Platystoma geula Bodner & Freidberg, 2016, n. sp.
Platystoma geula n. sp.
(Figs. 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 81, 97)
Diagnosis. This species generally matches the characteristics of the Platystoma lugubre species group (Hennig, 1945) with the following exceptions: presence of 2–3 supra-alar setae, as opposed to 4; absence of setulae on the scutellum; black ground color of the postpronotum, as opposed to red (differs from all species in the group except P. lugubre corsicanum Séguy). This species was also compared with specimens of similar species, P. t e gu l a r u m Loew and P. gemmationis (Rondani), from which it differs by a much shorter ventral calypter.
Description. Head (Figs. 12, 23): Color and vestiture: Head conspicuously pale to dark brown, with yellowish-brown areas. Frons microtrichose mostly medially, at orbits and around bases of orbital setae, with 4 orange to brown patches delimited by inconspicuous transverse band of microtrichia at middle, and by median line of microtrichia. Ocellar triangle inconspicuously microtrichose, delimited by dense yellowish microtrichia. Lunule yellow to pale brown, with yellowish microtrichia, especially medially. Antenna: scape pale to dark brown, pedicel yellow to orange and 1st flagellomere dark brown, all microtrichose (not visible in certain angles). Face mostly blackish, except yellowish to brownish areas lateroventrally; dense gray microtrichia on most of dorsal part and medioventrally, leaving ventral 0.20–0.33 of antennal groove shiny black without microtrichia, and lateroventrally without microtrichia although matte. Clypeus mostly densely microtrichose, with small lateral shiny area (depending on angle of observation). Chaetotaxy: 2 (pairs) orbital setae and 1 (pair) postocellar seta present. Lunule setulose. Postgena and occiput with long yellowish setulae. Ratios: Head: 1.41–1.51; frons anterior: 1.53– 1.83; frons posterior: 1.32–1.50; ocellar triangle/frons: 0.29–0.38; eye: 1.95–2.24; 1st flagellomere: 1.60–2.13; gena/eye: 0.36–0.41; parafacial/gena: 0.29–0.39; posterior orbital/anterior orbital: 2.33–2.50; medial vertical/ lateral vertical: 0.69–1.17; posterior orbital/medial vertical: 0.56–0.81; ocellar/medial vertical: 0.37–0.54; ocellar/ ocellar triangle: 0.83–1.08; postocellar/medial vertical: 0.23–0.35.
Thorax: Color and vestiture: Ground color black, with yellowish-gray microtrichia. Scutum with 3 or 5 microtrichose stripes. Postpronotal lobe ground color black. Scutellum medially and laterally microtrichose, with sublateral black spots, sometimes including round black spots around bases of setae. Subscutellum black, with grayish-yellow microtrichia, mostly laterally and near median. Pleura microtrichose as in genus. Chaetotaxy: Presutural supra-alar seta absent. 0–1 postsutural supra-alar seta present. Postpronotal lobe with yellowish setulae anteriorly and black setulae posteriorly. Anepisternum uniformly short setulose. Katepisternum with long curly yellowish-white to orange setulae. Ratios: Scutum: 0.81–0.95; postsutural supra-alar/intra-alar: 0.33–0.50; postalar/intra-alar: 0.46–1.09.
Legs: Color and vestiture: Leg type dark. Tarsi: fore and mid tarsi black, with yellow areas on proximal part of tarsomeres; hind metatarsus mostly yellowish, dorsoapically pale brown; 2nd tarsomere of hind tarsus yellowish ventrally and dorsally on proximal half. Other segments as fore and mid tarsi. Coxae anterodorsally microtrichose, posterodorasally shiny black. Chaetotaxy: Coxae and trochanters with mixed yellow and blackish setae and setulae, posterodorsally bare. Femora dorsally with blackish and mostly short setulae, with long and thicker setulae distally. Fore femur ventrally with yellow and blackish setae and setulae. Mid and hind femora, ventrally with thin long yellowish setulae. Tarsi with short, mostly blackish setulae, with shorter orange-brown setulae ventrally. Hind metatarsus anteroventrally with row of predominantly thick black setulae, distinguished from rest of setulae and more conspicuous in male.
