Hedotettix angulatus Gupta, Shi & Chandra, 2016, sp. nov.
Hedotettix angulatus sp. nov.
Material examined (8 specimens).
Holotype (1/8). 1♀, Chhattisgarh, Raipur, Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary, Dong Paharinala, 21°23’111’’N, 82°24’581’’E, 426 m a.s.l., 22.vi.2013, coll. S. K. Gupta & party, Reg. No. 13905/H5.
Paratypes (2–8/8): 2♀, Chhattisgarh, Raipur, Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary, Barnawapara camp, 21°24’00’’N, 82°25’312’’ E, 321 m a.s.l., 7.vii.2011, coll. S. K. Gupta & party, Reg. No. 13906/H5; 10.vii.2011, coll. S. K. Gupta & party, Reg. No. 13907/H5; 1♀, Akaltara village, 21°24’379’’N, 82°27’28’’E, 329m a.s.l., 24.vi.2013, coll. S. K. Gupta & party, Reg. No. 13908/H5; 2♀, Durg, Badbhum Forest Rest House, 20°14’19.7’ N, 81°59’49.8’’ E, 440m a.s.l., 29.iii.2014, coll. S. K. Gupta & party, Reg. No. 3909-10/H5; 1♂, Kabirdham, Bhoramdev Wildlife Sanctuary, Dharmsala, 22°06’46.8’’N, 81°09’15.3’’E, 491m a.s.l., 28.ix.2013, coll. S. K. Gupta & party, Reg. No. 13911/H5; ♀, Surguja, Anjani Beat, 23°42’18.3’’N, 82°48’27.8’’ E, 450 m a.s.l., 10.xi.2011, coll. A. Raha & party, Reg. No. 13912/H5.
Diagnosis. Hedotettix angulatus sp. nov. can easily be distinguished from the similar species Hedotettix grossus Hancock, 1915 by (i) anterior margin of vertex angulate, (ii) ovipositor robust, length of upper valves 2.2 times its width, (iii) antennal grooves situated above the lower margin of the compound eyes, (iv) median carina of vertex strong and extended up to the posterior end of depression, (v) facial carinae are all most parallel, (vi) frontal costa bifurcation starts in about ¼ of the compound eye height, (vii) anterior margin of middle carina of pronotum depressed.
Female (Fig. 1 A–G). Body small (9.39 mm long) (Fig. 1A, B), smooth, vertex distinctly broader than a compound eye in dorsal view and strongly concave in frontal view. Median carina of the vertex angulate, strong, situated in the distal end of the length of the vertex (Fig. 3C) and elevated. Fossullae present, lateral carinae of the vertex present, strongly elevated with small tubercles. Supraocular lobes present. Vertex slightly wider than compound eye. Median ocellus situated far below the level of the lower margin of the compound eyes, in the place where facial carinae end. Lateral ocelli situated slightly above the level of the middle height of the compound eyes. Frontal costa bifurcates into facial carinae above the paired ocelli and facial carinae run parallel to the median ocellus, forming scutellum. Antennal grooves are situated above the lower margin of the compound eyes. Antennal grooves wider than scutellum, scapus wider than scutellum (Fig. 1C). Eyes in frontal view slightly elongated, ovoid; in lateral view sub-globular with rounded margin proximal to pronotum; in dorsal view sub-globular. Eyes can be positioned slightly distant from the pronotum, so the occipital area is present, visible. Antennae 14–15 segmented (Fig. 1D). Antennal article 1 is scapus, 3–6 are not long at all or 7th to 13th are long. Mid segment about 3 times as long as wide. Segments 14th–15th (14th) are reduced and filiform. Pre-subapical antennal segments (2–8) are dark brown, subapical and apical dark.
Pronotum granulated, with fine and small tubercles, wrinkled, projected far beyond the hind knees (for one third length of the hind tibiae), slender, anterior margin truncated. Median carina is continuous towards the whole length of pronotum, anterior region depressed, compressed, elevated. Prozonal carinae strong, visible, elevated, in the end of prozona curved in the direction of median carina. Extra lateral carinae strong, elevated, normal. The length of prozona of pronotum variable. Extra lateral carinae fused to humero-apical carinae and forming slightly convex, with obtuse rounded angle. Interhumeral carinae indistinct. Interscapular area narrower (2.1) than mid femur width, without fused to lateral area and runs towards the apex of the pronotum. Lateral area wider than interscapular area. Pronotum apex truncated, slightly crenulated (Fig. 3I). Two lateral pronotal lobes present, posterior margin of the lateral lobe slightly narrower. The tegminal and ventral sinus present.
