Published June 25, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Simulium vernum Macquart


VERNUM species-group

Simulium aestivum Davies, Peterson & Wood

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Canada

Brockhouse (1984, 1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. ‘Labrador’): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawing of IL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Hunter (1987a, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, note on revised inversion breakpoints, photos of IIIS and IIIL, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987b, note on revised inversion breakpoints, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium armoricanum Doby & David

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard but inversion breakpoints not given): [Britain (England)]

Adler & Seitz (2014, chromosomal phylogeny): [Europe]

Simulium australe (Rubtsov)

Kachvoryan (1990b, comparison with S. chubarevae, description, photos of all arms and metaphase complement): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements): Armenia

Simulium bavaricum Seitz & Adler

Seitz & Adler (2009, characterization; inversions mapped; original description of species; photos of IL, IIIS, IIIL, bases of IIS and IIL, and partial chromocenter; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Germany

Simulium beltukovae (Rubtsov)

Hunter (1987a, 1987b, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, photos of IIS, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as Eusimulium carpathicum): Germany

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, notes on geographic variation; as S. carpathicum): Sweden

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements; as Cnetha cryophila): Russia

Adler & Seitz (2014, chromosomal phylogeny): [Europe]

Simulium berchtesgadense Seitz, Adler & Forster

Seitz, Adler & Forster (2015, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Germany

Simulium bicorne Dorogostaisky, Rubtsov & Vlasenko

Brockhouse (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. bicorne and ‘Alaska #23’): Canada, USA

Brockhouse (1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. bicorne): Canada, USA

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, description, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Sweden

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Simulium burgeri Adler, Currie & Wood

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, original description of species, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Simulium carbunculum Adler, Currie & Wood

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths, whole-arm interchange [actually a misinterpretation]; as E. pugetense ‘Cypress’): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense ‘Cypress Hills’): Canada

Hunter (1987a, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense ‘Cypress Hills’): Canada

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, formal name for Dunbar’s 1962 S. pugetense ‘Cypress’, inversions mapped): North America

Simulium carthusiense Grenier & Dorier

Adler & Seitz (2014, characterization; chromosomal phylogeny; description of different B chromosomes; inversions mapped; photos of B chromosomes [2 types], IS and IL ends, IIIS, and IIIL; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Austria, Spain

Simulium chomthongense Takaoka, Srisuka & Choochote

Kuvangkadilok, Boonkemtong & Phayuhasena (1998, low-resolution photos of C-banded and orcein-stained polytene chromosomes [II and III reversed]; as S. caudisclerum): Thailand

Kuvangkadilok, Phayuhasena & Boonkemtong (1999, description, photos of polytene chromosomes [lowmagnification, II and III reversed] and IIS [as IIIS], polytene chromosome relative lengths; as S. caudisclerum): Thailand

Simulium chubarevae (Kachvoryan & Terteryan)

Kachvoryan (1986, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1988c, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1990b, B chromosomes, comparison with S. australe, description, photos of all arms, B chromosomes, and metaphase complement): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Usova & Oganesyan (1993, comparison with S. djafarovi, photos of IL and IIIL): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Galustyan (1998, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements): Armenia

Simulium conicum Adler, Currie & Wood

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, inversions mapped, original description of species, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Simulium costatum Friederichs

Knoz & Chubareva (1974, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements): Czech Republic

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, 2003, notes on general polytene features): Czech Republic

Hunter (1987a, 1987b, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England), Denmark, Germany

Brockhouse, Bass, Feraday & Straus (1989, cytodendrogram, description and evolution of different B chromosomes, photo of B chromosomes): Britain (England), Denmark

Brockhouse, Bass & Straus (1989, B chromosomes, description and possible origin of chromocenter polymorphism, photos of B chromosomes and low-resolution polytene complements showing chromocenter polymorphisms): Britain (England)

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): [Britain (England)]

Brockhouse (1991, chromocenter polymorphism, description and evolution of different B chromosomes, photos of B chromosomes and low-magnification polytene complements): Britain (England), Denmark

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (2000, comparison with S. akopi, description, note on B chromosomes, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements): Czech Republic

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Czech Republic

Simulium craigi Adler & Currie

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths; as Eusimulium latipes): Canada

Brockhouse (1984, 1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, photos of IIIL, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as ‘Cypress Hills’, ‘Gothic’, and ‘Nipigon’): Canada, USA

Brockhouse in Adler & Currie (1986, characterization; formal name by Adler & Currie for Brockhouse’s 1985 ‘Cypress Hills’, ‘Gothic’, and ‘Nipigon’; partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Hunter (1987a, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of partial IIIL; idiogram; inversions mapped; photos of IL, IIIS, and IIIL; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘X’): Canada, USA

Brockhouse, Bass, Feraday & Straus (1989, notes on B chromosomes; as S. craigi and ‘ Type 4’): North America

Brockhouse (1991, note on difference from S. vernum group standard; as S. craigi, ‘Cypress Hills’, ‘Gothic’, and ‘Nipigon’): North America

Hunter (2002, characterization; drawings of partial IIIL; inversions mapped; new cytoforms recognized [‘ACF/BCF’, ‘AF’, and ‘CC’]; photos of IL, IIIL, and partial IIIS; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, geographic variation, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Simulium crenobium (Knoz)

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): [Germany]

Brockhouse (1991, notes on comparison with S. juxtacrenobium): [Germany]

Ilmonen, Adler, Malmqvist & Cywinska (2009, B chromosomes, characterization, geographic variation, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Austria, Germany