Wing (Fig. 34): Pattern: Mostly rather pale brown, reticulate, with large hyaline spots along and near costa and mostly smaller spots arranged in 2 longitudinal rows in each of cells r2+3, br and r4+5. Combined area of hyaline spots subequal to combined area of pigmented pattern. Conspicuous, dark, transverse bands or large spots present as follows: 1 band extending from costa at cell co, over crossvein BM-Cu, ending in anterobasal corner of cell cu1; 2 spots extending from costa in proximal 0.5 of pterostigma, ending in posterior margin of cell r1 proximal 0.5; 1 band extending from distal edge of pterostigma, aligned with crossvein R-M, ending medially at cell dm, anterior to vein Cu1; 1 spot extending from posterior part of cell dm, in level between crossveins R-M and DM-Cu, ending near medial of posterior margin of cell cu1; 1 narrow band extending (more or less intermittently) from costa to posterodistal edge of cell cu1, aligned with crossvein DM-Cu; 3 somewhat oblique bands beyond level of crossvein DM-Cu, converging medially towards cell r4+5: Proximal two forming "X" shape; apical band C-shaped. Costal cell hyaline with 4 dark spots, of which two middle most conspicuous. Venation: Veins generally yellowish to dark brown. Axillary sclerites and stem vein pale to dark brown. Costa mostly yellow. Base of costa, from proximal edge to costagial break, blackish. Vein M ends slightly posterior to wing tip. Crossvein DM-Cu slightly sinuous. Dorsal calypter slightly wider and shorter than ventral calypter. Halter with orange base, yellowish stem and pale to dark brown, sometimes apically beige, knob. Ratios: Wing: 2.68–2.91.
Abdomen: Structure: Male T5 almost twice as long as T4, T4 about as long as T3. Female T4 about as long as T3 and slightly longer than T5. Color and vestiture: Microtrichia scattered more or less uniformly over tergites, mostly present medially over T2-T5. Male terminalia (Figs. 45, 56, 67): Epandrium rounded laterally, broadened dorsoventrally; ventral concavity inconspicuous, wide and superficial; subepandrial sclerite in lateral view enclosed by epandrium, indistinctly bent but with sharp corner projected dorsally; lateral surstylus broad, posteriorly rounded and apically narrowed; medial surstylus short and ambiguous, although slightly visible in ventral view. Terminal filaments equally long, slightly longer than preglans and glans combined and conspicuously shorter than distiphallus. Female terminalia (Fig. 81): 3 spermathecae present; spermatheca short ovoid and smooth. Ratios: Male: T3/T4: 0.86–1.00; T4/T5: 0.66–0.77; T3+4/T5: 1.13–1.45; epandrium: 0.81–0.97; preglans: 1.25–1.50; glans: 1.45–2.00; preglans/glans: 0.50–0.57; acrophallus/preglans+glans: 1.00–1.41; distiphallus/ preglans+glans: 11.88–13.93. Female: T3/T4: 0.93–1.10; T4/T5: 1.12–1.28; T3+4/T5: 1.93–2.17; aculeus: 6.17– 6.50; cercal unit: 2.33–2.40; cercal unit/aculeus: 0.16–0.18.
Measurements (mm). Body length: 6.70–8.50; wing length: 5.60–7.10.
