Acidiostigma nigrofasciola Chen and Zhang, sp. nov.
Acidiostigma nigrofasciola Chen and Zhang, sp. nov.
(Figs 15–18)
Diagnosis. The wing pattern is Hemilea -like, but easily recognized by two distinct black bands present in the cell dm, one over vein DM-Cu and another across the middle of cell dm. It somewhat resembles A. polyfasciatum (Miyake) from Korea and Japan, but differs by wing without hyaline spots in cell r1, cell r4+5 having 2 isolated hyaline spots, and mediotergite black but with a narrow medial yellow band.
Male. Head (Fig 16). Predominantly yellow to yellow-brown, frons usually darker; 3 pairs of frontal and 2 pairs of orbital setae; ocellars moderately developed, slightly longer than posterior orbitals. The 1st flagellomere rounded at apex; arista pubescent. Thorax (Fig 17). Yellow-brown in ground colour, with 4 broad longitudinal black brown vittae on scutum, a narrow ivory-yellow stripe extending from postpronotal lobe along upper margin of anepisternum to wing base; mediotergite black with a narrow medial yellow band. Body setae black (dorsocentral setae missing). Legs (Fig 15). Entirely yellow, fore femora each with 5–6 posteroventral setae; mid tibia with 1 strong apical spur. Wing (Fig 18). The pattern is typical Hemilea -like; cells bc and c predominantly brown; cell r1 entirely brown and without any hyaline spot; cell sc entirely brown, slightly longer than cell c; two distinct black bands present in cell dm, one over vein DM-Cu and another across the middle of cell dm; lobe of cell bcu short; vein R4+5 setose to crossvein R-M, the latter situated well beyond the middle of cell dm. Abdomen. Tergites 1+2 yellow, tergites 3–5 blackish brown; epandrium yellow to yellow-brown with dark brown setae, posterodorsally pubescent (other parts of male genitalia not visible because not dissected).
Length. Body, 6.2 mm; wing, 6.9 mm.
Female. Unknown.
Distribution. China (Yunnan).
Type material. Holotype ♂, CHINA: Yunnan, Tengchong, Jietou, Shaba, Mt Tiantai, 25º24.115′N, 98º47.615′E, 1879 m, 12 May 2009, J.-H. Huang (IZCAS).
Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin “ nigro ”, meaning black, and “ fasciola ”, meaning a band, referring to the wing having a black band in cell dm.
Acidiostigma postsignatum (Chen, 1948) (Figs. 19–28)
Acidiella (Acidiostigma) postsignata Chen, 1948: 112. Holotype ♂ in IZCAS. Acidiostigma postsignata (Chen): Hardy, 1977: 103; Wang, 1990: 315; Wang, 1996: 140. Acidiostigma postsignatum (Chen): Han and Wang, 1997: 106.
Diagnosis. This species resembles A. longipenne (Hendel), differing from it in having 2 lateral black marks on sides of mediotergite; cell sc slightly shorter than or equal in length to cell c, and having extensive brown mark over the middle of cell dm.
Female (described for the first time). Head (Figs 20, 23). Predominantly yellow to yellow-brown, frons usually darker; 3 pairs of frontal and 2 pairs of orbital setae; ocellars moderately developed, slightly longer than posterior orbitals. The 1st flagellomere rounded at apex; arista pubescent. Thorax (Figs 22, 23). Entirely yellowbrown or with very vague brown vittae on scutum, an ivory-yellow stripe extending from postpronotal lobe along upper margin of anepisternum to wing base; mediotergite shiny black with a narrow median yellow stripe. Body setae usually black, dorsocentral setae situated behind line of postsutural supra-alars. Legs (Figs 19, 23). Entirely yellow, fore femora each with 5–7 black posteroventral setae; mid tibia with 1 strong apical spur. Wing (Fig 21). The pattern is not Hemilea -like; cells bc and c predominantly hyaline, but with small vague marks; cell sc entirely dark brown, slightly shorter than or subequal in length to cell c; basal 1/4–1/3 of cell dm almost entirely hyaline; lobe of cell bcu short; vein R4+5 setose to crossvein R-M, the latter situated well beyond the middle of cell dm. Abdomen (Figs 19, 24). Almost entirely yellow to yellow-brown except oviscape black; oviscape flattened, shorter than tergites 5+6.
Length. Body, 6.5–6.8 mm; wing, 7.8–8.0 mm.
Distribution. China (Zhejiang, Fujian).
Specimens examined. Holotype male, CHINA: Zhejiang [Chekiang], 16 August 1935. Other material: 1 male, Fujian: Shaowu, 9. VMay 1943; 1♂, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 1500m, 29 June 2013, Y. Wang; 1♂, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 1500m, 13 June 2013, Y. Wang; 4♂, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 1500m, 28 May 2014, Y. Wang; 1♂, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 1500m, 20 June 2014, W-Y. Bi; 1♂, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 1500m, 12 June 2014, Y. Wang; 1♂, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 1500m, 9 July 2014, Y. Wang; 1♂, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 1500m, 26 August, 2014, Y. Wang; 1♀, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 1500m, 28 May 2014, Y. Wang; 1♀, CHINA: Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Qianmutian, 1– 2 July, 2013, Y. Wang (abdomen partly broken). All materials deposited in IZCAS.
Biology. Adults appear from late May to late August in Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province. They often rest on the upper or undersides of leaves of Malus manshurica (Maxim.) (Rosaceae) (Figs 25, 27), which is mainly distributed in northern China and is a common tree in Tianmu Mountain. But adults also appear on Fagaceae or other large trees (Figs 26, 28) and are sometimes also present on E. hamiltonianus. They have not been observed to rest together numerously in one tree, usually just 1 to 3 individuals present simultaneously.
Remarks. The female of this species is mainly differentiated from the male by cells bc and c predominantly hyaline, the basal 1/4–1/3 of cell dm almost entirely hyaline, fore femora each with 5–7 black posteroventral setae, and abdomen almost entirely yellow to yellow-brown except oviscape black.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Tephritidae
- Genus
- Acidiostigma
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Diptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Chen and Zhang
- Species
- nigrofasciola
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Acidiostigma nigrofasciola Chen & Zhang, 2016