Simulium croxtoni Nicholson & Mickel

Zimring (1953, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Canada

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Hunter (1987a, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada

Hunter (1987b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium cryophilum (Rubtsov) (complex)

Kunze (1952, description of pairing, drawings of polytene sections, photo of polytene complement; as Simulium ‘sp. 1’): Austria

Kunze (1953, low-magnification photos of polytene complements, notes on general polytene features; as Simulium ‘sp. 1’ and ‘sp. 2’): Austria

Petrukhina (1966, description; photos of metaphase and polytene [low magnification] complements, all arms, and polymorphisms; polytene chromosome relative lengths; as Eusimulium latipes latipes): Russia Chubareva & Petrukhina (1970, note on comparison with S. erythrocephalum, photos of nucleolar organizer region in chromosome I [not III] and IL and IIL ends; as Eusimulium latipes): [Russia]

Chubareva, Petrova & Petrukhina (1971, notes on general polytene features, photos of CI region and lowmagnification polytene complement; as Eusimulium cryophilum and E. latipes): Russia

Kachvoryan & Chubareva (1974, comparison with selected species in S. vernum group, description, photos of all chromosomes; as E. latipes): Armenia

Chubareva (1977c, idiogram, polytene chromosome lengths; as Cnetha latipes): [Russia]

Chubareva (1979a, notes on general polytene features; as Cnetha latipes): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as Cnetha cryophilum and C. latipes): Russia

Kachvoryan (1979, comparison with selected species, photo of IS end; as Cnetha latipes): [Armenia]

Chubareva (1980a, idiogram, notes on general polytene features; as Cnetha latipes): Russia

Burkiewicz (1985, photos of sex chromosomes [IIIL partial]): Poland

Hunter (1987a, 1987b, characterization; cytodendrogram; idiogram; inversions mapped; new cytoforms [‘A’ and ‘B’] and homosequential sibling species recognized [‘B1’ (= S. urbanum) and ‘B2’]; photos of IL end, IIS end, IIIS, and IIIL partial; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Denmark, Germany

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard but inversion breakpoints not given): [Britain (England)]

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, notes on geographic variation; as S. cryophilum cytospecies ‘A’ and ‘B2’): Sweden

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as Hellichiella latipes and Nevermannia cryophila): Russia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2004, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as C. cryophila and C. verna): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths; as C. verna): Russia

Adler & Seitz (2014, chromosomal phylogeny, photo of IL base): Spain

Simulium djafarovi (Rubtsov)

Kachvoryan (1988a, B chromosomes; description; photos of all chromosomes, B chromosomes, and metaphase complement; polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1990a, B chromosomes; description; multiple nucleoli; photos of B chromosomes and partial IL, IIS, IIL, and IIIL): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Usova & Oganesyan (1993, comparison with S. chubarevae, photos of IL and IIIL): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Galustyan (1998, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Adler (2000, note on undifferentiated sex chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Simulium dunfellense Davies

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard but inversion breakpoints not given): [Britain (England)]

Brockhouse (1991, comparison with S. juxtacrenobium): [Britain (England)]

Simulium fionae Adler

Brockhouse (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard, photos of IL and IIIL; as ‘A-type’): Canada

Brockhouse (1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard, photo of IIIL; as ‘Eastmain’): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawing of IIL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IIL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘sp.’): USA

Hunter (1987a, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawing of IIL, idiogram, inversions mapped, photo of polytene complement, resolution [except IIL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘sp. near furculatum - croxtoni ’): USA

Hunter (1987b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘sp.’): North America

Adler (1990, notes on geographic variation, original description of species): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, notes on geographic variation): Canada

Simulium fontinale Radzivilovskaya

Brockhouse (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as Eusimulium ‘Yukon #9’): Canada

Choate (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, photos of all arms, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. ‘X’): USA

Brockhouse (1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. ‘Yukon’): Canada

Brockhouse in Adler & Currie (1986, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. decolletum): Canada

Allison & Shields (1989, characterization, drawing of IIIL, selected inversions mapped; as E. decolletum): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, geographic variation, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Chubareva & Petrova (2004, notes on B chromosomes and general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2006, frequency of B chromosomes, low-resolution photos of B chromosomes [with interpretive drawings] and metaphase complement): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, polytene chromosome lengths): Russia

Simulium fontium (Rubtsov)

Kachvoryan & Chubareva (1974, comparison with selected species in S. vernum group, description, photos of all arms): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1978, comparison with selected species in subgenera Montisimulium and Nevermannia [as Chelocnetha], description): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1979, comparison with selected species; photos of ends of IS, IIL, IIIS, and IIIL): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (2000, comparison with S. akopi): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Adler (2000, note on undifferentiated sex chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as N. latipes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan in Adler & Werner (2010, notes on B chromosomes, possible synonymy with S. costatum): Armenia

Simulium garniense (Rubtsov)

Kachvoryan & Chubareva (1974, comparison with selected species in S. vernum group, description, photos of all arms): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1978, comparison with selected species in subgenera Montisimulium and Nevermannia [as Chelocnetha], description): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1979, comparison with selected species, photos of IS and IIL ends): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (2000, comparison with S. akopi): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Adler (2000, note on undifferentiated sex chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2007, photos of metaphase and polytene complements): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Simulium gouldingi Stone

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of IL, IIL, IIIL, and IIIS; idiogram; inversions mapped; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Hunter (1987a, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of IL, IIL, IIIL, and IIIS; idiogram; inversions mapped; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Hunter (1987b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium gracile Datta

