Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Euvelia mazzucconiae Aristizábal-García, Floriano, Moreira & Bispo, 2015, sp. nov.


Euvelia mazzucconiae sp. nov.

(Figs. 1–6)

Diagnosis. Large species, with length greater than 2.7 mm; antennomere IV slightly curved, with acute apex; male fore femur with a tuft of brown setae on anteroventral third (Fig. 6); female pronotum with longitudinal shining area, subequal in width to antennomere I (Fig. 4).

Apterous male (Figs. 2–3, 6). Body elongated; length 2.76; width on prothorax 1.23. General color grayish black.

Head black, with basal transversal stripe slightly lighter; antennomeres covered by sparse short brownish setae; proximal 1/3 of antennomere II with three long black setae, with about half the length of I; base of antennomeres I and II yellowish, III, IV and apex of II brownish; length of antenomeres I–IV 0.32-0.34-0.44-0.37; antennomeres I- III cylindrical, IV slightly curved, with acute apex. Articles I–III of rostrum yellowish, IV brown; length of articles I–IV 0.15-0.1-0.25-0.15.

Pronotum grayish black, width/length ratio = 1.6, completely covering the mesonotum; anterior lobe with yellowish transversal macula centraly behind head; anterolateral angle of anterior lobe with long brownish setae, remaining areas with short golden setae; pronotum, pro-, meso-, and metasternum punctate.

Legs yellowish ventrally, dorsally brownish and covered by golden setae. Coxae and trochanters yellowish, middle trochanter longer than others; proximal half of middle femur yellow, rest brownish, anteroventral 1/3 with a tuft of brownish setae (Fig. 6); middle and hind femora dorsally yellowish on base then brown, ventrally yellowish, middle femur with slightly darker stripe on inner surface. Fore tibia with proximal 2/3 brown, distal 1/3 light brown, proximal 1/3 of middle tibia slightly darker. Fore tarsus oval, approximately twice as long as wide, proximal half yellowish, apex brownish, claws curved, measuring 1/3 of tarsal length. Middle and hind tarsus brown, length of middle tarsomere I subequal to II, which has four leaf-like structures inserted on proximal 1/3; hind tarsomere II twice as long as I, with claws subequal in length to tarsomere I.

Abdomen grayish, tergite I longer than II; III–V subequal in length; VI–VII subequal, longer than previous tergites. Tergite II with dull areas on sides, VII and apex of connexives yellowish; abdominal sternites II–VI with longitudinal black stripe. Genitalia yellowish.

Proportions of legs: fore femur/ tibia/ tarsomere I = 0.8-0.7-0.46; middle femur/ tibia/ tarsomere I/ tarsomere II = 1.56-1.34-0.5-0.6; hind femur/ tibia/ tarsomere I/ tarsomere II =1.06-0.98-0.15-0.35.

Apterous female (Figs. 4–5). Body length 3.0, width on prothorax 1.41. Similar to the apterous male, except for the pronotum with a shining glabrous longitudinal stripe subequal in width to antennomere I (Fig. 4); fore femur without tuft of brownish setae on anteroventral 1/3; outer portion of abdominal tergites and inner portion of connexives with dull areas; and outer margin of connexives with long seate. Genitalia dark.

Proportions of legs: fore femur/ tibia/ tarsomere I/ tarsomere II = 0.8-0.7-0.38; middle femur/ tibia/ tarsomere I/ tarsomere II = 1.54-1.40-0.5-0.6; hind femur/ tibia/ tarsomere I/ tarsomere II = 1.04-0.96-0.15-0.35.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE (♂) (ICN): ‘ Colombia, Antioquia Mpio: Necoclí, Mar Caribe en el Golfo de Urubá, Ciénaga La Marimonda. 7/IX/95. Col: Hernán Aristizábal-Garcia. 297 ejemplares.’. PARATYPES (40 ♂, 40 ♀) (ICN) same data as holotype; PARATYPES (50 ♂, 50 ♀) (EQ) same data as holotype.

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dra. Silvia A. Mazzucconi, in recognition of her important contributions to the systematics of Neotropical aquatic Heteroptera.


Published as part of Aristizábal-García, Hernán, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo & Bispo, Pitágoras Da Conceição, 2015, New species and notes on Microveliinae from northern South America (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae), pp. 591-596 in Zootaxa 3980 (4) on pages 592-594, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3980.4.9,


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