Tegmina rhomboid in shape and with concave ventral margin (Fig.3A). Alae present, reaching or surpassing the hind process of the pronotum (about 2.15 mm).
All the femora finely serrated. Fore and mid femora laterally compressed (Fig. 1E, G). Length/width ratio of fore femora 3.8, of mid femora 4. Fore and mid tibiae slender. Upper and lower margins of fore and mid femur straight; width of midfemur narrower than the width of tegmina. Tarsi of fore and mid femora with proximal segment significantly shorter than the distal one. Hind femora 3 times as long as wide and serrated (Fig. 1F), tibiae with 11outer and 10 inner spines. Dorsal external area with a large tubercle. Genicular and antigenicular teeth visible, acute, small. Length of 1st tarsal segment 1.6 times longer than the third segment, tip of pulvilli Ist spinulately produced, IInd pulvilli without spinulately and IIIrd slightly spinulately produced, apices of all the pulvilli obtuse, pulvilli III distinctly shorter than length of I, II pulvilli together (Fig. 1H). Subgenital plate rectangular in ventral view, its length slightly longer than its width. Ovipositor robust, length of upper valves 2.2 times its width (Fig.3F). Cerci small, slender with rounded apex, with long hairs.
Male: (Fig. 2A–C) Body size smaller than female, feature of structure similar to female. Subgenital plate 2.6 times as long as wide, apex with V-shaped incision (Fig. 2B).
Coloration. Body brown to blackish-brown. Body color varies from brown to blackish. Antenna brown, apical part dark-brown. Pronotal tubercles usually dark brown. Distal part of all the tibiae and tarsi usually black- reddish or dark black, with white long hairs, tip of spine black.
Measurements of Female. Body length (from the tip of the vertex to the end of the abdomen): 9.39; Pronotum length: 11.30, prozonal carinae length: 0.63, sholder width: 2.34. Tegmen length: 1.77, width: 0.83; Hind wing length: 11.18; Hind leg: femur length: 5.32, width: 1.84; tibia length: 4.90, width: 0.24; tarsus length: I: 0.88, II: 0.17, III: 0.51; pulvilli length: I: 0.29, II: 0.25, III: 0.37; Subgenital plate length: 0.52, width: 0.56; Dorsal ovipositor valves length: 0.91, width: 0.28; Ventral ovipositor valves length: 0.82, width: 0.29; Cerci length: 0.08, width: 0.10.
Measurements of male. Body length 8.24. Head length: 0.61; antenna length: 2.52. Pronotum length: 10.99. Fore leg: femur length: 1.560, width: 0.28; tibia length: 1.42, width: 0.27; Mid leg: femur length: 1.43, width: 0.58; tibial length: 1.64, width: 0.20; tarsus length: I: 0.17, II: 0.50; claw length I: 0.24, II: 0.20. Hind leg: femur length: 4.73, width: 1.72; tibia length: 4.20, width: 0.205; tarsus length: I: 0.81, II: 0.068, III: 0.45; pulvilli length: I: 0.23, II: 0.24, III: 0.34. Subgenital plate length: 0.80, width 0.49. Cerci length: 0.88.
Etymology. The name of the species is given after the character of the anterior margin of vertex angulate.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Event date
- 2011-07-07 , 2011-11-10 , 2013-06-22 , 2013-06-24 , 2013-09-28 , 2014-03-29
- Family
- Tetrigidae
- Genus
- Hedotettix
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Orthoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Species
- angulatus
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2011-07-07 , 2011-11-10 , 2013-06-22 , 2013-06-24 , 2013-09-28 , 2014-03-29
- Taxonomic concept label
- Hedotettix angulatus Gupta, Shi & Chandra, 2016
- Hancock, J. L. (1915) Indian Tetriginae (Acrydiinae). Records of Indian Museum, 11, 55 - 135.