Material examined. Holotype: Ƌ, ISRAEL, Nahal 'Iyyon, Ha'Tanur Waterfall, 430m, 33°16.1'N 35°34.5'E, 15.iii.2011, A. Freidberg. Paratypes: same collection data as holotype (23Ƌ, 26♀); additional paratypes (all from Israel; for explanation of the designation of paratypes, see Comments): large specimens: Har Dov, 8.iv.1983, AF (1♀); Nahal ' Iyyon, haTanur (' HaTanur', or ' Tanur'): 22.ii.2002, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀), 15.iii.1975, AF (27Ƌ, 13♀), 15.iii.1975, F. Kaplan (6Ƌ, 5♀), 430m, 33°16.1'N 35°34.5'E, 15.iii.2011, L. Bodner (24Ƌ, 26♀), AF (14Ƌ, 11♀), E. Morgulis (5♀), 21.iii.1974, D. Furth (2♀); Panyas: 33°14.9'N 35°41.7'E, 15.iii.2011, L. Bodner (13Ƌ, 12♀), AF (32Ƌ, 23♀), E. Morgulis (2Ƌ, 1♀), 16.iv.1992, AF (1♀), 205m, 33°15'N 35°42'E, 28.iv.2011, D. Furth (1♀); Sasa, 18.iv.1981, AF (8Ƌ, 5♀); HaGoshrim, 28–29.ii.1977, AF (5Ƌ), 29.ii.1977, F. Kaplan (1♀); Hurfeish, 7.iv.1987, Y. Zvik, on Phlomis viscosa, (1Ƌ, 2♀); Qiryat Shemona, 16.iv.1992, AF (5Ƌ, 2♀); Dan, Bet Ussishkin: 33°14'N 35°39'E, 15.iii.2011, AF (19Ƌ, 24♀), 33°14'N 35°39'E, 15.iii.2011, E. Morgulis (1♀); Avivim: 18.iv.1981, AF (4Ƌ, 2♀), 13.iii.1984, I Yarom (1♀); Emek HaHula, 26.iii.1992, D. Raucher (1Ƌ, 1♀); Nahal Keziv, Monfort (' Monfort', or ' Nahal Keziv'): 400m, 33°02'N 35°14'E, 24.ii.2011, L. Bodner (18Ƌ, 15♀), AF (5Ƌ), 33°02.6'N 35°13.3'E, 4.iii.2010, I. Katz (10Ƌ, 5♀), 33°02.635'N 35°13.271'E, 4.iii.2010, AF (3Ƌ, 4♀), 33°02.7'N 35°13.6'E, 5.iii.2008, AF (8Ƌ, 4♀), L. Friedman (4Ƌ, 4♀), 9.iii.1982, M. Kaplan (1Ƌ), 10.iii.1981, AF (1Ƌ), F. Kaplan (1♀), 33°02'N 35°14'E, 14.iii.2011, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀), E. Morgulis (1♀); Ma'alot-Tarshiha, 474m, 33°00'N 35°15'E, 26.iv.2005, M. Meir (2♀); Ma'alot, 3.v.2000, J. Halperin, on Rhamnus, (1Ƌ); Yir'on, 663m, 33°04.3'N 35°27'E, 14.iii.2011, L. Bodner (1Ƌ, 1♀); Yir'on, 17.iv.2000, AF (7Ƌ); Meron (' Har / Mt. Meron', or ' Meiron'): 31.iii.1958, J. Kugler (1Ƌ, 1♀), 9.iv.1977, AF (1♀), 1000m, 32°59.7'N 35°24.7'E, 14.iv.2011, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀), 1000m, 32°59.7'N 35°24.7'E, 14.iv.2011, L. Friedman (1Ƌ), 1100m, 32°59.7'N 35°24.7'E, 14.iv.2011, L. Bodner (1Ƌ, 2♀), 1000m, 16.iv.1992, AF (1♀), 1120m, 32°59.8'N 35°24.7'E, 19.iv.2010, E. Morgulis (1Ƌ), 1120m, 32°59.8'N 35°24.7'E, 19.iv.2010, AF (1♀), 23.iv.1973, M. Kaplan (1Ƌ), [Meron Reserve], Gat 'En Zeved, 32°59'N 35°25'E, 24.iv.2002, AF (1Ƌ), [Har Meron Reserve], 'En haZaqen, 32°58'N 35°25'E, 24.iv.2002, AF (1Ƌ), 1100m, 