Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Elaphopsocus cundinamarcaensis Román-Palacios, Obando & Aldrete, 2016, n. sp.


Elaphopsocus cundinamarcaensis n. sp. Male

(Figs 7–12)

Diagnosis. Belonging in Species Group III (Román-P. et al. 2015) as modified above. Hypandrium wide, posteriorly convex, ending in a small button-like projection. Phallosome with side struts proximally rounded, each arm bearing proximally a pointed process on inner edge, aedeagal arms long, distally acuminate, dilated medially; external parameres long, slender, bow shaped, distally pointed, curved outwards (Fig. 12). Differing from E. roesleri in the forewing pigmentation pattern, and in the structure of the hypandrium and phallosome. Differing from E. boyacaensis in having the hypandrium convex, with postero-lateral corners not projected, and in the structure of the phallosome (compare Figs 6 and 12 in this paper).

Male. Color (in 80% ethanol). Body light brown. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Dark brown banding pattern next to compound eyes. Frontal, fronto-genal, and fronto-clypeal sulci dark brown, postclypeus with brown bands as illustrated (Fig. 7). Genae creamy. Antennae pale brown, scape unpigmented. Maxillary palpomeres dark brown. Coxae, trochanters, femora and tarsi brown, tibiae white. Forewing pattern (Fig. 9), with dark brown spots proximally, basal to the discal cell. Light brown spots over a hyaline background distally. Pterostigma with small brown spots. Veins brown. Hindwing (Fig. 10) almost hyaline, with cell cup light brown. Abdomen uniformly light brown; hypandrium strongly pigmented in distal half.

Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: vertex slightly concave, with compound eyes not reaching the level of the vertex (Fig. 7). Pterostigma slightly extended posteriorly towards Rs-M. Cell m wide, almost rectangular, crossvein between areola postica and M long (Fig. 9). Hypandrium broad (Fig. 11), phallosome pieces long (Fig. 12). Paraprocts elongate, marginally sclerotized, with a long anterior “handle”, and a posterior stout prong (Fig. 8), sensory fields with 33 trichobothria in penta-lobed basal rosettes. Epiproct broadly semicircular, slightly convex anteriorly, marginally sclerotized, with a setal field on distal third (Fig. 8). Clunium with small papillae over the central area.

Measurements (in microns). FW: 4312, HW: 3421, Mx 4: 205, f1: 670, f2: 477, f3: 405, IO: 524, D: 238, d: 163, IO/d: 3.21, PO: 0.69.

Specimen studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca. National Natural Park Chigaza Charrascales, 04° 31'' N: 73° 34' W, 2990 m. 22.V– Malaise trap. F. Guzmán.

Etymology. The specific name refers to the Colombian Department of Cundinamarca, where the holotype was collected.


Published as part of Román-Palacios, Cristian, Obando, Ranulfo González & García Aldrete, Alfonso N., 2016, Uncovering the diversity of the neotropical genus Elaphopsocus (' Psocoptera': Psocidae: Amphigerontiinae): from one to ten species, pp. 373-380 in Zootaxa 4162 (2) on pages 374-377, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4162.2.11,


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