Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Caenota equustagna Shackleton & Webb, 2015, sp. nov.


Caenota equustagna sp. nov. Figs 46–67

Diagnosis. This species is most nearly resembles C. cudonis. However, the male anterior antennal process, while relatively large, is smaller than the posterior antennal process; the male maxillary palpi have their segments directed anterad and each segment II anteriorly has a whorl of long, dark setae. The female head has 2 to 5 pairs of setose punctures on the head capsule medial and anterior to the scapes. The larval frontoclypeus has the lateral margins of the anterior section relatively straight, converging as they approach the anterior margin; the larval foretrochantins each have many setae along the anterodorsal margin.

Description.Male. Length of each forewing 10–11.5 mm, n=3. Head (Figs 46, 47) with anterior surface depressed, capsule short and wide; eyes positioned anteriorly on lateral margins; postocular setal warts present, wider dorsally, tapering ventrally; no other setal warts on head capsule. First flagellar antennal segment modified, its anterior surface somewhat concave with brush of short dark setae basally, produced anteriorly; anterior antennal process relatively large but smaller than posterior antennal process, broad, flattened, anterior margin with dense, thick, dark setae; posterior antennal process large, rounded in lateral view, with scattered dark setae, posterior and anterior margins with dense dark setae, inner surface concave, with fringes of setae on basal and dorsal margins, 2 clumps of long, dark setae in basal anterior and posterior corners, antennal scape protruding through anterior surface. Maxillary palpi each 5-segmented; segment I broad, ventral surface with large pigmented area and densely scattered setae, lateral surface with narrow area of pigmentation elongated laterally in dorsal 1/2, inner surface densely covered with short yellow setae, anterodorsal corner with brush of long, dark setae; segment II broad, lateral surface with area of pigmentation near posterior margin elongate transversely, ventral surface with dense, long, dark setae, anteriorly with whorl of long, dark setae, inner surface with long pale setae along dorsal margin; segment III arising from dorsal 1/2 of anterior margin of segment II, short, bulbous, inner surface with pale setae dorsally, long dark setae on ventral surface; segment IV shorter than segment III, squat; segment V elongate, slightly shorter than segment II, with brush of long pale setae directed anterad. Labial palpi (broken in specimen) setose. Pronotum with 1 pair of broad setal warts. Forewings (Fig. 56) brown/grey with some white mottling; each with forks I and II sessile, fork III on pedestal, fork IV absent, crossvein r concave, crossvein cu (joining Cu1b to Cu2) above arculus, nygmata in thyridial cell and fork II. Hind wings (Fig. 57) relatively broad; each with discoidal cell absent; forks I and II sessile, fork III on pedestal; nygma in fork II; crossvein m-cu (joining Cu1a to M) present; anal veins terminating in basal 1/8th of wing, not at wing margin. Foreleg tarsal segments with short, dark setae dorsally; tibiae covered in dense, long, dark setae dorsally and laterally; femora with long, pale setae on dorsal and inner lateral surfaces; costae with inner margins covered in long pale setae; mid- and hind legs unmodified. Genitalia (Figs 49–52) having segment X in dorsal view with lateral margins concave in anterior 1/2, convex in posterior 1/2, tapering posteriorly, strongly incised in apical 1/3rd, with scattered, strong, dark setae, dorsal surface with line of strong, dark setae from about 1/3rd length to near apex; in lateral view broad, rounded apically, with small anteroventral protrusion subapically. Preanal appendages slender, apically rounded, about 1/2 length of segment X. Inferior appendages broad in basal 1/3rd, each branching into slender ventral and broad dorsal processes; ventral process tapering to point, strongly curved mesad at about 1/3rd from base, then strongly curved dorsolaterad at 2/3rds from base; dorsal process extending beyond segment X, tapering to point, with slender, posteriorly directed process arising about 1/2 length on dorsal surface and tapering to point. Pair of large projections covered with fine, short, pale setae arising from phallocrypt, in dorsal and ventral views angled laterad, extending just beyond segment X; in lateral view lateral surface concave, with slender, sclerotised ridge extending from base of segment IX to less than 1/3rd length of projection. Phallus (Fig. 52) in lateral view gradually curved ventrad, dorsal surface convex, lateral surfaces concave, lightly sclerotised along length except for membranous apex, phallotremal sclerite somewhat triangular, positioned dorsolaterally about 3/4ths length.

