Scarabaeus (Scarabaeolus) megaparvulus Davis and Deschodt
Scarabaeus (Scarabaeolus) megaparvulus Davis and Deschodt
Figure 3, 6, 9
Diagnosis. This new species can be separated from S. (S.) parvulus by not having the anterior pronotal corners drawn forward into a hooked tip. In general, it is also much larger.
Description. Holotype: Body length 14.5 mm, black, convex. Pubescence black except for pronotum and elytra which are glabrous. Antennae black.
Head: Frons matte with very few punctures, each puncture with associated black setae. Clypeus granular with black setae.
Pronotum: Convex, matte with irregularly spaced punctures. No longitudinal smooth area. Distance between punctures is half to two times their width. Lateral margins curved, crenulate anteriorly becoming toothed posteriorly.
Elytra: Slightly wider medially than at base and apex. Striae deep with a few indistinct punctures. Interstriae matte with some punctures medially all along the length, punctures deep and separated by between one and three puncture widths, never touching striae.
Pygidium: Emarginate and somewhat punctate. Punctures spaced irregularly, sometimes touching or separated by up to three times the puncture width.
Metasternum: Fovea between the mesocoxae with a shorter one distally. Metasternal elevation ending in sharp angle and gradually sloping toward mesosternum. Area behind mesocoxae punctate.
Abdominal sternites: Smooth with indentations laterally.
Legs: Anterior femora punctate ventrally with black setae. Outside margin of anterior tibiae bearing small sawlike teeth proximally and four outward pointing teeth distally, each separated by five to eight saw-like denticles. Inside margin slightly curved inward with small tooth like projections and black setae along entire margin. Meso- and metafemora with median row of punctures and associated black setae. Mesotibiae with smooth inside margin and row of black setae; outer margin with two brushes of black setae in distal third. Vestigial second mesotibial spur absent. Metatibiae with black setae. All tarsomeres of metatarsi with setae, last tarsomere longest with claws half its length. This species is restricted to the Nama Karoo Biome.
Aedeagus: see Figure 6.
Etymology. The species name is derived from both its similarity to S. (S.) parvulus and its larger size.
Material examined. Holotype: ♂, Farm: Rooiput (30), S29.30289º E21.61613º, 990 m 16–18.iii.2006, Davis & Deschodt, TMSA. Paratypes: 7 specimens, unsexed, S.W.Afr., Namib, Ganab NE range, 23[º].08[’]S–15[º].36[’]E, 1.3.1975, E-Y:711, groundtrap: 90day, legEndrödy-Younga, TMSA, 2 specimens, unsexed, S.W.Afr., Namib, Ganab NE range, 23[º].08[’]S–15[º].36[’]E, 1.3.1975, E-Y:712, groundtrap: 90 days, legEndrödy-Younga, TMSA, 6 specimens, unsexed, S.W.Afr., Namib, Ganab NE range, 23[º].08[’]S–15[º].36[’]E, 1.3.1975, E-Y:837, groundtrap. 94day, legEndrödy-Younga, ground traps with ferm.banana bait, TMSA, 5 specimens, unsexed, S.W.Afr., c. Namib, Ganab N.E, Hillgap, 23[º].08[’]S–15[º].35[’]E, 7.7.1978, E-Y:711, groundtraps, 3years, leg. Endrödy-Younga, TMSA, 4 specimens, unsexed, S.W.Afr., Namib, Park SE corner, 23[º].34[’]S–15[º].45[’]E, 26.11.1974, E-Y:946, groundtraps. 105d, leg. Endrödy-Younga, TMSA, 1 specimen, unsexed, S.W.Afr., Namib, Thomasbg, 340m, 23[º].10[’]S–15[º].31[’]E, 1.3.1975, E-Y:706, groundtrap. 97 days, leg. Endrödy-Younga, TMSA, 1 specimen, unsexed, S.Afr., Namaqualand, Pofadder 100kmW, 29[º].22[’]S–18[º].37[’]E, groundtraps. 62 days, leg. Endrödy-Younga, ground traps with meat bait, TMSA, 5 specimens, unsexed, S.Afr.; W Cape, Katdoornkuil Farm, 32.70[º] S–22.75[º] E, 3–6.XII.2007, leg.D.H.Jacobs, TMSA, 2 specimens, unsexed, FARM, WEISENBRON, SWA, (107 kms NW Aus via Farm Neisip) 5.II.1974, Davis & Kirsten, SANC, 2 specimens, unsexed, AUS, SWA, (5 kms NE) 4.II.74, Davis & Kirsten, SANC, 2 specimens, unsexed, AUS, SWA, (6/12 kms W) 4.II.74, SANC, 2 specimens, unsexed, GRUNAU, S.W.A., 6km N 24.II.85, H.H. Aschenborn, SANC, 1 specimen, unsexed, AUS, SWA, (South East) 13.II.74, Davis & Kirsten, (1436) SANC, 10 specimens, unsexed, S.Afr., Cape-Karroo, Farm Zwartskraal, 33[º].10[’]S–22[º].32[’]E, 8.11.1978,E-Y:1539a, groundtraps, 69 days, leg.R.Oosthuizen, ground traps with meat bait, TMSA, 1 specimen, unsexed, S.Afr., Cape-Karroo, Zwartskraal farm, 33[º].10[’]S–22[º].32[’]E, 8.11.1980,E-Y:1736a, groundtraps, 42 days, leg.R.Oosthuizen, ground traps with meat bait, TMSA, 3 specimens, unsexed, S.Afr., Cape-Karroo, Zwartskraal farm, 33[º].10[’]S–22[º].32[’]E, 8.11.1978,E-Y:1540a, groundtraps, 38 days, leg. Endrödy-Younga, ground traps with faeces bait, TMSA, 5 specimens, unsexed, S.Afr., Cape-Karroo, Zwartskraal farm, 33[º].10[’]S–22[º].32[’]E, 31.3.1979,E-Y:1567a, groundtraps, 30 days, leg. R.Oosthuizen, ground traps with faeces bait, TMSA, 24 specimens, unsexed, Farm Eufeesia (42), S30.933202º E 22.49185º, 2006.03.08–10, Deschodt & Strumpher, UPSA, 1 specimen, unsexed, Vreemdelingspoort., SE, 2415Dd., 22-I-1980, Univ. v. Pretoria, UPSA, 1 specimen, Farm:Deelpan,N-Cape, S29.56306 ºE22.34164º, A.Davis & C.Deschodt, 19–21.iii.2003, UPSA, 1 specimen, unsexed, Farm: Springputs (17), S29.41316º E22.24810º, 15–17.iii.2005 970m, Davis & Deschodt, UPSA, 4 specimens, unsexed, Farm: Mariba (18), S29.67961º E22.06762º, 18–20.iii.2005, Davis & Deschodt, UPSA, 29 specimens, unsexed, Farm: Sonderpan (29), S29.22260º E21.77542º, 1040m 16–18.iii.2006, Davis & Deschodt, UPSA, 82 specimens, unsexed, same as holotype, 10 UPSA, 18 BMNH 18 MNHN 18 NHRS 18 SAMC.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Scarabaeidae
- Genus
- Scarabaeus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Davis and Deschodt
- Species
- megaparvulus
- Taxon rank
- species