Dey & Fumafartsok (1984a, metaphase chromosome lengths, notes on B chromosomes, photos of metaphase complement): India

Simulium henanense Wen, Wei & Chen

Wen, Wei & Chen (2007b, idiogram, low-resolution photos of all arms, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): China

Simulium impar Davies, Peterson & Wood

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of IS, IL, and sex chromosomes; idiogram; inversions mapped; resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987a, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawings of IS, IL, and sex chromosomes; idiogram; inversions mapped; photos of IIS and IIIS; resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium itelmenica (Chubareva & Yankovsky)

Chubareva & Yankovksy (2006, inversions mapped; original description of species; photos of all arms, B chromosomes, and metaphase complement; putative resolution relative to S. cryophilum ([as Cnetha verna]): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths, putative resolution relative to S. cryophilum ([as Cnetha verna]; as Cnetha itelmenica and C. shutovae): Russia. NOTE: The majority of the polytene maps of C. itelmenica (fig. 125) and C. shutovae (fig. 134) in Chubareva & Petrova (2008a) appear to be derived from the same chromosomal photos, although cut and arranged in slightly different configurations. Whether itelmenica is a synonym of shutovae requires additional study.

Chubareva & Petrova (2009b, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths; as C. shutovae): Russia. NOTE: The same comments under Chubareva & Petrova (2008a) above apply here.

Simulium juxtacrenobium Bass & Brockhouse

Brockhouse, Bass, Feraday & Straus (1989, cytodendrogram, description and evolution of different B chromosomes, photos of 3 different B chromosomes): Britain (England), Ireland

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization; description of different B chromosomes; original description of species; photos of B chromosomes, chromosome II, and low-resolution polytene complement with pseudochromocenter; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England), Ireland

Brockhouse (1991, characterization; description and evolution of different B chromosomes; photos of B chromosomes, IIS, and pseudochromocenter): Britain (England), Ireland

Ilmonen, Adler, Malmqvist & Cywinska (2009, B chromosomes; characterization; inversions mapped; photos of B chromosomes, IIL, and polytene complements; possible sibling species; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Finland, Sweden

Simulium loerchae Adler

Adler (1987, characterization, inversions mapped, original description of species, photos of IL and IIL, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Hunter (1987a, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. ‘new species’): USA

Simulium merritti Adler, Currie & Wood

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, inversions mapped, original description of species, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): USA

Simulium modicum Adler, Currie & Wood

Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, photo of polytene complement, polytene chromosome relative lengths; as E. pugetense): Canada, USA

Choate (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard, photos of all arms; as E. pugetense ‘IL-st’): USA

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawings of IL and IIIL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘A’ [X0 Y 0]): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987a, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawings of IL and IIIL-1, idiogram, inversions mapped, photos of CI and polytene complement, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘A’ [X0 Y 0]): Canada, USA

Allison & Shields (1989, characterization; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘A’): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, formal name for Hunter & Connolly’s 1986 S. pugetense cytotype ‘A’, notes on geographic variation): North America

Simulium moultoni Adler, Currie & Wood

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘C’): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987a, characterization, idiogram, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotype ‘C’): Canada, USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, formal name for Hunter & Connolly’s 1986 S. pugetense cytotype ‘C’, inversions mapped, photo of polytene complement): Canada

Simulium naturale Davies

Brockhouse (1984, 1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as ‘Dorset IIS-2+3’): Britain (England)

Brockhouse in Rothfels (1989, cytodendrogram; as ‘Dorset IIS-2+3’): Britain (England)

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization of 2 cytoforms [‘Denmark’ and ‘IIS-2+3’], resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England), Denmark

Brockhouse (1991, characterization of 2 cytoforms [‘Denmark’ and ‘IIS-2+3’], inversions mapped, photo of sex chromosomes, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England)

Simulium planipuparium Rubtsov

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Tajikistan

Ismagulov & Chubareva (1993, description, photos of all arms, polytene chromosome lengths): Tajikistan

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Tajikistan

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Tajikistan

Simulium pugetense Dyar & Shannon

Choate (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as Eusimulium pugetense ‘IL-st’): USA

Hunter in Currie & Adler (1986, characterization; as S. pugetense cytotypes ‘D’ and ‘E’): Canada

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotypes ‘B’, ‘D’, and ‘E’): Canada

Hunter (1987a, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard; as E. pugetense cytotypes ‘B’, ‘D’, and ‘E’): Canada

Hunter (1987b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Allison & Shields (1989, characterization, geographic variation; as E. pugetense ‘B’): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, chromosomal characters in larval key, probable sibling species, recognition of S. pugetense cytotypes ‘B’, ‘D’, and ‘E’ of Hunter & Connolly 1986 as S. pugetense s. str., selected inversions mapped): North America

Simulium purii Datta

Dey & Fumafartosok (1984b, description, idiogram, lengths, and photos of metaphase complement): India

Simulium quebecense Twinn

Hunter & Connolly (1986, characterization, cytodendrogram, drawing of IL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987a, characterization, drawing of IL, idiogram, inversions mapped, resolution [except IL] relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, USA

Hunter (1987b, summary of fixed inversions relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium rushanense Chubareva & Petrova [name presently unavailable]

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of metaphase and polytene complements): Tajikistan

Simulium silvestre (Rubtsov)

Zimring (1953, idiogram, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths; as Eusimulium latipes): Canada

Landau in Dunbar (1962, chromosomal key, idiogram, low-magnification photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths; as E. latipes ‘St. Rose’): Canada

Brockhouse (1984, characterization; cytodendrogram; inversions mapped; photos of IIS, IIL, IIIS, and IIIL; resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as ‘Caledon’): Canada, USA

