Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eudendrium carneum Clarke 1882


Eudendrium carneum Clarke, 1882

Fig. 16 A–F

See Schuchert (2008b) for a complete synonymy.

Material examined. HCUS-S 0 19 (Hydrozoa Collection, University of Salento—fauna of the Salento Peninsula). Description (after Calder 1988; Bavestrello & Piraino 1991; Marques et al. 2000a, b; Schuchert 2008b):

Hydroid. Hydrorhiza as a creeping mass of stolons, rhizocaulomic; colonies erect, bushy, up to 105 mm high; hydrocauli polysiphonic, densely branched in a more or less alternating pattern, with thick perisarc, thinner towards distal end, annulated basally on hydrocladia and hydranth pedicels, also occasional annulations elsewhere; hydrocladia completely (major branches) or basally (secondary branches) polysiphonic; hydranths with shallow basal perisarc groove; hypostome large and flared; up to 32 filiform tentacles in one whorl. Gonophores as fixed sporosacs, born on hydranths; females (4–10) on reduced hydranths with partially atrophied tentacles, spadix bifid and acuminate, curving over egg, shed during development, embryos borne in perisarc-covered capsules arranged irregularly along annulated pedicel, terminal polyp eventually lost; males (> 10) in a tuft at end of pedicel, without vestiges of hydranth, each with up to 5 chambers, distal end of gonophore with scattered nematocysts. Colours: perisarc, brownish in older parts, paler towards distal end; hydranths red coloured, sporosacs red.

Cnidome. Heterotrichous anisorhizas (22.2–23.4x10.1–10.8 µm), on hydranth, hypostome and on the stem; shaft visible in undischarged cnidocysts; heterotrichous microbasic euryteles (9x 4 µm) on tentacles and ectoderm.

Habitat type. Intertidal to depths of about 20 m (Marques et al. 2000a), but it prefers shady environments (Bavestrello & Piraino 1991).

Substrate. Ship hulls, rocks.

Seasonality. In the western Mediterranean Sea in July (Gili 1986), October (Bavestrello & Piraino 1991), July–December (Marques et al. 2000a).

Reproductive period. In the western Mediterranean Sea, reproductive colonies occur in July (Gili 1986), and October (Bavestrello & Piraino 1991).

Distribution. Western and eastern Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, western and central Pacific, Mediterranean (Fraser 1944; Vannucci 1954; Vervoort 1968; Watson 1985; Medel & López-González 1996; Marques et al. 2000a; Bouillon et al. 2004; Schuchert 2008b).

Records in Salento. Rare in Salento waters: Gulf of Taranto (S. Piraino, pers. observ.).

Remarks. This species often occurs on ship hulls and is thus potentially easily introduced to other regions (Millard 1975; Occhipinti-Ambrogi et al. 2011).

References. Vervoort (1968), Millard (1975), Gili (1986), Calder (1988), Bavestrello & Piraino (1991), Marinopoulos (1992), Marques et al. (2000a, b), Schuchert (2008), Morri et al. (2009).


Published as part of Gravili, Cinzia, Vito, Doris De, Camillo, Cristina Gioia Di, Martell, Luis, Piraino, Stefano & Boero, Ferdinando, 2015, The non-Siphonophoran Hydrozoa (Cnidaria) of Salento, Italy with notes on their life-cycles: an illustrated guide, pp. 1-187 in Zootaxa 3908 (1) on pages 26-27, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3908.1.1,


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  • Schuchert, P. (2008 b) The European athecate hydroids and their medusae (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria): Filifera Part 4. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 115 (4), 677 - 757.
  • Calder, D. R. (1988) Shallow water hydroids of Bermuda. The Athecatae. Life Science Contributions Royal Ontario Museum, 148, 1 - 107. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 52225
  • Bavestrello, G. & Piraino, S. (1991) On two Eudendrium (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) species from the Mediterranean Sea. Oebalia, New Series, 17, 197 - 207.
  • Marques, A. C., Cantero, A. L. P. & Vervoort, W. (2000 a) Mediterranean species of Eudendrium Ehrenberg, 1834 (Hydrozoa, Anthomedusae, Eudendriidae) with the description of a new species. Journal of Zoology, 252 (2), 197 - 213. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1017 / s 0952836900009936
  • Marques, A. C., Mergner, H., Hoinghaus, R., Santos, C. M. D. & Vervoort, W. (2000 b) Morphological study and taxonomical notes on Eudendriidae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Athecatae / Anthomedusae). Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden, 74 (5), 75 - 118.
  • Fraser, C. McLean (1944) Hydroids of the Atlantic coast of North America. The University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 45 l pp.
  • Vannucci, M. (1954) Hidrozoa e Scyphozoa existentes no Instituto Oceanografico. II. Boletim do Instituto Oceanografico de Sao Paulo, 5 (1 - 2), 95 - 149. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1590 / s 0373 - 55241954000100005
  • Vervoort, W. (1968) Report on a collection of Hydroida from the Caribbean region, including an annotated checklist of Caribbean hydroids. Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden, 92, 1 - 124.
  • Watson, J. E. (1985) The genus Eudendrium (Hydrozoa: Hydroida) from Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 97 (4), 179 - 221.
  • Medel, M. D. & Lopez-Gonzalez, P. J. (1996) Updated catalogue of the Hydrozoans from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands with remarks on zoogeography and affinities. Scientia Marina, 60 (1), 183 - 209.
  • Millard, N. A. H. (1975) Monograph on the Hydroida of southern Africa. Annals of the South African Museum, 68, 1 - 513.
  • Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A., Marchini, A., Cantone, G., Castelli, A., Chimenz, C., Cormaci, M., Froglia, C., Furnari, G., Gambi, M. C., Giaccone, G., Giangrande, A., Gravili, C., Mastrototaro, F., Mazziotti, C., Orsi-Relini, L. & Piraino, S. (2011) Alien species along the Italian coasts: an overview. Biological Invasions, 13 (1), 215 - 237. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / s 10530 - 010 - 9803 - y
  • Marinopoulos, J. (1992) Contribution a l'etude du genre Eudendrium (Hydrozoa: Hydroida) de la Mediterranee: taxonomie et phylogenie. In: Bellan, D. (Ed.), Speciation et biogeographie en mer Mediterranee. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique Monaco, N ° Special 9, pp. 53 - 66.
  • Morri, C., Puce, S., Bianchi, C. N., Bitar, G., Zibrowius, H. & Bavestrello, G. (2009) Hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the Levant Sea (mainly Lebanon), with emphasis on alien species. Journal of the Marine Bioogical Association of the United Kingdom, 89 (1), 49 - 62. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1017 / s 0025315408002749