Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Phlugiola igarape Mendes, Oliveira, Alves-Oliveira & Rafael, 2017, sp. nov.


Phlugiola igarape sp. nov.

Figures 1, 7–12, 14

Diagnosis. Eyes in life with medial red band that curves posteriorly at dorsal region of and is interspersed by light green band and later by a faint reddish-brown band (Fig. 9 A–C). Pronotum medially rounded, dorsally with dark brown band, posteriorly with two elliptical silver spots (Figs. 7 G and 9B–C). Tegmen reduced dorsally with brown spot and small black spot (Fig. 7 G). Cercus straight, surpassing subgenital plate, with apical region slightly curved inwards, apex obtuse (Fig 7 H–J). Stylus curved, apex subdivided into two parts that touches each other (Fig. 7 H–J). Internal male genitalia with v-shaped titillator sclerite having three curved acuminated projections at posterior margin (Fig. 8 A–B). Lower folds of ventral lobe laterally straight, posteriorly bilobate, with numerous small rounded nodules (Fig. 8 A–B).

Type material. Holotype ♂: BRASIL, Acre, Bujari, Floresta Estadual Antimary, 09°20’01”S / 68°19’17”W, 25–27.viii.2016, coleta manual próximo a igarapé, (D.M.M. Mendes, F.F. Xavier F°, A.A. Agudelo & J.A.Rafael leg.)(INPA); Paratypes: same data of holotype (1♂ e 2♀ INPA); idem, Acre, Rio Branco, BR-364, Fazenda Experimental Catuaba, 10°04’19”S / 67°36’54.5”W, 23–24.viii.2016, coleta manual próxima a igarapé, D.M.M. Mendes, F.F. Xavier F °, A.A. Agudelo & J.A.Rafael leg. (3♂ e 4♀ - INPA); idem, Amazonas, Tefé, Estrada da EMADE, km 21, Comunidade Bom Jesus, 06°07’29”S / 68°02’41”W, 29–30.ix.2016, coleta manual, D.M.M. Mendes & J.C. Oliveira leg. (1♂ e 2♀ - INPA); idem, Rondônia, Porto Velho, Estação Ecológica Serra dos Três Irmãos, 09°0’9”S / 64°32’40”W, 20–21.viii.2016, coleta manual, D.M.M. Mendes, F.F. Xavier F°, A.A. Agudelo & J.A.Rafael leg. (1♂ e 1♀ - MZUSP);

Geographical records: Brazil: Acre, Amazonas and Rondônia (Fig. 14).

Etymology. igarapé is a tupi word meaning “canoe path” (ygara = canoe + apé = path) used by the Brazilian Amazonian population to denominate small streams of running water in forests, in which this species is found.

Description. Male. Head. Compound eyes rounded, in life with median red band that curves posteriorly at dorsal region and is interspersed by light green band and later by faint reddish-brown band, with its tip terminating before reaching the antero-medial portion. Median space between the segments of red band light green, posterior space is fainted reddish brown (Figs. 7 A, 9A–C). Apex of head straight without projections (Fig. 7 B). Frons, clypeus and labrum smooth. Frons 1.4X higher than clypeus (Fig. 7 B).

Thorax. Pronotum in lateral view dorsally straight from base to median portion and posteriorly curved towards apex (Fig. 7 A). Lateral lobes smooth, with ventral margin antero-medially concave and posteriorly slightly convex (Fig. 7 A). Pronotum dorsal length about 3X bigger than pronotum height. Mesobasisternum anteriorly convex, laterally elongated and later concave, with triangular medial concavity (Fig. 7 E). Metabasisternum anteriorly convex, laterally curved with posterior margin straight, with small median groove (Fig. 7 E).

Wings. Tegmen reduced, laterally slightly rounded and posteriorly almost straight, forming a 90° degrees angle in dorsal view (Fig. 7 G). Venation undeveloped, with only three lateral veins (Fig. 7 A).

Legs. Fore femur with dorsal and ventral margins straight, with three small spines at antero-ventral margin and one at postero-ventral margin (Fig. 7 C). Fore tibia with open tympanum with tympanic region 6.5X shorter than fore tibia and having six straight ventral spines, being the first three median spines larger. Mid femur with dorsal and ventral margin slightly curved, without spines, base two times larger than apex (Fig. 7 D). Mid tibia with base and apex straight, median portion slightly curved; base 1.7X wider than apex and having two median ventral spines (Fig. 7 D). Hind femur without spines, with base six times wider than apex (Fig. 7 F). Hind tibia straight, base width equal to apex, ventral margin without spines (Fig. 7 F). All legs covered with small black bristles (Figs. 7 C, 7D and 7F).