Choate (1984, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, photos of all arms and B chromosomes; as E. vernum): USA

Brockhouse (1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, photos of IIS and IIIL, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as ‘Caledon’ and ‘Knebworth’ [part (Alaska only)]): Canada, USA

Brockhouse in Adler & Currie (1986, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. caledonense): Canada, USA

Allison & Shields (1989, characterization; as E. vernum ‘Knebworth’): USA

Brockhouse in Rothfels (1989, cytodendrogram; as ‘Alaska’): USA

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as S. vernum ‘Knebworth’ [part (Alaska only)]): USA

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, characterization, homosequential species with S. vernum, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Sweden

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, homosequential species with S. vernum ‘Knebworth’, note on B chromosomes, possible sibling species, recognition of Brockhouse’s 1985 ‘Caledon’ and ‘Knebworth’ [part (Alaska only)] as S. silvestre, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Canada, Sweden, USA

Simulium uchidai (Takahasi)

Okada (1971, description; photos of metaphase complement, low-magnification polytene complement and all chromosomes, and CII region and portions of IS, IL, IIS, IIL, and IIIS, and IIIL polymorphism; polytene chromosome relative lengths): Japan

Okada & Sato (1971, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome relative lengths): Japan

Simulium urbanum Davies

Hunter (1987a, 1987b, characterization, cytodendrogram, homosequential sibling species with S. cryophilum ‘B2’, resolution relative to S. vernum group standard; as Eusimulium cryophilum ‘B1’): Germany

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): [Britain (England)]

Brockhouse (1991, characterization, inversions mapped, partial resolution relative to S. vernum group standard, photo of pseudochromocenter): Britain (England)

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, chromosomal recognition of Hunter’s 1987b S. cryophilum ‘B1’ as S. urbanum, notes on geographic variation): Sweden

Adler & Seitz (2014, chromosomal phylogeny): [Europe]

Simulium vernum Macquart (complex)

NOTE: References to ‘ latipes ’ and ‘ verna ’ in the former Soviet literature refer to S. cryophilum complex.

Brockhouse (1984, 1985, characterization, cytodendrogram, inversions mapped, ‘Knebworth’ cytoform established as S. vernum group standard, new cytoforms recognized [‘Dorset IIS-1’, ‘Knebworth’, ‘Lymington’, ‘N89’, ‘N99’, and ‘N111/N96’], photos of all arms): Britain (England), Norway

Leonhardt (1985, 1987, comparison with S. aureum group standard; photos of bases of IS, IIS, and IIIL and middle of IL): [Britain (England)]

Hunter (1987a, 1987b, B chromosomes; characterization of cytoforms ‘Knebworth’ [X0 Y 0] and ‘Lymington’ [X0 Y 1]; cytodendrogram; idiogram; inversions mapped; photos of IIS, IIL partial, IIIS, and IIIL base): Germany, Italy

Brockhouse in Rothfels (1989, cytodendrogram; as ‘Knebworth’, ‘Dorset & Devon’, ‘Dorset IIS-1’, and ‘Lymington’): Britain (England)

Brockhouse, Bass, Feraday & Straus (1989, cytodendrogram, description and evolution of B chromosomes, photo of B chromosomes; as S. vernum siblings ‘Knebworth’, ‘Dorset IIS-1’, and ‘Lymington’): Britain (England)

Hunter (1989, comparison with S. furculatum, idiogram; as S. vernum ‘Knebworth’): [Britain (England)]

Bass & Brockhouse (1990, characterization of 3 cytoforms [‘Dorset IIS-1’, ‘Knebworth’ (part [Europe only]), and ‘Lymington’], new cytoform recognized [‘Hornvik’], resolution relative to S. vernum group standard): Britain (England), Iceland

Brockhouse (1991, characterization of 3 cytoforms [‘Dorset IIS-1’, ‘Knebworth’, and ‘Lymington’] and probable sibling species [‘Hornvik’], description and evolution of B chromosomes, inversions mapped, photos of all arms and B chromosomes): Britain (England), Iceland, Norway

Adler, Malmqvist & Zhang (1999, possible homosequential sibling species): Sweden

Ilmonen, Adler, Malmqvist & Cywinska (2009, comparison with S. crenobium and S. juxtacrenobium): Sweden

Simulium wyomingense Stone & DeFoliart

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, note on chromocenter, IIS and IIIS resolved relative to S. vernum group standard): North America

Simulium zakhariense (Rubtsov)

Chubareva (1974a, frequency of B chromosomes, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and lowresolution polytene complements): Armenia

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (1974, B chromosomes, description, low-resolution photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements of diploid and autotriploid): Armenia

Chubareva, Grinchuk & Kachvoryan (1974, description of autotriploid, photos of metaphase and polytene complements of autotriploid): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Chubareva (1974, comparison with selected species in S. vernum group; description; photos of all arms, B chromosomes, and metaphase complement): Armenia

Chubareva (1977c, idiogram, polytene chromosome lengths): [Armenia]

Kachvoryan (1978, comparison with selected species in subgenera Montisimulium and Nevermannia [as Chelocnetha], description, frequency of autotriploidy and B chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (1979, 2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Kachvoryan (1979, comparison with selected species; photos of ends of IS, IIL, IIIS, and IIIL): [Armenia]

Chubareva (1984, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and low-magnification polytene complements): [Armenia]

Chubareva & Petrova (1984, notes on and photos of B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Chubareva, Petrova & Mirumyan (1996, photo of B chromosomes, relation of B chromosomes to environment and phenotype): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Oganesyan & Mirumyan (1996, relation of B chromosomes to phenotype): Armenia

