Key to the Pamphiliinae of Tianmushan
1. Head with lateral sutures divergent forward and not connected with antennal furrows; forewing with vein Sc1 absent (Neurotoma Konow, 1897)................................................................................... 2
- Head with lateral sutures subparallel and connected with antennal furrows; forewing with vein Sc1 present.............. 3
2. Head black, with pale marks only on clypeus and at upper inner orbits; head covered with large distinct punctures and hairs; thorax and abdomen black, with only narrow posterior margins of abdominal sterna creamy white; tibiae and tarsi of all legs black, except for creamy white basal half of hind tibia..................................... N. atrata Takeuchi, 1930
- Head black, with extensive creamy white marks on clypeus, paraantennal field, frons, upper inner orbit, along lateral suture, gena and posterior margin of postocular area; head mostly smooth, without large punctures and hairs; thorax and abdomen with extensive creamy white marks............................................ N. nigrotegularis Wei & Nie, 1998
3. Anterior part of malar space with row of recurved setae in female and with large pit containing usually one long stout seta and several recurved setae in male; supraocular area with narrow, dull, densely pubescent patch in male; tarsal claws with acute basal lobe in addition to apical and one subapical teeth of subequal size (Onycholyda Takeuchi, 1938)................. 4
- Anterior part of malar space without recurved setae or setiferous pit in both sexes; supraocular area without narrow, dull, densely pubescent patch in male; tarsal claws with apical and one subapical teeth of subequal size and often with rounded basal lobe, but without acute basal lobe (Pamphilius Latreille, 1803)............................................... 11
4. Abdomen entirely or almost entirely black, without orange areas..................... O. atra Shinohara & Wei, sp. nov.
- Abdomen with extensive orange or pale yellow areas........................................................ 5
5. Antenna entirely orange or dark yellow, without blackish areas...................... O. fulvicornis Shinohara, sp. nov.
- At least flagellum blackish brown to black.................................................................. 6
6. Female............................................................................................. 7
- Male............................................................................................. 10
7. Antennal scape and pedicel mostly black.................................................................. 8
- Antennal scape and pedicel mostly pale yellow............................................................. 9
8. Frons, interocellar crest, pronotum, anterior part of mesepisternum and median mesoscutellar lobe marked with pale yellow; wing venation mostly black..................................................... O. shaanxiana Shinohara, 1999
- Frons, interocellar crest, pronotum, anterior part of mesepisternum and median mesoscutellar lobe without pale yellow marks; wing venation mostly pale yellow........................................... O. odaesana Shinohara & Byun, 1993
9. Left mandible with low but distinct middle tooth; black mark covering postocellar area not or narrowly extending laterally beyond lateral suture and extending anteriorly along antennal furrow only to dorsal tentorial macula; veins R and R1 and basal 1/4–1/3 of stigma pale yellow..................................................... O. subquadrata (Maa, 1944)
- Left mandible without distinct middle tooth; black mark covering postocellar area broadly extending laterally beyond lateral suture to postocular area and extending anteriorly along antennal furrow to torulus; veins R and R1 black and pale basal spot of stigma almost missing................................................. O. tianmushana Shinohara & Xiao, 2006
10. Clypeus concave, without longitudinal median carina, surface with distinct microsculpture, mat; left mandible without middle tooth; lateral pronotum, cervical sclerite and mesepisternum largely pale yellow...... O. odaesana Shinohara & Byun, 1993
- Clypeus convex, with distinct longitudinal median carina, surface smooth, shiny; left mandible with low but distinct middle tooth; lateral pronotum, cervical sclerite and mesepisternum entirely black................. O. subquadrata (Maa, 1944)
11. Wings strongly infuscated blackish except for clear hyaline apical 1/3; left mandible without middle tooth............................................................................. P. lizejiani Shinohara in Shinohara & Wei, 2012
- Wings uniformly hyaline, often stained with brown; left mandible with low but distinct middle tooth.................. 12
12. Head mostly impunctate, smooth and glabrous except for clypeus; abdomen almost entirely black, without large orange or creamy white areas........................................................ P. shengi Wei in Wei & Xiao, 1999
- Head punctate and pilose; abdomen with large orange or creamy white areas..................................... 13
13. Head almost entirely black, densely covered with large deep punctures, without distinct interspaces; thorax entirely black; abdomen black with only segments 2–4 creamy white.......................... P. qinlingicus Wei in Xin & Wu, 2010
- Head and thorax with extensive pale yellow marks; head smooth or punctate with distinct interspaces; abdominal color pattern different from above................................................................................. 14
14. Length 9–11 mm in female, 8.5–10.5 mm in male; vertex with large deep punctures with narrow coriaceous interspaces; antennal scape with large black marking; stigma pale brown, with anterior and posterior margins blackish................................................................................................... P. padus Shinohara, sp. nov.