Female. Length of each forewing 11–13.0 mm, n=4. Head (Fig. 48) with anterior dorsal section between antennae slightly depressed; postocular area relatively large, eyes positioned anteriorly on lateral margins; postocular setal warts present, broader dorsally, tapering ventrally; posterior setal warts present, long; anterior setal warts present, teardrop-shaped, separated; 2 to 5 pairs of setose punctures on head capsule medial and anterior to scapes. Antennae slightly shorter than forewing length; antennal scapes relatively broad and long, each about as long as its pedicel and flagellar segment I combined. Maxillary palps each 5-segmented, unmodified. Labial palps each 3-segmented. Pronotum with 2 pairs of warts, mesal pair smaller than lateral. Wings (Figs 58, 59) with venation and colouring similar to males except that in hind wing fork II sessile and vein A2 joining A1 before 1/2 length of A1. Abdominal segment VIII with single sclerotised fold on ventrolateral margin. Foreleg tibiae and tarsi with short, dark setae. Genitalia (Figs 53–55) with preanal appendages relatively slender, widening posteriorly, apically rounded; sclerotised keel present ventrally along midline.

Pupa. Head (Fig. 60, 61) having frons with pair of rounded lobes along midline of head capsule; labrum with 3 setae on each distally projected lobe, each anterolateral margin with 4, long dark setae and 2 small pale setae on anterior margin; mandibles without small subapicomesal teeth; antennae broad basally, each with about 5 setae in line dorsally. Abdominal segment I with pair of friction pads dorsally; tergites III to VI each with 1 pair of anterior hookplates, tergite V with 1 pair of posterior hookplates, anterior hookplates (Fig. 63) with 2 hooks; posterior hookplates (Fig. 64) with 3 hooks; segment IX (Fig. 62) of male with pointed projections arising from ventrolateral margins, directed dorsolaterad; abdomen terminating in pair of tapering sclerotized processes curved dorsolaterad to acute apices, each with 4 basolateral setae, and around 16 subapical setae; ventral surface with three pairs of closely grouped setae near mid-line at about 1/2 length of segment, one pair of setae basad of posterior projections.

Larva. Approximate length 9.5–11.0 mm at maturity. Head (Fig. 65) having frontoclypeus with lateral margins of anterior section relatively straight, converging near anterior margin; setae 6 positioned at constriction; posterolateral corners at constriction relatively sharply angled. Pronotum (Fig. 66) having anterior margin with dark setae; dorsum with narrow transverse line of setae, 1 or 2 setae deep, about 1/3rd distance from anterior margin. Foretrochantins (Fig. 67) each with row of long, dark setae along anterodorsal margin. Abdomen with gills either simple or branched; segment I without gills; segment II gills VL1 and VL2 either present or absent, VL3 present, L1 absent, L2 present or absent, DL1 either present or absent; segment III gills VL1 present, L1 present or absent, DL1 present; segment IV without gills.

Holotype. Male, [AUSTRALIA: New South Wales] Horse Swamp Ck at Horse Swamp campground, - 31º 55' 35.68''S 151º 23' 10.62''E, 24 Feb 2011, J. Mynott and M. Shackleton (AM MS988).

Paratypes. [AUSTRALIA: New South Wales] collected with holotype, 3 females (AM MS773–MS775), 3 male pupae (AM MS99, MS789, MS790), 3 larvae (AM MS786–MS788. Collected at same site as holotype, 11 Nov 2010, J. Mynott and M. Shackleton, 1 male (AM MS772); 24 Feb 2011, J. Mynott and M. Shackleton, 2 larvae (AM MS981 and MS982). New South Wales, Horse Swamp Ck, up stream of Horse Swamp, 31° 56'S 151° 25'E, 2 Oct 2008, J. Dean and D. Cartwright, 3 larvae (AM MS307, MS90, MS96), 1 March 2011, J. Mynott and M. Shackleton, 1 female (AM MS1063). Kunderang Brook on Racecourse Trail, Werrikimbe NP, 31º 8' 8.77''S 152º 17' 19.31''E, 28 Feb 2011, J. Mynott and M. Shackleton, 1 male (AM MS1049).

Etymology. From the Latin equus and stagna, combined as a pleural neuter noun in apposition to Caenota, meaning “the pools of the horse,” pertaining to the type locality.


Published as part of Shackleton, M. E. & Webb, J. M., 2015, Revision of the genus Caenota Mosely (Trichoptera: Calocidae), with descriptions of 2 new species and the larva of C. nemorosa Neboiss, pp. 451-481 in Zootaxa 3972 (4) on pages 475-476, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3972.4.1,


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sp. nov.
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Caenota equustagna Shackleton & Webb, 2015