Elachista turkensis Traugott-Olsen 1990
Elachista turkensis Traugott-Olsen, 1990
Figs. 18–20, 69–70, 94
Elachista turkensis Traugott-Olsen, 1990: 61
Material studied. Type material. Holotype ♂ labelled: Holotype (rounded with red margin); Asia min. Turcia, Tuz Göl 1100 m (Salzsee) 19.5.– 25.6.65 leg. M. u. W. Glaser; Genital praeparat nr K. 20.8.87 sex: ♂ E. Traugott- Olsen; Wing praeparat nr. D. 12.10.87 sex. ♂ E. Traugott-Olsen; Elachista turkensis n. sp. det. E. Traugott-Olsen. Holotype slide: K. 20.8.87 ♂ E. Traugott-Olsen Coll. Glaser LNK [SMNK] Elachista turkensis sp. n. (SMNK). Other material. Turkey: Anatolien Tuz Göl, N.-Ufer, 14.–18. IX.1969, 1 ♀, M. u. W. Glaser leg. (SMNK); 35 km SW Aksehir, Cetince, 1200 m, 15. VI.1999, 1 ♀, J. Junnilainen leg., L. Kaila prep. 4735 (MZH); Aksehir, 30 km SW Sultan Daglari, 1200–1500 m, 6.–7. V.1996, 6 ♂, K. Nupponen & J. Junnilainen leg. (Coll. Nupponen, Junnilainen, MZH); 30 km SW Keyseri, Erciyes Dagi, 24. V.1997, 1 ♂, K. Nupponen & J. Junnilainen leg., L. Kaila prep. 6024, DNA sample 22270 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Junnilainen); 50 km SE Seydesihir, 13. VI.2002, 1 ♂, T. Nupponen leg., L. Kaila prep. 4325 (Coll. Nupponen); 5 km NW Ürgüp, 17. VI.1999, 1 ♂, J. Junnilainen leg., DNA sample 22261 Lepid. Phyl. (Coll. Junnilainen).
Diagnosis. Elachista turkensis is a narrow-winged, usually large species. Its forewing is dirty ochreous white, with more or less indistinct, grey plical and discal spots. Along the fold to the apex is a somewhat darker ochreous area, resembling that of E. arenbergeri Traugott-Olsen in the E. triseriatella complex (Traugott-Olsen 1988) and E. rutjani Kaila of the E. pollutella complex (Kaila 2011c). In the male genitalia the dilated basal half of the phallus is characteristic. The distal spine in the cornutus group is very long and bent. The genitalia most resemble those of E. ripai, with a similarly very long distal spine of the cornutus group; the spine, however, is even longer in E. ripai than in E. turkensis. These species are externally different— E. ripai is a small and unicolorous white species. The juxta lobes of E. ripai have laterally positioned, distally projected tongue-shaped lobes that are lacking in E. turkensis. The phallus of E. ripai is smaller than that of E. turkensis, and it is not basally dilated. The female genitalia are characterized by the dilated posterior part of ductus bursae, with the colliculum represented by a strongly sclerotized band.
Molecular characterization. The five sequenced specimens of E. turkensis showed a maximum variability of 0.15 %. Average distance between the specimens was 0.06 %. The genetically closest species was E. ripai with 2.5 % minimum distance to E. turkensis.
Redescription. Wingspan 9–12 mm. Labial palpus white above, fuscous below, length equal to diameter of head. Head, neck tuft, thorax, scape and pedicel of antenna pale ochreous grey; flagellum dark grey. Legs grey. Forewing ochreous white, with slightly darker grey or brown longitudinal areas, grey plical and distal spots present; base of costa narrowly black; fringe concolorous with forewing ground colour. Hindwing grey with concolorous fringe. Underside of wings grey, forewing fringe pale ochreous, hindwing fringe concolorous with wing colour.
Male genitalia. Uncus lobes large, twice as long as wide at their widest point, mesial margin convex, apex pointed, lateral margin straight. Spinose knob of gnathos oval-shaped. Valva 1.3 times as long as tegumen + uncus, 4 times as long as broad, parallel-sided; sacculus somewhat concave at basal 1/3; cucullus short and broad. Digitate process tongue-shaped, 0.25 times as long as valva, medially and distally with stout setae. Juxta lobes devoid of setae, mesial margin straight, joining distal margin at a right angle; distal margin mesially straight, laterally somewhat convex. Phallus slightly longer than valva, basal half strongly dilated, bent; distally tapered toward pointed and reinforced apex; cornutus group formed of several small and closely set spines and apically one very long, slender and curved one; length of apical spine over twice the diameter of phallus at its median part.
Female genitalia. Apophyses posteriores slender, straight, 1.5 times as long as papillae anales. Apophyses anteriores about 2/3 the length of apophyses posteriores. Ostium bursae invaginated in sternum 8, rounded; colliculum as wide as ostium bursae with short sclerotized band; ductus seminalis basally with a dilated bulla seminalis, incepted close to colliculum; ductus bursae 5 times as long as apophyses posteriores, tubular, widest in its anterior and posterior thirds, membranous, granulose, particularly so in anterior third, incepted in corpus bursae with distinct border; corpus bursae fairly small, pyriform, with small internal granules; signum short, dentate, boomerang-shaped.
Biology. Unknown.
Distribution. Turkey.
Remarks. The uncus lobes appear more rounded, and the valva broader in the holotype than in other material examined. This is due to the stronger pressure applied during the dissection of the holotype by Traugott-Olsen than in the samples dissected by the author (LK).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Elachistidae
- Genus
- Elachista
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Lepidoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Traugott-Olsen
- Species
- turkensis
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Elachista turkensis Traugott-Olsen, 1990 sec. Kaila, Baran & Mutanen, 2015
- Traugott-Olsen E. (1990) The Elachista dispilella Zeller - complex, with description of ten new species (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae). Entomologist's Gazette, 41, 35 - 68.
- Traugott-Olsen, E. (1988) The Elachista triseriatella Stainton complex, with descriptions of eight new species (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae). Entomologist's Gazette, 39, 293 - 312.
- Kaila, L. (2011 c) On species related to Elachista pollutella Duponchel (Lepidoptera, Elachistidae), with descriptions of four Palaearctic species. Entomologica Fennica, 22, 129 - 139.