Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Victoriopisa bruneiensis Hossain & Hughes, 2016, sp. nov.


Victoriopisa bruneiensis sp. nov.

Figs 6–9

Type material. Holotype female, 10.8 mm, dissected, 4 slides, AM P. 97896, Sungai Brunei Estuary, Brunei River, Brunei, South China Sea (48°45′– 58°02′N 114°858′–115°810′E), 0.5–1.5 m, attached to green algal matt from intertidal hard substratum, June 2012, coll. M. Belal Hossain.

Type locality. Sungai Brunei Estuary, Brunei River, Brunei, South China Sea (48°45′– 58°02′N, 114°858′– 115°810′E).

Description. Of holotype female, 10.8 mm, AM P. 97896.

Head. Eyes present; lateral cephalic lobes absent, lacking notch or slit, anteroventral corner rounded. Antenna 1 longer than antenna 2; peduncular article 1 shorter than article 2, without robust setae along posterior margin; peduncular article 2 not geniculate, distal margins with cluster of slender setae; flagellum with 34 articles; accessory flagellum with 2 articles. Antenna 2 peduncular article 2 cone gland not reaching to end of peduncular article 3; article 4 shorter than article 5; flagellum with 2–3 articles (damaged, not illustrated). Mandible palp article 1 not produced distally, shorter than article 2, about twice as long as broad; article longer than article 3; article 3 rectolinear, with medial and apical slender setae, longer than article 1. Maxilla 1 inner plate setose along entire inner margin, with medialfacial row.

Pereon. Gnathopod 1 coxa anteroventral corner produced, rounded, posteroventral corner notch absent; merus without posterodistal margin with row of robust setae, without spine; carpus with rows of setae; propodus distally broad, palm subacute, convex, lined with slender and 6 robust setae, definedby posterodistal corner. Gnathopod 2 subchelate; coxa posteroventral corner notch absent; merus with subquadrate posteroventral corner; carpus compressed; propodus without medial depression, palm length 0.6 times propodus posterior margin, subacute, concave, sculptured, with 2 midpalmar robust setae and with group of anterodistal robust setae, defined by posteroventral corner with robust seta; dactylus with postroproximal tooth, apically subacute, closing short of palm. Pereopod 5 basis posterior margin straight, posteroventral corner narrowly subquadrate. Pereopod 6 coxa anterior lobe ventral margin slightly produced, rounded; basis posterior margin straight, posteroventral corner subquadrate. Pereopod 7 basis posterior margin convex, with posterior margin minutely castelloserrate, posteroventral corner broadly rounded.

Pleon. Epimera 1–3 posteroventral margin smooth, without plumose setae, posteroventral corner with small acute tooth. Urosomites 1–3 dorsally smooth. Uropod 1 peduncle with basofacial seta; rami subequal, 0.8 times peduncle length. Uropod 2 rami subequal, length subequal to penducle. Uropod 3 unknown. Telson with 1 pair of apical robust setae, apically rounded, conical extension absent.

Remarks. Victoriopisa bruneiensis sp. nov. is the fourth species in the genus documented to have eyes, along with V. chilkensis (Chilton, 1921), V. Ryukyuensis Morino, 1991 and V. tinggiensis Lim et al., 2010. The presence of only distal bunches of slender setae in V. bruneiensis sp. nov. is similar to V. ryukyuensis.The epimera 1 to 3 with small posteroventral tooth separates V. bruneiensis sp. nov. from V. ryukyuensis and V. tinggiensis.

Distribution. South China Sea: Brunei (current study).


Published as part of Hossain, M. Belal & Hughes, L. E., 2016, New species Victoriopisa bruneiensis and Apocorophium acutum (Chevreux, 1908) from Brunei (Crustacea: Peracarida: Amphipoda), pp. 375-386 in Zootaxa 4117 (3) on pages 381-383, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4117.3.5,


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Victoriopisa bruneiensis Hossain & Hughes, 2016


  • Chilton, C. (1921) Fauna of the Chilka Lake. Amphipoda. Memoirs of the Indian Museum, 5, 519 - 558.
  • Morino, H. (1991) Gammaridean Amphipods (Crustacea) from brackish waters of Okinawa Island. Publications of the Itako Hydrobiological Station, 5, 13 - 26.
  • Lim, J. H. C., Azman, B. A. R. & Othman, B. H. R. (2010) Melitoid amphipods of the genera Ceradocus Costa, 1853 and Victoriopisa Karaman and Barnard, 1979 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Maeridae) from the South China Sea, Malaysia. Zootaxa, 2348, 23 - 39.