Petrova & Chubareva (1997, note on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Galustyan (1998, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Gasparyan (1998, notes on general polytene features): Armenia

Chubareva & Kachvoryan (2000, comparison with S. akopi): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2000a, note on long-term ecological changes in B-chromosome frequencies): Armenia

Kachvoryan & Adler (2000, note on undifferentiated sex chromosomes): Armenia

Chubareva (2001b, note on frequency of autotriploids): Armenia

Harutyunova, Harutyunova & Kachvoryan (2001, notes on B chromosomes): Armenia

Kachvoryan, Petrova & Chubareva (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Chubareva & Petrova (2008a, description, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, polytene chromosome lengths): Armenia

Simulium ‘sp. 1’ (Ismagulov)

Ismagulov (1993, notes on general polytene features [only abstract seen]; as Cnetha ‘ sp. n. 1’): Kazakhstan

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features; as Nevermannia ‘sp. 1’): Kazakhstan

Simulium ‘sp. 2’ (Ismagulov)

Ismagulov (1993, notes on general polytene features [only abstract seen]; as Cnetha ‘ sp. n. 2’): Kazakhstan

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features; as Nevermannia ‘sp. 2’): Kazakhstan

Simulium ‘sp. 3’ (Chubareva & Petrova)

Ismagulov & Chubareva (1993, low-resolution photo of polytene complement, notes on general polytene features; as Cnetha ‘sp.’): Tajikistan

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features; as Nevermannia ‘sp. 3’): Tajikistan

Simulium ‘sp. 4’ (Chubareva & Petrova)

Chubareva (1974a, notes on B-chromosome frequency, photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and lowmagnification polytene complements; as E. latipes group): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2000b, note on general polytene features; as Cnetha gr. latipes): Russia

Chubareva & Petrova (2003, notes on general polytene features, polytene chromosome lengths; as Nevermannia ‘sp. 4’): Russia

Petrova & Chubareva (2006, low-magnification photos of B chromosomes and metaphase and polytene complements, notes on general polytene features; as Cnetha ‘sp.’): Russia


Published as part of Adler, Peter H. & Crosskey, Roger W., 2015, Cytotaxonomy of the Simuliidae (Diptera): a systematic and bibliographic conspectus, pp. 1-139 in Zootaxa 3975 (1) on pages 66-75, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3975.1.1,


