Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Protiaropsis Xu, Huang, Lin, Guo & Wang, 2016, sp. nov.


Key to the known species of genus Protiaropsis in China.

1 Manubrium with gastric peduncle, short and wide; 4 large mass-like gonads in interradial of manubrium; exumbrella with scattered cnidocysts........................................................................................................................ P. pedunculata Xu, Huang & Guo, sp. nov. Manubrium without gastric peduncle...................................................................................................................................................2 2 With 4 marginal tentacles, no base swelling, with terminal knob of cnidocysts; with 4 perradial marginal bulbs, with a short endodermal process extending upwards from the basal bulbs reaching 1/4 of exumbrella height; 4 pads shaped gonads in interradial position on manubrium ..................................................................................................... P. tetranema Xu, Huang & Wang, sp. nov. With 8 or more tentacles ......................................................................................................................................................................3 3 With 8–12 tentacles, each terminating more elongate, slight swelling......................................................... P. anonyma (Maas, 1905) With 16–24 tentacles, each terminating in a large cnidocyst cluster ......................................................... P. minor (Vanhöffen, 1911)


Published as part of Zhenzu Xu, Jiaqi Huang, Mao Lin, Donghui Guo & Chunguang Wang, 2016, Taxonomic notes on Hydroidomedusae (Cnidaria) from South China Sea II: Family Bythotiaridae (Anthomedusae), pp. 149-157 in Zoological Systematics 41 (2) on page 153, DOI: 10.11865/zs.2016013,


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  • Maas, O. 1905. Die Craspedoten Medusen der Siboga-Expeditie. Siboga-Expeditie, 10: 1 - 84.
  • Vanhoffen, E. 1911. Die Anthomedusen und Leptomedusen der Deutschen Tiefsee Expedition 1898 - 1899. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee Expedition Valdivia, 19: 193 - 233.