Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Acraea (Actinote) serena Fabricius 1775


187. Acraea (Actinote) serena Fabricius, 1775

WL: 20mm. A. serena is a ubiquitous species that flies in degraded forest areas, savanna and even parks and gardens. The species is abundant and widespread in Guinea-Bissau. Previously known as A. eponina, it extends along most of sub-Saharan Africa, southwestern Arabia, Madagascar and most of the African islands. The caterpillars are polyphagous and feed on a variety of species of Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae, Solanaceae, Verbenaceae and Ehretiaceae.

Studied material. Bafatá: Aldeia do Geba, no date, 1♂ (FR); Bangacia, no date, 1♂, quite common in the area (FR); Dulombi, woodland, 28.02.2013, 1♂ (SV) (CZ000010979); Gafati, woodland, 1♂, cashew, 1♂, 31.01.2013 (SV) (CZ000010981, 000010984). Cacheu: Caió, very common (JB). Gabú: Kobolo, 0 2.07.2009, 1♂ (BS 29031); Beli, 2♂ 1♀ (JG 10, 30, 44) (CZ 5896); Fasadji, cashew, 18.02.2013, 1♂ (SV) (CZ000010980); Biricunda, 0 3.03.2013 1♂ (SV) (CZ000010982); Sinchã-Sarfo, margins of the Geba river, no date, 1♂ (FR). Quinara: Cantanha (PNLC) 15- 18.07.2009, 2♂ 2♀ (BS 29032, 29112/29113, 29040); Buba Tombo (PNLC), 18.07.2009, 2♂ (BS 29114/29115).

Previous references. Regions: Biombo, Bissau, Bolama, Gabú, Oio, Quinara, Tombali. Authors: Aurivillius (1910), Villiers (1949), Bivar-de-Sousa & Passos-de-Carvalho (1987), Larsen (2005), Consciência et al. (2008), Pierre & Bernaud (2009, map).

Probable abundance and proposed status. AB: C; CS: LC.


Published as part of Bivar-De-Sousa, António, Vasconcelos, Sasha, Mendes, Luís F., Larsen, Torben B., Baker, Jon & Guilherme, João L., 2016, Butterflies of Guinea-Bissau: VIII. New data, new reports, corrections and biodiversity (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea), pp. 1-77 in Zootaxa 4201 (1) on pages 48-49, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4201.1.1,


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  • Fabricius, J. C. (1775) Systema Entomologiae. Officina Libraria Kortii, Flensburgi (Flensburg - Germany) & Lipsiae (Leipzig - Germany), [xxxii] + 832 pp.
  • Aurivillius, C. (1910) Schmetterlinge gesammelt in Westafrika von Leonardo Fea in dem Jahren 1897 - 1902. Annali del Museo civico di Storia naturale da Genova, 44, 502 - 506.
  • Villiers, A. (1949) Mission P. L. Dekeiser et A. Villiers en Guinee et Cote d'Ivoire (1946). Insectes (premiere partie). Catalogue de l'Institut Francais de l'Afrique Noire, 5, 1 - 90.
  • Pierre, J. & Bernaud, D. (2009) Le genre Acraea Fabricius, 1807, sous-genre Actinote. In: Bauer, E. & Frankenbach, T. (Eds.), Butterflies of the World, Supplement 16, pp. 19.