24.iv.2003, AF (3♀), [Har Meron Reserve], Camping under Kefar, 600m, 32°58'N 35°26'E, 25.iv.2002, AF (1Ƌ), 30.iv.1981, F. Kaplan (1Ƌ, 1♀), 3.v.1973, AF (1♀), 5.v.1975, AF (1♀), 5.v.1987, F. Kaplan (2Ƌ, 1♀), 6.v.1986, G. Eldar (1Ƌ, 2♀), 14.v.1974, AF (10Ƌ, 2♀), 14.v.1974, F. Nachbar (1Ƌ, 2♀), 17.v.1976, D. Simon (1Ƌ, 1♀), [Jarmaq], 20.v.1964, J. Kugler (2Ƌ), 20.v.1972, AF (2Ƌ, 1♀), 800m, 22.v.1998, AF (1Ƌ), 1120m, 33°00'N 35°25'E, 26.v.2009, AF (1Ƌ); Yaqqir [Yakir], 4.iv.1981, AF (1Ƌ); Zuri'el, 9.iv.1977, AF (1♀); Qiryat Anavim, 25.iv.1955, J. W. Wahrman (2Ƌ, 1♀). Small specimens: Nahal 'Iyyon, Ha'Tanur [Tanur], 17.iii.1973, D. Furth (2♀); N[ahal] Hazbani, 13.iii. [19]84, I. Yarom (1Ƌ, 1♀); HaGoshrim, 4.iv.1993 (2Ƌ, 5♀); Dafna, 18.iii.1973, M. Kaplan (3Ƌ, 4♀); Dan, 22.ii.1979, D. Furth (1Ƌ); Tel Dan, 13.iv. [19]83, I. Yarom (1♀); N[ahal] Sa’ar, 25.ii.1983, Z. Eythan (1Ƌ); Panyas [Banyas], 8.iii.1984, I. Nussbaum (6Ƌ, 1♀); 1 km East of Shomera, 31.iii. [19]68, Pener et al. (1♀); N[ahal] Bezet, 21.iv. [19]83, I. Yarom (1Ƌ); Horshat [Chorshat] Tal, 11.iv.1976, D. Simon (4Ƌ, 1♀); Nahal Keziv, Monfort ('Monfort', or 'Nahal Keziv'): 2.iii.1987, I. Yarom (1Ƌ), AF (1Ƌ), 4.iii.1976, AF (1Ƌ, 4♀), 4.iii.1993, AF (2Ƌ, 2♀), 17.iii.1983, AF (1♀), 18.iii.1973, AF (1♀); Gonen, 15.iii.1975, AF (3Ƌ); Ga`ton, 6.iii.2000, H. Ackerman (2Ƌ); Netu`a, 21.iv. [19]83, I. Yarom (2♀); Avivim, 18.iv.1981 (1♀,); Hurfeish, 7.iv.1987, I. Nussbaum (1♀); Rihaniya: 15.v.1996 (1♀), 22.v.1998 (1Ƌ); Park haYarden: 21.iii.2000, O. Manheim (1♀), H. Ackerman (1♀), 4.iv. [19]83, I. Yarom (6Ƌ, 1♀), 2.iv.1998, AF (1Ƌ); Biq'at Bet Zayda [Bteicha]: 14.iii.1975, AF (2Ƌ, 1♀), 24.iii.1973, M. Kaplan (1Ƌ); Ginnosar, 28.ii.1977, AF (1Ƌ); Kefar Nahum, 17.iii.1981, AF (1Ƌ); Yehudiya Forest Nature Reserve [Qasabiya], 20.iii.1984 (2Ƌ, 1♀), I. Nussbaum, 5.iv.1983 (1♀); Haifa [Haifa]: 4.ii.1969, AF (1Ƌ), 7.ii.1969, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀), 15.ii.1970, AF (1Ƌ, 3♀), 26.ii.1977, AF (1♀), 28.ii.1970, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀), 4.iii.1971, AF (3Ƌ), 7.iii.1969, AF (1♀), [Haifa, Palestine], 11.iii.1944, Bytinski-Salz (1Ƌ); Biq'at Bet Netofa [Palestina, Galilee, Bet Natufa], 1.iii. [19]55, O. Theodor (3Ƌ, 1♀); Nesher: 28.ii. [19]69, AF (1♀), 4.iii.1975, F. Kaplan (1Ƌ, 2♀); Oranim, 27.iii. [19]63,? (1Ƌ, 1♀); Qiryat Tiv`on [Tivon]: 4.iii.1975, F. Kaplan (22Ƌ, 3♀), 7.iii.1981, AF (2Ƌ), 2.iv.1975, F. Kaplan (1♀); Allonim, 3.ii.1942, Bytinski-Salz (1Ƌ, 1♀); Mishmar haEmeq, 4.iv. [19]53, M. Costa (2Ƌ, 2♀); Gesher, 16.iii.1973, D. Furth (1Ƌ); Karmel [Carmel]: 31.i.1970, AF (1Ƌ), 6.ii.1971 (1♀), 14.ii.1976, AF (2Ƌ), 22.ii.1981, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀), 4.iii.1975, F. Kaplan (1♀), 6.iii.1971, AF (25Ƌ, 10♀), 12.iii. [19]86, C. O`Toole (2Ƌ), 21.iii.1973, AF (2Ƌ), 8.iv. [19]67, D. Gerling (1♀); Yagur (or ' Jagur'): 21.ii.1976, AF (2Ƌ), [Jadjur, Haifa, Palestine], 5.iii. [19]34, O. Th[eodor] (1♀),, J. Kugler (1Ƌ); Nahal Oren: 32°43’N 35°01'E, 22.ii.2008, AF (5Ƌ), 4.iii.1975, M. Kaplan (2Ƌ, 2♀), 18.iii.1973, D. Furth (1♀), 18.iii.1981, (1♀); Isafiye, 18.iii.1973, D. Furth (1♀); N[ahal] Yoqne’am, 12.iii.1974, D. Furth (1Ƌ); Even Yizhaq (Gal'ed), 22.ii.2002, AF (1Ƌ); Allone`Abba, 14.iv.1999, AF (2Ƌ, 2♀); IAFAT, 2.iii.1968, J. Kugler (1♀); Bet Lehem haGlilit, 10.iii.1997, L. Friedman (3Ƌ, 1♀); Ramat Dawid, 14.iii. [19]81, T. Furman (1Ƌ, 1♀), 23.iii. [19]53, I. Goldman (1Ƌ); Megiddo, 20.ii. [19]84, S. Eliav (2Ƌ); Har Shana, Carmel, 24.iii.1989, J. Kugler (2Ƌ, 1♀); haZorea', 8.iii.1979, D. Furth (1♀); N[ahal] Tut, 2.iii.1979, D. Furth (1Ƌ); Keren haCarmel [Muhraqa], 18.iii.1987, I. Nussbaum (1♀);`En Hod, 27.iii.1975, AF (2Ƌ, 1♀);`En [Ein] Hod, 30.iii.1987, I. Yarom (1Ƌ, 4♀); Zikhron Ya`aqov: 9.ii.1998, I. Yarom (1Ƌ), 24.ii.1968, J. Kugler (3Ƌ, 2♀), 1.iv.1998, AF (1Ƌ, 2♀); Nahal 'Iron [Wadi/W. Ara]: 2.iii.1978, A. Freudberg (2Ƌ, 1♀), 19.iii.1974, D. Furth (1♀); Nahal Tavor, north facing slope, 26.iii.2001, L. Friedman (2Ƌ); Nahal Tavor, 26.iii.2001, L. Friedman (1♀);`En Pelugot, 16.iv.1973, D. Furth (1Ƌ); Hadera, 11.iii.1940, Com. Inst. Ent. (1♀); Upper Nahal Tirza [Upper W. Faria], 19.ii.1974, D. Furth (1Ƌ); Nahal Tirza [W. Faria]: 1.iii.1973, AF (3Ƌ, 1♀), 6.iii.1974, D. Furth (1Ƌ), 11.iii.1973, D. Furth (1Ƌ); Sabastiya, 24.iii.1973, D. Furth (3Ƌ, 3♀); 'Ammiqam, 8.ii.1997, R. Hoffman (1♀); Shekhem: [Shchem], 1.iii.1973, M. Kaplan (2Ƌ), [Nablus], 11.iii.1973, D. Furth (1Ƌ, 1♀); Kokhav Ya'ir: Ya'ar Sappir, 160m, 32°13.9’N 34°59.5'E, 16.ii.2010, I. Katz (10Ƌ, 4♀), L. Friedman (4Ƌ, 7♀), AF (2♀), 32°14’N 34°59.5'E, 21.iii.2011, L. Bodner (16Ƌ, 12♀); Shoham: 2.iii.2004, I. Zonstein (3Ƌ), 17.iii.2010, L. Friedman (1Ƌ), AF (1♀), 32°00’N 34°57'E, 18.iii.2011, L. Bodner (7Ƌ, 4♀), 32°00’N 34°57'E, 23.iii.2007, L. Younger & E. Kaufmann (1Ƌ, 1♀); Bet Nehemya, 6.iv.1984, I. Nussbaum (2Ƌ, 2♀); Park Canada: 13.ii. [20]10, W. Kuslitzky (1♀), 29.iii.1992, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀); Latrun, 10.iii.2004, AF (1♀); Bet Shemesh: 10.iii.2004, AF (3♀), 21.iii.2000, E. Fonio (1Ƌ), 24.iii. [19]83, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀), 30.iii.2004, I. Zonstein (1Ƌ, 1♀); Devira, 31°34’N 34°51'E, 12.iv.2009, R. Haneman (1♀); Bet Lehem, 10.ii.1995, I. Nussbaum (1Ƌ); Talimon, 3.iii.1982, I. Nussbaum (1Ƌ).
