Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Anarsia similicampa Park


12. Anarsia similicampa Park, sp, nov.

(Figs. 12, 33, 52, 52 a)

Holotype: , VIETNAM, Cat Tien Nat. Park Thac Ngua Troi, 200m, 9 ii 2006 (KT Park & N. Cuong), gen slide no. CIS-6464. Paratype: 1♀ (abdomen missing), same data as the holotype.

Diagnosis. This new species is superficially similar to the preceding two new species, A. gryphodes sp. nov. and A. campestra sp. nov. by the forewing pattern, having a similar costal patch and a oblique, blackish streak in discal cell, but can be distinguished from them by the male genitalia. The male genitalia are more or less similar to those of A. campestra sp. nov., but this new species has no digitate process beyond the middle of the dorsal margin.

Description. Adult: Male (Figs. 12, 33). Wingspan, 11.0 mm. Head creamy to orange white. Flagellum of antenna with brownish annulations. Second segment of labial palpus in male (Fig. 33) more or less quadrate, slightly narrower distally, with scale tuft antero-vetrally, covered with dark brown scales on lower 3/5 and creamy white scales on upper 2/5 on outer surface. Tegula same in color as dorsal surface of head, with blackish scales along anterior margin. Thorax same in color as tegula. Hind tibia with very long, orange white mixed with blackish hair dorsally. Forewing elongate; ground color creamy white, mottled with brownish scales irregularly; costa slightly convex near 3/4, with a short blackish fascia at base, costal patch crescent, occupying about 1/7 of costa and reaching 1/5 the distance across wing, with two small dark brownish marks before and beyond costal patch respectively, a brownish oblique line arising from beyond costal patch to apex; a blackish oblique streak beyond middle of cell, as long as costal patch; a long, orange white hair pencil near base on the underside of forewing welldeveloped; apex more or less acute; termen oblique, with blackish scales along margin; fringe concolorous with ground color of wing. Hindwing grayish white, hyaline, brownish along veins; broad anterior expansion on costa extended to middle, gently oblique, with a row of pectins along Sc vein; apex more or less acute.

Male genitalia (Figs. 52, 52 a): Abdominal sternite VIII rounded on caudal margin. Uncus stout, long; socius small. Tegumen relatively narrow, dilated at middle, narrowed towards apex, slightly broadened preapically. Left valva large, semiovate, with a very long thread-like, coiled, basal process, about 1.5 times longer than valva, without process on dorsal margin; patch of palmately-modified scales in distal 1/6. Right valva nearly parallel sided, with minute expansion near 2/3 on dorsal margin and a small lobe beyond 3/4 on inner surface; patch of modified scales as in left valva. Phallus taenioid, tapered, gently curved medially, as long as left valva.

Distribution. Vietnam (North).

Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin, simili (= alike), referring to the similar shape of valva with that of A. campestra sp. nov.


Published as part of Bae, Yang-Seop, Shin, Young-Min, Na, Sol-Moon & Park, Kyu-Tek, 2016, The genus Anarsia in Cambodia and the Northern Vietnam (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), with descriptions of ten new species and a catalogue of the genus in the Central-East Asia, pp. 227-252 in Zootaxa 4061 (3) on pages 236-237, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4061.3.2,


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