Tanytydeus cubanus Khaustov 2017, sp. nov.
Tanytydeus cubanus sp. nov.
(Figs. 40–51)
Description. FEMALE (Figs. 40–43). Length of idiosoma 380 (370–390), width 130 (125–140). Gnathosoma (Fig. 41 A, B). Palptarsus with three eupathidia (ul’ eupathidion-like). Subcapitular setae n slightly longer than m and both longer than subequal or 1-2. Idiosomal dorsum (Fig. 40 A). Hysterosoma with transverse furrows between setal rows d-e, e-f and h-ps, respectively. Dorsal idiosomal setae c 1, d, e, f 1, h 1, ps 1, ad 1 blunt-ended and weakly barbed; other dorsal setae pointed; f 2 and h 2 weakly barbed in basal part. Cupules im situated anterolaterally to setae e, cupules ip situated laterally to setae f 1 and anteromedially to setae f 2. Idiosomal venter (Fig. 40 B). Setae 3 c bluntended, other ventral setae pointed. Genital area with 5–6 pairs of simple aggenital setae and three pairs of genital setae (Fig. 41 C). Two pairs of genital acetabulae. Cupules ia situated anterolaterally to setae 3 a near lateral margin of the body; cupules ih situated anterolaterally to setae ps 3. Lengths of idiosomal setae: ve 12 (12–13), sci 48 (47– 49), sce 119 (8–20), c 1 8 (8–9), c 2 37 (37–38), d 9 (8–9), e 9 (8–9), f 1 9 (8–9), f 2 18 (17–19), h 1 11 (10–12), h 2 35 (35–36), ps 1 14 (13–15), ps 2 25 (25–26), ps 3 30 (29–31), ad 1 13 (13–14), ad 2 15 (14–15), ad 3 12 (12–13), 1 a 25 (24– 27), 1 b 16 (16–17), 1 c 10 (10–11), 1 d 15 (14–16), 2 a 26 (26–27), 2 b 22 (21–23), 2 c 9 (9–10), 3 a 33 (32–34), 3 b 21 (21–22), 3 c 11 (11–12), 4 a 18 (17–19), 4 b 13 (12–13), ag 1-6 15–19, g 1-3 10–11. Legs (Figs. 42, 43). Lengths of legs: leg I 130 (130–135), leg II 90 (87–92), leg III 94 (92–98), leg IV 110 (110–115). Leg I (Fig. 42 A). Leg setation: Tr 0, Fe 3/5 (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, d 1, l’ 1, bv”), Ge 6(1) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, l’ 1, σ), Ti 8(1) (d, l’ξ, l”, v’, v”, k, l’ 1, l” 1, φ), Ta 14(2) (p’ξ, p”ξ, tc’ξ, tc”ξ, ft’ξ, ft”ξ, a’, a”, u’, u”, s, pl”, pv’, pv”, ω 1, ω 2). Sensory pits on tarsus I long, sausage-like; ω 1 oblique aligned between setae ft” and tc’, ω 2 situated posterolaterally to ft’. Empodium long, subequal to tarsal claws. Leg II (Fig. 42 B). Leg setation: Tr 1 (v’), Fe 2 (d, bv”), Ge 2(1) (l’, l”, σ), Ti 4(1) (d, l’, v’, v”, φ), Ta 7(1) (p’ξ, p”, tc ’, tc”, u’, u”, ε, ω). Setae (u) with 1 barb; setae (tc) and p” blunt-ended. Empodium long, almost as long as tarsal claws. Leg III (Fig. 43 A). Leg setation: Tr 1 (v’), Fe 3 (d, v’, ev’), Ge 2 (l’, v’), Ti 3(1) (d, v’, v”, φ), Ta 5 (tc ’, tc”, p”, u’, u”). Claws and empodium of same shape as on tarsus II. Seta (u) with one small barb; setae p” and tc” blunt-ended. Leg IV (Fig. 43 B). Leg setation: Tr 0, Fe 1/2 (d, v’, ev’), Ge 1 (v’), Ti 3 (d, v’, v”), Ta 5 (p’, p”, tc, u’, u”). Setae (u) with one weak barb; setae tc and p” blunt-ended.
