notched, relatively small (vertical diameter nearly 1/3 as great as length of lateral margin of pronotum), very convex, with distinct facets; vertical diameter 1.7 times as great as transverse diameter; with groove at upper margins of eye, canthus depressed. Distance between eyes nearly twice as great as vertical diameters of one eye. Clypeus transverse, swollen, clearly delimited from frons; frons chagreened close to upper margin of clypeus. Antennae poorly visible (because of beetle location within amber piece), filiform, short; three last antennomeres subequal in width, terminal antennomere elongate, 1.5 times as long as preceding antennomere. Antennal insertions widely separated.

Pronotum transverse, widest at base; anterior margin arcuate in frontal view, with distinct border, narrowly convex medially; lateral margins without bordering, slightly concave in lateral; posterior margin weakly sinuate; anterior angles bent ventrally and not visible from above; posterior angles right. Pronotal punctation fine, moderately dense; smooth and indistinct on disc. Intercoxal prosternal process large, medially nearly as wide as transverse diameter of eye, and as long as vertical diameter of eye; slightly longer than wide; lateral margins constricted medially, posterior margin straight. Procoxal cavity open posteriorly.

Scutellum minute, triangular. Humeral calli well developed, distinctly projecting. Elytral punctures shallow, moderately small (distinctly larger than pronotal punctures), dense, arranged in 11 regular rows on each elytron distinct throughout the entire length of elytron; distance between punctures in rows 0.5–1.5 times as great as diameter of one puncture; intervals flat and smooth, distance between rows approximately 2.0–3.0 times as great as diameter of a puncture. Epipleura horizontal (not visible in lateral view), narrow (widest anteriorly and gradually narrowing posteriorly), with weak and flat projection in basal 1/3.

Metepisternum strongly shagreened. External part of metaventrite weakly shagreened, posterior part smooth (with few, relatively large punctures), shiny. Metacoxae transverse, elongate.

Abdomen with ventrite 1 longest, about as long as ventrites 2 and 3 combined; ventrites 2, 3 and 4 nearly of equal length; ventrite 5 distinctly longer than preceding ventrite, its distal border and the lateral borders of the 3rd and 4th ventrites with fine transverse folding; anterior and posterior margins of all ventrites almost straight (except widely rounded apex of ventrite 5). Surface shallowly shagreened. Pygidium completely covered by elytra.

Legs relatively short. Femora and tibiae flattened, with short fine pale recumbent setae (tibiae apically with distinctly longer semi-erect setae); tibiae slightly widened apically, outer ventrolateral side of meso- and metatibiae with broad groove. Profemora ventrally with deep groove for protibiae insertion. Metafemora 1.3 times as long as metatibiae, and nearly equal in width; reaching third abdominal ventrite. Tarsomeres 1–3 of all legs distinctly dilated; tarsomere 3 deeply bilobed; tarsomere 4 projecting from tarsomere 3 to about half of its length. Tarsal claws relatively small, simple, and free. Mesofemora length / max. width = 2.8; metafemora length / max. width = 2.5. Mesotibial length / max. width = 2.7; metatibial length / max. width = 2.1. Protarsi: first tarsomere 1.2 times as wide as long; second tarsomere 1.6 times as wide as long; third tarsomere 1.9 times as wide as long; fourth tarsomere 0.3 times as wide as long.


Published as part of Bukejs, Andris & Nadein, Konstantin, 2015, First fossil Lamprosomatinae leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with descriptions of new genera and species from Baltic amber, pp. 127-139 in Zootaxa 3931 (1) on pages 129-131, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3931.1.9,


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