The holotype (Fig. 97) is double-mounted (minutien pin and polyporus block), in excellent condition, and deposited in SMNHTAU. Most paratypes are deposited at SMNHTAU; some paratypes will be deposited at the museums listed in the Material and Methods section.
Distribution. Israel.
Distribution in Israel. Mt. Hermon, Golan Heights, Upper and Lower Galilee, Carmel Ridge, Jordan Valley, Yizre'el Valley, Samaria, Foothills of Judea and Judean Hills.
Adult activity in Israel. February to April.
Etymology. This species is named after Mrs Geula Freidberg, the late mother of the junior co-author. It is a noun in apposition.
Comments. This is the largest species of Platystomatidae found in Israel. The numerous specimens studied by us can be fairly equally divided into two size groups based on body length: 6.70–8.50 mm or 4.20–6.20 mm. Our prior assumption that these two size groups may represent two new species is not supported by any other morphological evidence. We have therefore chosen to base our description of the new species on the large specimens only and designated these as the type series. The small specimens are also recorded in the material examined section following the large specimens, although they are not designated as paratypes.
Adults were frequently collected on Silybum marianum (Asteraceae), Mandragora autumnalis (Solanaceae), Scandix pecten-veneris, and Smyrnium olusatrum (both Apiaceae).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Event date
- 1944-03-11 , 1969-03-07 , 1974-02-19 , 1976-02-21 , 1976-05-17 , 1983-04-05 , 1983-04-08 , 1984-03-20 , 1992-03-26 , 2000-04-17 , 2003-04-24 , 2011-03-15
- Family
- Platystomatidae
- Genus
- Platystoma
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Diptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Species
- geula
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1944-03-11 , 1969-03-07 , 1974-02-19 , 1976-02-21 , 1976-05-17 , 1983-04-05 , 1983-04-08 , 1984-03-20 , 1992-03-26 , 2000-04-17 , 2003-04-24 , 2011-03-15
- Taxonomic concept label
- Platystoma geula Bodner & Freidberg, 2016
- Hennig, W. (1945) 48. Platystomidae. In: Lindner E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, 5 (Lfg. 155), 1 - 56 + I - III.