Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Platystoma dimidiatum Hendel 1913


Platystoma dimidiatum Hendel, 1913

(Figs. 10, 21, 32, 43, 54, 65, 79)

Platystoma dimidiatum Hendel, 1913: 99 (monograph of Platystoma).

Selected references: Hennig, 1945: 29 (palaearctic Platystomatidae); Mesci & Hasbenli, 2015: 805 (fauna of Turkey).

Diagnosis. Our specimens run smoothly to P. dimidiatum in Hennig's key (1945), except for the following characters: legs generally paler than red-brown (as described in the key), with 2nd and 3rd tarsomeres yellowish to golden-brown, as opposed to dark brown; abdomen slightly microtrichose, as opposed to completely shiny; white dots on prelabrum absent. We nevertheless consider that these differences merely represent intraspecific variation.

Redescription. Head (Figs. 10, 21): Color and vestiture: Head orange to dark brown with yellowish areas. Median occipital sclerite orange to reddish with fine microtrichia. Frons densely microtrichose laterally, with dark brown dots around bases of setulae. Ocellar triangle bare, delimited by thin yellowish line of microtrichia. Lunule mostly yellow to orange-brown with pale yellow line delimiting scapes and with yellowish-white microtrichia medially. Antenna: scape usually dark brown, sometimes orange to pale brown, densely microtrichose; pedicel yellow to brown, irregularly microtrichose; 1st flagellomere mostly yellow to orange with blackish areas dorsolaterally, densely microtrichose (less pronounced in certain angles). Face: dorsal 0.5 yellowish-brown with dense gray microtrichia; ventral 0.5 without microtrichia, mostly shiny black, with yellowish to orange area medioventrally and matte dark brown areas lateroventrally. Clypeus with 1 (pair) oval dorsomedial microtrichose spot and with narrow microtrichose band along lateral and ventral margins. Palpus brown to black with yellow base. Chaetotaxy: 1 (pair) orbital (posterior) and 1 (pair) postocellar seta present. Lunule either bare or with thin white setulae medially. Gena with 3–5 setae (usually 3, rarely 5), and with dark brown setulae anteriorly. Postgena and occiput with long yellowish-white setulae and short pale brown setulae. Ratios: Head: 1.31–1.44; frons anterior: 1.14–1.54; frons posterior: 1.07–1.38; ocellar triangle/frons: 0.25–0.35; eye: 1.88–2.38; 1st flagellomere: 1.69–2.14; gena/eye: 0.13–0.21; parafacial/gena: 0.13–0.19; medial vertical/lateral vertical: 0.92–1.14; posterior orbital/medial vertical: 0.26–0.38; ocellar/medial vertical: 0.23–0.33; ocellar/ocellar triangle: 0.73–1.00; postocellar/medial vertical: 0.17–0.26.

Thorax: Color and vestiture: Ground color reddish to dark brown, densely grayish microtrichose. Scutum with 3 microtrichose stripes. Postpronotal lobe ground color dark brown to black. Posterior corner of postpronotal lobe and median articulation of anepisternum and katepisternum, shiny yellowish. Scutellum mostly uniformly microtrichose, with small dark brown spots around setae bases and sometimes with dense median line of microtrichia. Subscutellum mostly shiny dark brown, sometimes with small reddish brown area medially, and with fine grayish microtrichia. Mediotergite reddish-brown, medially shiny and laterally with dense silvery-white microtrichia. Anepisternum, except anteriorly, with homogenous reticulate pattern of microtrichia. Katepisternum mostly shiny reddish to dark brown, with microtrichia on dorsal and posterior margins. Chaetotaxy: Postpronotal lobe with 1 seta and with short dark setulae. Presutural supra-alar seta absent. Postsutural supra-alar seta present. Anepisternum with short dark setulae. Katepisternum mostly short dark setulose, with several long yellowish setulae ventrally. Ratios: Scutum: 0.96–1.10; postsutural supra-alar/intra-alar: 0.46–0.62; postalar/intra-alar: 1.00– 1.25.

Legs: Color and vestiture: Leg type pale; generally reddish. Fore tarsus brown. Fore coxa microtrichose, mid and hind coxae mostly shiny yellow, sometimes with fine, inconspicuous microtrichia. Chaetotaxy: Fore coxa anterodorsally with short and fine yellowish-white to brown setulae, and with long dark brown setulae distally; mid coxa ventrally with long dark brown setae and setulae; hind coxa ventrally with thin, moderately long yellowishwhite setulae. Trochanters with mixed yellowish-white and dark brown setulae. Femora mostly short dark brown setulose, with long yellowish to pale brown setulae ventrally. Fore and hind tibiae with 1–2 short spines.