- Length 7.5–8.5 mm in female, 7–8 mm in male; vertex smooth with sparse punctures; antennal scape entirely pale yellow; stigma entirely blackish brown.............................................. P. palliceps Shinohara & Xiao, 2006
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Pamphiliidae
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Taxon rank
- subFamily
- Konow, F. W. (1897) Systematische und kritische Bearbeitung der Blattwespen- Tribus Lydini. II. Annalen des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, Wien, 12, 231 - 255.
- Takeuchi, K. (1930) A revisional list of the Japanese Pamphiliidae, with description of nine new species. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society, Osaka, 1, 3 - 16.
- Wei, M. - C. & Nie, H. - Y. (1998) Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae, Cimbicidae, Argidae, Diprionidae, Tenthredinidae, Cephidae. In: Wu, H. (Ed.), Insects of Longwangshan Nature Reserve. Chinese Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, pp. 344 - 391. [in Chinese with English summary]
- Takeuchi, K. (1938) A systematic study on the suborder Symphyta (Hymenoptera) of the Japanese Empire (I). Tenthredo, Kyoto, 2, 173 - 229.
- Latreille, P. A. (1803) Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere des Crustaces et des Insectes. Dufart, Paris, 3 [1802 - 1803] (1 - 12), 467 pp.
- Shinohara, A. (1999) Leaf-rolling sawflies of the genus Onycholyda (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) from Shaanxi Province, China. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Series A, 25, 65 - 71.
- Shinohara, A. & Byun, B. K. (1993) Pamphiliid sawfly genera Neurotoma and Onycholyda (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Korea. Insecta Koreana, Chuncheon, 10, 75 - 91.
- Maa, T. - C. (1944) Novelties of Chinese Hymenoptera Chalastogastra. Biological Bulletin of Fukien Christian University, Shaowu, 4, 33 - 60.
- Shinohara, A. & Xiao, G. - R. (2006) Some leaf-rolling sawflies (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae, Pamphiliinae) from China in the collection of the Research Institute of Forest Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing. In: Blank, S. M., Schmidt, S. & Taeger, A. (Eds.), Recent Sawfly Research: Synthesis and Prospects. Goecke & Evers, Keltern, pp. 285 - 296.
- Wei, M. - C. & Xiao, W. (1999) A new species of Pamphilius from Mt. Funiushan (Hymenoptera: Siricomorpha: Pamphiliidae). In: Shen, X. - C. & Pei, H. - C. (Eds.), Insects of the Mountains Funiu and Dabie regions. The Fauna and Taxonomy of Insects in Henan. Vol. 4. China Agricultural Scientech Press, Beijing, pp. 149 - 151. [in Chinese, abstract in English]
- Xin, H. & Wu, X. - Y. (2010) The investigation and taxonomical research of the sawflies species from Gansu Province. II. A list of the genera and species (Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae, Megalodontesidae). Journal of Gansu Forestry Science and Technology, 35 (1), 9 - 11. [in Chinese]