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  • Dunbar, R. W. (1962) Cytotaxonomic studies in Simuliidae. Doctoral thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 101 pp.
  • Brockhouse, C. L. (1984) Sibling species and sex chromosomes in Eusimulium vernum (Diptera: Simuliidae). Master's thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 94 pp.
  • Brockhouse, C. [L.] (1985) Sibling species and sex chromosomes in Eusimulium vernum (Diptera: Simuliidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 63, 2145 - 2161. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / z 85 - 316
  • Hunter, F. F. & Connolly, V. (1986) A cytotaxonomic investigation of seven species in the Eusimulium vernum group (Diptera: Simuliidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 64, 296 - 311. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / z 86 - 050
  • Hunter, F. F. (1987 a) A cytotaxonomic study of species in the Simulium vernum group (Diptera: Simuliidae). Master's thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 181 pp.
  • Hunter, F. F. (1987 b) Cytotaxonomy of four European species in the Eusimulium vernum group (Diptera: Simuliidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 65, 3102 - 3115.
  • Bass, J. A. B. & Brockhouse, C. [L.] (1990) A new British species of the Simulium vernum group, with comments on its ecology and life history (Diptera: Simuliidae). Aquatic Insects, 12, 65 - 84. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01650429009361392
  • Adler, P. H. & Seitz, G. (2014) Chromosomal characteristics and evolutionary relationships of the Palearctic black fly Simulium carthusiense (Diptera: Simuliidae). European Journal of Entomology, 111: 469 - 474.
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. (1990 b) A comparative karyological study of two allied species of blackflies in the genus Cnetha End. (Diptera, Simuliidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 69, 215 - 222. [In Russian with English summary; full English translation in Entomological Review, 70, 68 - 75 (1991).]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (2003) Karyotypes of blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae) of the world fauna. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 82, 157 - 222. [In Russian with English summary; full English translation in Entomological Review, 83, 149 - 204 (2003).]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A., Petrova, N. A. & Chubareva, L. A. (2003) The results of karyological study of the bloodsucking blackfly fauna (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Armenia. Parazitologiya, 37, 89 - 102. [In Russian with English summary; title of the latter is less complete than the Russian version, reading ' The results of karyological study of black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) in Armenia'.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (2008 a) Tsitologicheskie Karty Politennykh Khromosom i Nekotorye Morfologicheskie Osobennosti Krovososushchikh Moshek Rossii i Sopredel'nykh Stran (Diptera: Simuliidae): Atlas [Cytological Maps of Polytene Chromosomes and Some Morphological Features of Bloodsucking Black Flies of Russia and Adjacent Countries (Diptera: Simuliidae): Atlas.] Tovarishchestvo Nauchnykh Izdanii KMK, St. Petersburg, Russia, 134 pp. + 218 plates. [In Russian.]
  • Seitz, G. & Adler, P. H. (2009) A new species of the Simulium vernum group (Diptera: Simuliidae) from the Alps of southeastern Germany. Aquatic Insects, 31, 1 - 10. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01650420802425158
  • Adler, P. H., Malmqvist, B. & Zhang, Y. (1999) Black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of northern Sweden: taxonomy, chromosomes, and bionomics. Entomologica Scandinavica, 29, 361 - 382. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1163 / 187631298 X 00014
  • Seitz, G., Adler, P. H. & Forster, M. (2015) A new species, Simulium (Nevermannia) berchtesgadense (Diptera: Simuliidae), and its chromosomes, from the Alps of southeastern Germany. Zootaxa, 3937, 248 - 262. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3937.2.2
  • Adler, P. H., Currie, D. C. & Wood, D. M. (2004) The Black Flies (Simuliidae) of North America. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, xv + 941 pp. + 24 color plates.
  • Kuvangkadilok, C., Boonkemtong, C. & Phayuhasena, S. (1998) C-banding in polytene chromosomes of six Simulium species (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Doi Inthanon National Park, Northern Thailand. Journal of the Science Society of Thailand, 24, 215 - 230. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2306 / scienceasia 1513 - 1874.1998.24.215
  • Kuvangkadilok, C., Phayuhasena, S. & Boonkemtong, C. (1999) Larval polytene chromosomes of five species of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Doi Inthanon National Park, northern Thailand. Cytologia, 64, 197 - 207. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1508 / cytologia. 64.197
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. (1986) B-chromosomes of blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae). In: Terteryan, A. E. & Matinyan, T. K. (Eds.), Pervaya Zakavkazskaya Konferentsiya po Entomologii, Tezisy Dokladov [1 st Transcaucasian Conference of Entomology, Theses of Lectures.] Instituta Zoologii Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR, Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 100 - 101. [In Russian.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. (1988 c) Genetic divergence of natural populations of some species of bloodsucking blackflies of Armenia. In: Severtsov, A. S. (Ed.), Problemy Mikroevolutsii [Problems of Microevolution.] Izdatel'tsvo " Nauka ", Moscow, Russia, p. 58. [In Russian.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A., Usova, Z. V. & Oganesyan, V. S. (1993) The genetic relations of two close species of blackflies of the genus Cnetha End. (Diptera, Simuliidae). In: Skarlato, O. A. (Ed.), Kariosistematika Bespozvonochnykh Zhivotnykh, II [Karyosystematics of Invertebrate Animals, II.] Zoologicheskii Institut, Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 85 - 88. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. & Galustyan, S. B. (1998) Nucleolar polymorphism as a mechanism of evolution of the karytotype of blackflies. In: Movsesyan, S. O. (Ed.), Respublikanskoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii po Zoologii, Tezisy Dokladov [Republican Scientific Conference on Zoology, Theses of Lectures.] Institut Zoologii, Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Armenii, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 65. [In Russian.]
  • Knoz, J. & Chubareva, L. A. (1974) Chromosomal characteristics of eight species of Czechoslovakian blackflies. Scripta Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis (Biologia), (3) 4, 101 - 113. [In Russian with Czech summary.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (1979) Basic characteristics of blackfly karyotypes (Diptera, Simuliidae) in the world fauna. In: Skarlato, O. A. (Ed.), Kariosistematika Bespozvonochnykh Zhivotnykh [Karyosystematics of the Invertebrate Animals.] Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad [St. Petersburg,] Russia, pp. 58 - 95. [In Russian.]
  • Brockhouse, C. [L.] (1991) Cytological and molecular studies of sibling species in the Simuliidae (Diptera). Doctoral thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 192 pp.