MALE (Fig. 44). In general similar to female. Genital area with 5–6 pairs of aggenital setae and nine pairs of genital setae (Fig. 44 A). Genital setae g 1-3 thickened, claw-like. Genital opening with nine pairs of eugenital setae (Fig. 44 B). Seta eu 5 thickened and bifurcate.
LARVA (Figs. 45–47). Length of idiosoma 230–240, width 85–92. Gnathosoma (Figs. 46) similar to that of female, but subcapitulum with three pairs of setae (or 2 absent) and seta ul’ of palptarsus simple. Idiosoma (Fig. 45). Hysterosomal setae more strongly barbed than in female. Lengths of idiosomal setae: ve 8–9, sci 36–37, sce 13–15, c 1 7–8, c 2 35, d 8, e 9–10, f 1 15–16, f 2 29–32, h 1 17–18, h 2 27, ps 1 10–11, ps 2 12–13, ps 3 15, 1 a 25 –26, 1 b 15, 2 a 21, 3 a 27–28, 3 b 19. Legs (Fig. 47). Lengths of legs: leg I 98 –100, leg II 72 –74, leg III 82 –83. Leg I (Fig. 47 A). Leg setation: Tr 0, Fe 7 (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, d 1, bv”), Ge 6(1) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, l’ 1, σ), Ti 8(1) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, k, l’ 1, l” 1, φ), Ta 12(1) (p’ξ, p”ξ, tc’, tc”, ft’, ft”, u’, u”, s, pl”, pv’, pv”, ω 1). Setae (tc) and (ft) simple; seta tc” blunt-ended. Empodium as long as tarsal claws. Leg II (Fig. 47 B). Leg setation: Tr 0, Fe 2 (d, bv”), Ge 2(1) (l’, l”, σ), Ti 4(1) (d, l’, v’, v”, φ), Ta 6(1) (p’ξ, tc ’, tc”, u’, u”, ε, ω). Empodium slightly longer than tarsal claws. Seta tc’ blunt-ended. Leg III (Fig. 47 C). Leg setation: Tr 0, Fe 3 (d, v’, ev’), Ge 2 (l’, v’), Ti 3(1) (d, v’, v”, φ), Ta 4 (tc ’, tc”, u’, u”). Empodium as on tarsus II. Setae tc” blunt-ended.
PROTONYMPH (Figs. 48–50). Length of idiosoma 330–335, width 135. Gnathosoma as in female. Idiosoma (Fig. 48). Idiosomal dorsum as in larva. Coxal field III with 1 pair of setae (3 b). With 1 pair of adanal setae (ad 3). Lengths of idiosomal setae: ve 10–12, sci 39–41, sce 17, c 1 7–8, c 2 36–37, d 8, e 8, f 1 9–10, f 2 24–27, h 1 13–14, h 2 24–25, ps 1 14, ps 2 17–18, ps 3 19–20, ad 3 6–7, 1 a 22–23, 1 b 14, 1 c 8–9, 1 d 10, 2 a 21, 2 b 15–16, 3 a 26–28, 3 b 15–18, ag 1 9–10. Legs (Figs. 49, 50). Lengths of legs: leg I 105–110, leg II 72 –75, leg III 80 –85, leg IV 88 –89. Leg I (Fig. 49 A). Leg setation: Tr 0, Fe 5/2 (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, d 1, bv”), Ge 6(1) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, l’ 1, σ), Ti 8(1) (d, l’, l”, v’, v”, k, l’ 1, l” 1, φ), Ta 14(1) (p’ξ, p”ξ, tc’ξ, tc”ξ, ft’ξ, ft”ξ, a’, a”, u’, u”, s, pl”, pv’, pv”, ω 1). Setae (tc) and (ft) eupathidion-like. Empodium about half as long as tarsal claws. Leg II (Fig. 49 B) as in female. Leg III (Fig. 50 A) as in female. Leg IV (Fig. 50 B). Leg setation: Tr 0, Fe 0, Ge 1 (v’), Ti 2 (d, v’), Ta 3 (tc, u’, u”). Empodium longer than tarsal claws.
