Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Rhagovelia umbria Padilla-Gil, 2015, sp. n.


Rhagovelia umbria sp. n.

Type material. HOLOTYPE, apt M, allotype apt F: COLOMBIA, Putumayo, Puerto Umbría, Río Guineo, 225 m, 8 II 2012, leg. O. Arcos (ICN). PARATYPES, same data as holotype, 1 apt M, 7 apt F (PSO-CZ).

Color and pilosity. General color brown; central spot of abdominal tergites VI and VIII; genital segments, margins of metasternum, outer rim of connexiva, greater part of antennae, rostrum and legs, shining black. Anterior transverse band of pronotum, basal 1/4 of first antennal segment; coxae of fore and hind legs, yellow. Venter pale green, covered with short, semi-recumbent, golden setae; body covered with bright black denticles. Dorsum covered with short, recumbent golden setae intermixed with scattered, long, black setae; bearing long dark setae on sides of thorax; abdominal sternites VII, VIII and genital segments covered with abundant, small golden setae. Antennal segment I bearing eight long, stiff, erect black setae, two setae of this type also present near middle of segment II; legs with the usual pubescence and setae.

Apterous male. Length 3.68; maximum width 1.44. Length of antennal segments I −IV: 1.10, 0.68, 0.66, 0.60; pronotum shorter than the length of head (0.30/0.20), L/W: 0.20/1.20; length of exposed mesonotum 0.96; length of exposed metanotum at midline 0.10. Mesonotum depressed on distal half.

Trochanters unarmed. Posterior femur, with sinuous dorsal margin, ventral surface in distal half with a row of 14 spines, beginning with a sharp, slender, forward-angling tooth and decreasing in size distally, proximal (largest) spine 1.6 less than width of femur (0.32/0.2); hind femur beyond 0.36 the apex of abdomen. Hind tibia slightly curve, with a longitudinal row of 25 small, black pegs, and conical, black, apical spur.

Proportions of male legs as follows: fore femur/tibia/tarsal 1/tarsal 2: 1.32/1.52/0.08/0.30; middle femur/tibia/ tarsal 1/tarsal 2/tarsal 3: 2.28/1.44/0.10/0.92/0.84; hind femur L-W/ tibia/ tarsal 1/tarsal 2/tarsal 3: 1.76−0.32/1.6/ 0.06/0.14/0.32.

Abdomen with length (tergites I −VII)/width (basal): 1.40/1.48. Median length of abdominal tergites as follows: I: 0.14, II −V: 0.16, VI: 0.20, VII: 0.38, VIII: 0.30; connexiva angled upward at 30º. Venter convex, lacking longitudinal medial carina, sternite VII>VI>V (0.28, 0.18, 0.16, respectively), ventrite VII depressed on half, with 2 (1+1) depressions on either side of midline; genital segments well developed, proctiger (Fig. 15), parameres L/W: 0.18/0.06 (Fig. 42).

Apterous female. Length 4.46, maximum width 1.64. Length of antennal segments I −IV: 0.92, 0.64, 0.64, 0.56. Posterior femur L/W: 1.60−0.28, reaching apex of abdomen; hind tibia with a longitudinal row of 20 small black pegs; moderate-length, conical, black, apical spur; connexival margins of segments V −VII thinned, posterolateral, connexiva angled upward at 40º, apices of connexiva straight, reaching basal ¾ of tergite VIII. Abdomen L/ W: 1.80/1.64. Median length of abdominal tergites as follows: I: 0.20, II and IV: 0.22, III: 0.24, V: 0.26, VI: 0.28, VII: 0.34; tergite VIII angled downward at 10º, median length 0.30; basal width of tergite VII: 0.48; proctiger semihorizontal. Venter, sternite VII>VI>V (0.54, 0.32, 0.28, respectively); gonocoxa evident.

Macropterous Male. Length 4.46, maximum width 1.6. Similar in general coloration and structure to apterous male, with following exceptions: length of antennal segments I −IV: 1.28, 0.80, 0.80, 0.72; pronotum brown, with anterior band yellow and covered with short, semi-recumbent black setae; posterior half pale brown and with black punctuations, humeral angles prominent and rounded, apex rounded; L/W: 1.66/1.6; hemelytra bearing 4 closed cells, 2 long cells originating in the basal portion of the wing followed by two smaller cell, displaying uniformly dull brown, darker veins; Sc and R+M+Cu veins covered with short, semi-recumbent brown setae; anterior half hemelytra showing outer rim of connexiva.

Type locality. Rhagovelia umbria sp. n., was collected in the Río Guíneo, located at 0º 51’ 55” N, 76º 34’ 9” W, 225 m, Puerto Umbría Corregimiento, Villagarzon Municipality, in the Putumayo department.

Etymology. The name “ umbria ” refers to Puerto Umbría, where the holotype was collected.

Comparative notes. The male paramere of R. umbria sp. n. is similar to that of R. callida Drake & Harris 1935 (compare Figs. 42, 43), but the latter species is smaller (body L/W: 3.47/1.47); the hind femur is not incrassate (L/W, 7.7), versus being slightly incrassate in R. umbria (L/W, 5.5); and the male has a distinctive ventral carina in R. callida which is lacking in R. umbria.


Published as part of Padilla-Gil, Dora Nancy, 2015, Ten new species of Rhagovelia in the angustipes complex (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae) from Colombia, with a key to the Colombian species, pp. 71-95 in Zootaxa 4059 (1) on pages 90-92, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4059.1.4,


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Rhagovelia umbria Padilla-Gil, 2015


  • Padilla-Gil, D. N. (2012) Los hemipteros acuaticos del municipio de Tumaco (Narino, Colombia) Guia ilustrad a. Universidad de Narino, San Juan de Pasto, Narino Colombia, 88 pp.