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Kachvoryan, E. A. (2000) Morphokaryological analysis of five species of blackflies of the genus Cnetha (Diptera: Simuliidae) with description of a new species from the Dzhrvezhsky Canyon of Armenia. Parazitologiya, 34, 470 - 476. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Currie, D. C. & Adler, P. H. (1986) Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, with discussion of their origin and description of Simulium (Hellichiella) nebulosum n. sp. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 64, 218 - 227. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / z 86 - 035
  • Hunter, F. F. (2002) Polytene chromosomes of Simulium craigi (Diptera: Simuliidae). Genetica, 114, 207 - 215. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1023 / A: 1016294203298
  • Ilmonen, J., Adler, P. H., Malmqvist, B. & Cywinska, A. (2009) The Simulium vernum group (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Europe: multiple character sets for assessing species status. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 156, 847 - 863. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.2009.00500. x
  • Zimring, R. (1953) A comparative study of the salivary gland chromosomes of five related black fly species. M. A. thesis. University of Toronto. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 32 pp. + 13 plates.
  • Kunze, E. (1952) Untersuchungen uber die Paarungsaffinitat bei Riesenchromosomen. Chromosoma, 5, 501 - 510. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 01271499
  • Kunze, E. (1953) Artunterschiede im Bau der Riesenchromosomen in der Gattung Simulium Latr. Osterreichische zoologische Zeitschrift, 4, 23 - 32.
  • Petrukhina, T. E. (1966) Chromosomal polymorphism in a population of the blackfly species Eusimulium latipes latipes (Diptera). Genetika, 12, 78 - 84. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrukhina, T. E. (1970) The relationships of the blackfly Boophthora erythrocephala De Geer with some other genera of Simuliidae (Diptera). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 49, 541 - 544. [In Russian with English summary: English subtitle includes the words ' the family'; full English translation in Entomological Review, 49, 330 - 333 (1970).]
  • Chubareva, L. A., Petrova, N. A. & Petrukhina, T. E. (1971) Structural peculiarities of the polytene chromosomes in the taxonomy of bloodsucking black flies. Tsitologiya, 13, 784 - 789. [In Russian with English summary: title of the latter omits the word for ' bloodsucking' present in the Russian title.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. & Chubareva, L. A. (1974) Karyological peculiarities of four species of blackflies in the genus Eusimulium Roub. (Simuliidae, Diptera) and the genetic connections between them. Biologichesky Zhurnal Armenii, 27, 61 - 69. [In Russian with Armenian summary.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. (1977 c) Karyotypical characters of blackflies of the genus Chelocnetha End. bloodsucking on birds. Tsitologiya, 19, 1042 - 1047. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. (1979 a) Karyotypical characters of black-flies of the genus Eusimulium Roub. in relation to other genera of Eusimuliini Rubz. (Diptera, Simuliidae). In: Skarlato, O. A. (Ed.), Ekologicheskie i Morfologicheskie Osnovy Sistematiki Dvukrylykh Nasekomykh [Ecological and Morphological Principles of Diptera Systematics (Insecta).] Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad [St. Petersburg,] Russia, pp. 111 - 113. [In Russian; full English translation In: Skarlato, O. A. (Ed.) (1985) Systematics of Diptera (Insecta): Ecological and Morphological Principles. Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, pp. 176 - 179. There are trivial differences in the title wording from the English title given in the original.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. (1979) Comparative karyological analysis of the representative genera Montisimulium Rubz., Cnetha End. and Chelocnetha End. (Diptera, Simuliidae). In: Skarlato, O. A. (Ed.), Kariosistematika Bespozvonochnykh Zhivotnykh [Karyosystematics of Invertebrate Animals.] 118 pp. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad [St. Petersburg,] Russia, pp. 56 - 57. [In Russian.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. (1980 a) Karyotypical features and taxonomic position of the genus Eusimulium (Diptera: Simuliidae). Genetica, 52 / 53, 57 - 61.
  • Burkiewicz, A. (1985) Eine Inversion als eine Markierung des Geschlechtschromosoms Y in zwei Populationen von Eusimulium cryophilum Rubz. (Diptera, Simuliidae) aus dem Nordgebiet von Polen. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Biological Sciences), 33, 89 - 92
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (2004) Characteristic features of karyotypes in common species of blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae) from the northwestern region of Russia. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 83, 1341 - 1352. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. (1988 a) B-chromosomes in genofonde [gene pool] of populations of Cnetha djafarovi Rubz. (Diptera, Simuliidae). Biologichesky Zhurnal Armenii, 41, 454 - 458. [In Russian with Armenian and English summaries.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. (1990 a) Nucleolar polymorphism and heterozygosity in puffs in natural populations of Cnetha djafarovi Rubz. (Diptera, Simuliidae). Biologichesky Zhurnal Armenii, 43, 378 - 382. [In Russian with Armenian and English summaries.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. & Adler, P. H. (2000) Sex chromosomes of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Armenia. In: Hovnanyan, K. O. (Ed.), Armenian Electron Microscopy Society: Proceedings 9 th Annual Conference, 17 - 20 October, 2000, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 61. [Photo on p. 64 belongs with this article.]
  • Adler, P. H. (1990) Two new species of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) from North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 92, 431 - 443.
  • Choate, L. A. (1984) A cytological description of Eusimulium vernum, E. X. and the E. pugetense complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Alaska. Master's thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA, 122 pp.
  • Allison, L. A. & Shields, G. F. (1989) A cytological description of Eusimulium vernum, E. decolletum, and the E. pugetense complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Alaska. Genome, 32, 550 - 558. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / g 89 - 482
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (2006) B chromosome polymorphism of blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae) from the northwestern region of Russia. Tsitologiya, 48, 253 - 263. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. (1978) Morpho-ecological and comparative karyological investigation of related black fly species in the genus Cnetha Enderlein of complex fontium Rubtsov (Diptera, Simuliidae). Doctoral thesis, Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Kiev, Ukraine, 131 pp. [In Russian.]
  • Adler, P. H. & Werner, D. (2010 [2009]) Eugenie Ashotovna Kachvoryan (2 March 1942 - 6 December 2008): the life and career of an Armenian entomologist, with special reference to the family Simuliidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Studia Dipterologica, 16, 73 - 83. [Actual publication date was 29 December 2010.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (2007) Karyological characters of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Comparative Cytogenetics, 1, 89 - 94.