DEUTONYMPH (Fig. 51 A). Length of idiosoma 310–340, width 110–125. Similar to female, but differs by genital area with two pairs of genital and aggenital setae (Fig. 51 A) and absence of seta 4 b of coxal fields IV. Lengths of idiosomal setae: ve 10–12, sci 40–42, sce 18, c 1 8, c 2 36–38, d 8, e 8–9, f 1 10, f 2 21–23, h 1 15, h 2 27–28, ps 1 13–14, ps 2 18–20, ps 3 23–25, ad 1 12–13, ad 2 13, ad 3 12, 1 a 23 –25, 1 b 16, 1 c 8, 1 d 12, 2 a 22, 2 b 17, 2 c 9, 3 a 26– 28, 3 b 19–20, 3 c 10–12, 4 a 13–14, ag 1-2 12, g 1-2 9. Legs. Lengths of legs: leg I 115–120, leg II 81 –82, leg III 90 –95, leg IV 95 –99. Leg I as in female, except absence of seta l’ 1 of basifemur I in most available specimens. In one specimen right basifemur I with seta l’ 1. Legs II–IV as in female.
TRITONYMPH (Fig. 51 B). Similar to female, but differs by genital area with 4–5 pairs of aggenital and 2 pairs of genital setae (Fig. 51 B) Length of idiosoma 355–370, width 120–140. Lengths of idiosomal setae: ve 9–11, sci 45, sce 17–18, c 1 8, c 2 38–41, d 8, e 8–9, f 1 9, f 2 18–22, h 1 11–14, h 2 31–34, ps 1 14–15, ps 2 19–23, ps 3 27–28, ad 1 12, ad 2 14, ad 3 13, 1 a 21 –25, 1 b 17–18, 1 c 8, 1 d 14–16, 2 a 24, 2 b 20, 2 c 10, 3 a 28–29, 3 b 20, 3 c 11, 4 a 16, 4 b 10, ag 1-5 12–14, g 1-2 10–11. Legs as in female. Lengths of legs: leg I 125, leg II 86 –88, leg III 93 –94, leg IV 105.
Type material. Female holotype, slide # AT 210715, CUBA, Jardín Botánico de Cienfuegos, Pepito Tey, 22 0 07’20.50'' N, 80 0 19’31.00'' W, from litter, 21 July 2015, coll. A.V. Tolstikov; paratypes: 16 females, 9 males, 8 larvae, 6 protonymphs, 5 deutonymphs, 5 tritonymphs, same data.
Type deposition: The holotype and most of paratypes are deposited in the mite collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia; three female and two male paratypes are deposited in the mite collection of the Zoological Institute of RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Etymology. The name of the new species refers to its distribution in Cuba.
Differential diagnosis. The female of this new species is most similar to T. aegypticus (Soliman, 1974) and T. kethleyi sp. nov. by sharing the presence of only two pairs of genital acetabulae. The female of this new species differs from both species in having 6–7 pairs of aggenital and 3 pairs of genital setae (vs. 3 pairs of aggenital and 2 pairs of genital in T. aegypticus and T. kethleyi sp. nov.), genu I with 6 setae (vs. 7 in T. cf. aegypticus and T. kethleyi sp. nov.), 2 setae on genu II (vs. 3 in T. aegypticus and T. kethleyi sp. nov.) and genu IV with 1 seta (vs. 2 in T. aegypticus and T. kethleyi sp. nov.).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2015-07-21
- Family
- Paratydeidae
- Genus
- Tanytydeus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Actinedida
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Khaustov
- Species
- cubanus
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2015-07-21
- Taxonomic concept label
- Tanytydeus cubanus Khaustov, 2017
- Soliman, Z. R. (1974) New genus of the family Paratydeidae from Egypt. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt, 58, 197 - 200.