Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Gavialidium bufocrocodil Storozhenko et Dawwrueng, sp. nov.


Gavialidium bufocrocodil Storozhenko et Dawwrueng, sp. nov.

Figs 22–31 Material examined. Holotype—female, Thailand: Nakhon Ratchasima Province, environs of National park Khao Yai, 500–1000 m, 26 October–4 November 2000, coll. A. Gorochov and L. Anisyutkin (ZISP). Paratypes: Thailand: 2 females, same data as in holotype (ZISP); Trat Province, environs of Bo Rai District, 100–200 m, 20 December 2014, 1 female, coll. P. Pawangkhanant (THNHM-I-2015-00243). Cambodia: vicinity of Sen Monorom village, 12 February 2002, 1 male, coll. M. Berezin (ZISP).

Description. Female. Body medium-sized for the genus, densely granulated. Antennae filiform, 14- segmented, 2.0–2.4 times as long as the fore femur; middle segments (7–9th) 7.1–7.8 times as long as wide. Antennal sockets situated distinctly below the lower margins of the eyes. Fastigium of vertex 2.2–2.3 times wider than one eye seen from above; median carina of fastigium and supraocular lobes absent; tranverse carina in frontal view U-shaped, in lateral view forming a large horn directed upwards. Eyes not protruding above the pronotum in lateral view. Lateral ocelli situated between the lower margins of the eyes. Frontal ridge in lateral view excised above the lateral ocelli, broadly rounded between the antennal sockets and again weakly excised below the median ocellus; in frontal view the ridge is distinctly widened below the lateral ocelli. Median carina of the frontal ridge 1.6 times as long as width of first antennal segment. Width of frontal ridge near the base of the antennae 1.1 times the width of the 1st antennal segment. Pronotum in dorsal view with an almost straight anterior margin; posterior process of the pronotum reaching the apex of the hind tibiae. Median carina of the pronotum in profile sinuate; distinctly raised and serrate in the prozona; depressed but provided by a small tooth between the prozona and the base of the tegmen; forming an arc-like lobe near the tegmen and the triangular lobe near the middle of the hind femur. Lateral carinae in the prozona well defined and straight; prozona subsquare, its width almost equal to its length. Disc of the pronotum without interhumeral carinae; posterior process of the pronotum with a few small teeth. Hind margin of the lateral lobes of the pronotum with a tegminal (upper) sinus as deep as the lower sinus; lower side of the lateral lobes of the pronotum in dorsal view forming an obliquely truncate and gently serrated lobes. Tegmina ovate, with a broadly rounded apex; visible part of the tegmen 2.9–3.1 times as long as wide; 1.6– 1.7 times narrower than the maximal width of the mid femur. Hind wing reaching the apex of the posterior process of the pronotum. Fore femur 2.6–2.8 times, mid femur 3.0–3.1 times as long as wide; upper side of the femora with 3 large teeth, lower side of the fore and mid femora with two teeth. Upper side of the hind femur with 3–4, lower side with 4–6 lobules. Hind femur 3.2–3.3 times as long as wide. Upper side of the hind tibia in the apical part with margins weakly lamellate and finely serrated, with 2–3 outer and 1–2 small inner teeth. First tarsal segment of the hind leg 1.3–1.5 times as long as the 3rd segment (without claws); ventral side of the 1st segment with 3 distinctly pointed pads, basal pad distinctly shorter than the other pads; 3rd segment not swollen. Epiproct triangular, with pointed apex. Subgenital plate subsquare, posterior margin of plate distinctly triangular near the middle. Cerci conical, with pointed apices, 1.5–1.6 times as long as wide near the base. Valves of the ovipositor narrow, dentate; length of the upper valve 3.7–4.2 times its maximum width; length of the lower valve 4.7–4.8 times its maximum width.

Head dorsally blackish; eyes brown; ocelli light brown; antennae brown. Genae and frons black with distinct light marks; labrum mandibles and maxillary palpi shining brown. Disc of pronotum light brown with three transverse blackish stripes; lateral lobes of pronotum blackish brown. Visible part of the tegmina brown. Anterior margin of hind wings black with few light spots near apex. Fore and mid femora with light brown blackish marks. Fore and mid tibiae black with pale ring near the middle. Fore and mid tarsi blackish; 2nd segment with light brown ring near the middle. Hind femur light brown with few distinct blackish oblique stripes on outer side; lower part of femur blackish with brown marks. Hind tibia black with two light rings, one near the base and another in apical third. First tarsal segment of hind leg pale brown, 2nd segment blackish, 3rd segment pale with blackish apex. Tergites and epiproct black with brown marks. Sternites and subgenital plate black with pale brown marks. Cerci and ovipositor brown.

Male. Similar to the female. Fastigium of vertex 2.5 times wider than one eye seen from above; carina of fastigium as in the female. Median carina of the frontal ridge 1.8 times as long as the width of the first antennal segment. Width of the frontal ridge near the base of the antennae 1.3 times the width of the 1st antennal segment. Pronotum and tegmen as in the female. Hind wing reaching the apex of the posterior process of the pronotum. Fore and mid femora as in the female, 2.9 times as long as wide. Hind femur 3.6 times as long as wide. Hind tibia and tarsi as in the female. Epiproct triangular, with a pointed apex. Subgenital plate 1.4 times as long as wide; apex of the plate with a small excision. Cerci as in the female.

General coloration of body as in the female; subgenital plate blackish brown.

Measurements (mm). Length of body: male 12.5, female 13.5–14.3; antenna: male 6.6, female 6.2–7.3; pronotum: male 17.0, female 16.9–17.1; tegmen: male 2.2, female 2.0–2.2; fore femur: male 3.2, female 3.1; mid femur: male 3.2, female 3.4–3.6; hind femur: male 7.2, female 7.5–7.6; ovipositor 1.7–1.9.

Distribution. Thailand, Cambodia.

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to Gavialidium phangensum Mahmood, Idris et Salmah, 2007 from the Malacca Peninsula (Mahmood et al., 2007), but differs from the latter in the long pronotum and in the shape of the lateral lobes of the pronotum (in G. phangensum the posterior process of the pronotum is not surpassing the hind knee and the lateral lobes of pronotum have a pointed tooth at the posterior margin). G. bufocrocodil sp. nov. is also similar to the type species of the genus Gavialidium in the long pronotum, but is easily distinguished from the latter by the armature of the lateral lobes of the pronotum (in G. crocodilum from Sri Lanka the lower side of the lobes are provided with three pointed teeth).

Etymology. The name of the new species is substantive and is derived from the generic names ‘ Bufo’ (toad) and ‘ Crocodilus ’ (crocodile).


Published as part of Storozhenko, Sergey Yu. & Dawwrueng, Pattarawich, 2015, New and little-known pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Thailand, pp. 527-554 in Zootaxa 4052 (5) on pages 540-543, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4052.5.2,


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Scientific name authorship
Storozhenko et Dawwrueng
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Gavialidium bufocrocodil Storozhenko & Dawwrueng, 2015