  • Dey, S. K. & Fumafartsok, T. W. (1984 a) Supernumerary chromosomes in two species of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Cell and Chromosome Research, 7, 28 - 30.
  • Wen, X. - J., Wei, J. & Chen, H. - B. (2007 b) A study on polytene chromosomes of Simulium (Nevermannia) henanense sp. nov. Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 26, 525 - 527. [In Chinese with English summary.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (2009 b) Karyotypes of rare and little-known species of blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae). Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 19, 244 - 246.
  • Adler, P. H. (1987) A new North American species in the Simulium vernum group (Diptera: Simuliidae) and analysis of its polytene chromosomes. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 89, 673 - 681.
  • Rothfels, K. [H.] (1989) Speciation in black flies. Genome, 32, 500 - 509. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / g 89 - 475
  • Ismagulov, A. G. & Chubareva, L. A. (1993) Comparative morpho-karyological analysis of related species of the genus Cnetha End. (Diptera, Simuliidae). In: Skarlato, O. A. (Ed.), Kariosistematika Bespozvonochnykh Zhivotnykh, II [Karyosystematics of Invertebrate Animals, II.] Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 82 - 85. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Okada, K. (1971) Gross characterization of the salivary gland chromosomes of the black fly Simulium (Eusimulium) uchidai (Takahasi). Juntendo University Bulletin of Letters and Science, 14, 36 - 42. [In Japanese with English title and summary.]
  • Okada, K. & Sato, J. (1971) Gross features of the salivary gland chromosomes of Simulium (Eusimulium) uchidai (Takahasi 1950). La Kromosomo, 85 - 86, 2747. [In Japanese.]
  • Leonhardt, K. G. (1985) A cytological study of species in the Eusimulium aureum group (Diptera: Simuliidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 63, 2043 - 2061. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / z 85 - 301
  • Leonhardt, K. G. (1987) A cytological study of species in the " Eusimulium aureum " group with comparisons to " E. vernum " and " E. ruficorne " (Diptera, Simuliidae). Master's thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 104 pp.
  • Hunter, F. F. (1989) The polytene chromosomes of Simulium furculatum (Shewell) (Diptera: Simuliidae). Genome, 32, 522 - 530. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1139 / g 89 - 478
  • Chubareva, L. A. (1974 a) Chromosomal polymorphism in natural populations of bloodsucking blackflies and some other dipterous insects. Tsitologiya, 16, 267 - 280. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Chubareva, L. A., Grinchuk, T. M. & Kachvoryan, E. A. (1974) On the occurrence of triploid individuals in natural populations of bloodsucking blackflies. Tsitologiya, 16, 253 - 255. [In Russian with English summary; the latter excludes the word ' bloodsucking' present in the Russian title.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. (1984) Comparative analysis of karyotypes in the Simuliidae and Chironomidae. Zoolgichesky Zhurnal, 63, 1652 - 1660. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (1984) B-chromosomes in bloodsucking blackflies (Simuliidae, Diptera). Genetika, 20, 570 - 578. [In Russian with English summary; the English title omits the word ' bloodsucking'; full English translation in Soviet Genetics 20: 446 - 453.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A., Chubareva, L. A., Petrova, N. A. & Mirumyan, L. S. (1996) Frequency changes of B chromosomes in synanthropic species of bloodsucking blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae). Genetika, 32, 637 - 640. [In Russian with English summary; full English translation in Russian Journal of Genetics, 32, 554 - 557.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A., Oganesyan, V. S. & Mirumyan, L. S. (1996) Dynamic measurement of genetic structure in populations of the bloodsucking blackfly Cnetha zakhariensis Rubz. In: Artyukhov, V. G., Golub, V. B., Loginovskii, V. D., Negrobov, O. P., Prostakov, N. I. & Shcheglov, D. I. (Eds.), Mezhdunarodnaya Nauchnaya Konferentsiya: Biologicheskie Problemy Ustoichivogo Razvitiya Prirodnykh Ekosistem, 2 [Collected Papers of Biological Problems of Stable Development in Natural Ecosystems, 2.] Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia, pp. 135 - 136. [In Russian.]
  • Petrova, N. A. & Chubareva, L. A. (1997) Spatial and temporal controls on the appearance of B-chromosomes in chironomid and blackfly populations. In: Kuznetsov, S. Yu. & Kuznetsov, N. V. (Eds.), Mesto i rol' Dvukrylykh Nasekomykh v Ekosistemakh [Place and Role of Dipterous Insects in Ecosystems.] Zoologicheskii Institut, Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 94 - 95. [In Russian.]
  • Kachvoryan, E. A. & Gasparyan, S. G. (1998) Genotypic and phenotypic variability in natural populations of blackflies inhabiting anthropogenic biotopes. In: Movsesyan, S. O. (Ed.), Respublikanskoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii po Zoologii, Tezisy Dokladov [Republican Scientific Conference on Zoology, Theses of Lectures.] Institut Zoologii, Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Armenii, Yerevan, Armenia, p. 66. [In Russian.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (2000 a) Ecology and B-chromosomes in blackflies and chironomids (Diptera). In: Hunter, F. F. (Ed.), Black Flies in the New Millennium: an International Meeting of Black Fly Workers, 17 - 21 June 2000. Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, p. 37. [Unpublished document.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. (2001 b) Triploidy in populations of three species of blackflies of the genus Prosimulium Roubaud (Diptera, Simuliidae) from the Kol'sky Peninsula, Krasnoyarsk Region, Tuva and the Pamir. Tsitologiya, 43, 992 - 1000. [In Russian with English summary.]
  • Harutyunova, M. V., Harutyunova, K. V. & Kachvoryan, E. A. (2001) Black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) as convenient test-objects for cytological monitoring. In: Movsesyan, S. O. (Ed.), Tezisy Dokladov Respublikanckoi Nauchnoi Konferentsii po Zoologii [Theses and Lectures of the Republic Scientific Meeting on Zoology.] Institut Zoologii, Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Respubaiki Armeniya, Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 31 - 32. [In Russian.]
  • Ismagulov, A. G. (1993) Blackflies (Simuliidae, Diptera) of the highland regions of the south and southeast of the Republic of Kazakhstan (morphology and karyotypes). Abstract. Doctoral thesis, Zoologicheskii Institut, Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, St. Petersburg, Russia, 22 pp. [In Russian.] [Abstract seen, not entire reference.]
  • Chubareva, L. A. & Petrova, N. A. (2000 b) Karyotypes of 17 species of blackflies (Diptera, Simuliidae) of the Murmansk region. In: Sokhranenie Biologicheskogo Raznoobraziya Fennoskandii [Conservation of Biological Diversity of Fennoscandia.] Mezhdunarodnaya Konferentsiya, 30 Marta - 2 Aprelya 2000 g. [International Conference, 30 March - 2 April 2000], Tezisy Dokladov [Abstracts]. Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Petrozavodsk, Russia, p. 104. [In Russian.]