Wing (Fig. 32): Pattern: Generally pale brown and uniformly reticulate, with small hyaline spots, and with discrete transverse dark bands or spots as follows: 2 dark spots extending from pterostigma to vein R4+5; 1 band from distal edge of pterostigma, aligned with crossvein R-M, extending near crossvein DM-Cu, ending in cell cu1 slightly posterior to vein Cu1; 1 band extending from cell r2+3 distal edge, beyond level of crossvein DM-Cu, ending in anteroproximal part of cell m; 1 band or spot over apex of cells r2+3 and r4+5, disturbed by hyaline spot in apex of cell r4+5. Costal cell hyaline with 4–5 dark spots. Venation: Veins and sclerites mostly dark brown, with partially yellowish costa and yellowish humeral vein. Vein M ends anterior to wing tip. Calypters subequal; dorsal calypter with yellowish margins and with mixed long white and short pale brown fringes. Halter base orange, stem yellowish-white, knob basally brown and apically yellowish-white. Chaetotaxy: Base of costa near costagial break with ventral seta. Ratios: Wing: 2.51–2.81.

Abdomen: Structure: Male T4 about as long as T3 and less than 0.20 times as long as T5. Female T4 shorter, or about as long as T3 or T5. Color and vestiture: Ground color dark brown to black. Microtrichia more or less uniformly reticulate, denser in T1+2 and in lateral margins. Male terminalia (Figs. 43, 54, 65): Epandrium in ventral view rather rectangular-shaped and posterolaterally rounded, in lateral view, posterodorsally truncate; ventral concavity wide and superficial; subepandrial sclerite narrow and linear, without median bend, partially exposed in lateral view; articulation of epandrium and lateral surstylus rather obscure; lateral surstylus short and narrow; medial surstylus ambiguous; prensisetae strongly curved mesally, fully exposed in ventral view, apically exposed in lateral view. Terminal filaments equally long, conspicuously longer than distiphallus. Female terminalia (Fig. 79): 3 spermathecae present; spermatheca ovoid and tuberculate, with robust apical bulge. Ratios: Male: T3/T4: 1.00–1.20; T4/T5: 0.11–0.13; T3+4/T5: 0.22–0.28; epandrium: 0.50–0.61; preglans: 1.50–1.67; glans: 2.33–2.40; preglans/glans: 0.42–0.43; acrophallus/preglans+glans: 18.20–23.25; distiphallus/ preglans+glans: 9.00–10.25. Female: T3/T4: 0.79–0.88; T4/T5: 0.84–1.06; T3+4/T5: 1.58–1.95; aculeus: 9.71; cercal unit: 4.00; cercal unit/aculeus: 0.18.

Measurements (mm). Body length: 5.30–6.70; wing length: 4.50–4.90.

Material examined. ISRAEL: Har Hermon (or ' Mt. Hermon'): 1600m: 14–, E. Morgulis (1Ƌ);, AF (1Ƌ); 7.vii.1987, F. Kaplan (2Ƌ), Y. Zvik (1Ƌ), AF (1Ƌ); 33°18'N 35°46'E, 17.vii.2012, E. Morgulis (1♀); 33°18.1'N 35°46.2'E, 20.vii.2009, AF (3Ƌ, 4♀), E. Morgulis (1Ƌ); 5.ix.1981, AF (1♀); 1650m:, J. Kugler (1Ƌ);, AF (1♀); 8.vii.1975, AF (1Ƌ); 9.vii.1987, AF (1♀); 16.viii.1976, AF (1♀); 1700m,, Z. Feler (1Ƌ); 1750m, 9.vii.1987, F. Kaplan (1Ƌ); 2000m, 2.vii.1984, F. Kaplan (1Ƌ).

Type locality. Mt. Ida, Crete.

Distribution. Greece (Crete), Turkey and Israel.

Distribution in Israel. Mt. Hermon.

Adult activity in Israel. June to September.


Published as part of Bodner, L. & Freidberg, A., 2016, Taxonomy and immature stages of the Platystomatidae (Diptera: Tephritoidea) of Israel, pp. 201-245 in Zootaxa 4171 (2) on pages 215-216, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4171.2.1,


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Platystoma dimidiatum Hendel, 1913 sec. Bodner & Freidberg, 2016


  • Hendel, F. (1913) Die Gattung Platystoma Meigen (Diptera). Eine monographische Ubersicht Libel- die Arten. Zoologische Jahrbuchern, 35, 55 - 126. [Systernatik]
  • Hennig, W. (1945) 48. Platystomidae. In: Lindner E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, 5 (Lfg. 155), 1 - 56 + I - III.
  • Mesci, S. & Hasbenli, A. (2015) Contributions to the genus Platystoma (Diptera: Platystomatidae) fauna of Turkey with seven new records. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 804 - 810. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3906 / zoo- 1411 - 44