Abdomen. Cercus and subgenital plate covered by numerous bristles, those at base and median portion of larger (Fig. 7 H–J). Cercus straight with apical region slightly curved inwards, blunt apex and numerous small rounded socket setae (Fig. 7 H–J). Subgenital plate antero-medially slightly rounded, posteriorly narrowing sharply and remaining straight to the apex (Fig. 7 I). Subgenital plate with apex bifurcated, the space between the base of stylus narrow and rounded (Fig. 7 I). Subgenital plate slightly curved in lateral view (Fig. 7 J). Stylus long, curved, separated in base with apex curving laterally until it touches apex of the other stylus in dorsal view; curved upwards in lateral view, apex broad and blunt (Fig. 7 H–J). Stylus 1.3X longer than cercus.

Internal male genitalia. Ejaculatory vesicles elliptical (Fig. 8 A–D). Upper folds of ventral lobe rectangular, connected, with length equal to the median width of ejaculatory vesicle (Fig. 8 A–B). Titillatory process and titillator sclerite forming a v-shaped structure (Fig. 8 A–B). Posterior margin of titillator sclerite with three curved acuminate projections, the anterior and the median ones much shorter than posterior one (Fig. 8 A–B). Sclerites of apodemes anteriorly rounded and posteriorly with acuminate projection in dorsal view (Fig. 8 A–B). Lower folds of ventral lobes laterally straight, posteriorly bilobate, with numerous small rounded nodules (Fig. 8 A–B). Dorsal lobes laterally distinctly short (Fig. 8 A–D). Dorsal folds distally slightly rounded, wrinkled, with numerous small protuberances from base to apex (Fig. 8 C–D).

Coloration. Coloration described based on photos of live specimens (Fig. 9 A–C): Body light green, alternated with shades of dark green areas. Antenna black with some white segments. Eyes with light red C-spot, interspersed by light green band and posteriorly by white band. Dorsal region of the head medially with dark brown band and laterally with faded brown bands on posterior margin of eyes. Pronotum dorsally with dark brown band, medially rounded and antero-laterally with faint brown spots connecting with those of head. Posterior margin of pronotum with black stain interconnected to middle brown spot of anterior portion and laterally with two small dark brown bands. Space between dorsal black spot of pronotum and brown side bands silver. Abdominal segments light green, dorsally with rectangular spot, with rectangular light brown spot at posterior margin of each abdominal segment. Cercus, subgenital plate and stylus light green; apex of cercus blackened. All femora light green from base to median portion, remaining brownish gray. All tibiae light brown-gray.

Female. General. Morphology essentially equal to male (Fig. 11 A–G), except for the following characteristics:

Wings. Tegmen posteriorly rounded (Fig. 11 C). Tegmen with light brown coloration, medially with a black spot extending to the posterior margin (Fig. 11 C).

Abdomen. Cercus with numerous bristles, those at the base larger. Cercus conical slightly curved inwards with acuminate apex (Fig. 11 E). Subgenital plate triangular with rounded apex, medium indentation at apex (Fig. 11 F). Ovipositor curved, with base expanded and moderately narrowing towards beginning of distal region, where it ends in acuminate tip (Fig. 11 G). Total length of ovipositor four times longer than subgenital plate. Dorsal and ventral valves with smooth margins (Fig. 11 G).

Coloration. Abdominal terga with black band, which may be complete from base to apex or faint and incomplete (Fig. 9 B).

Nymph. Very similar to adults, with differences only in coloration pattern, in tegminal length and in the terminalia morphology. Very young juveniles have body coloration with lighter green hue compared to adults, including space between red bands at eye and presence of dorsal black spot with white punctuations at abdomen (Fig. 10 A–C). Some specimens of female subadults exhibit distinct coloration pattern of abdomen, with dark brown spots at posterior margin of abdominal segments and one black longitudinal dorsal stripe (Fig. 10 B).

Measurements (mm). Holotype: TL: 13; WF: 1,7; TegL: 1,9; PL: 4,5; FF: 3,6; LF: 4,7; MF: 3,8; MT: 4,8; HF: 10,7; HT: 11; Lsp: 3,2; LC: 1,6. Paratypes: TL: male 12,4–12,9 / female 13,1–13,4; TegL: male 1,8–1,9 / female 1,6–1,4; WF: male 2,1–2,5 / female 2,1–2,3; PL: male 4,2–4,3 / female 3,2–3,7; FF: male 2,8–3,3 / female 3,5–3,8: FT: male 4,2–4,3 / female 3,9–4; MF: male 4,1–4,4 / female 3,6–4,2: MT: male 4,8–5,2 / female 4,3–4,7; HF: male 10,2–11 / female 10,5–10,6; HT: male 10,6–11,1 / female 10,9–11,2; Lplac: male 4,1–4,3 / female 1,3–1,6; LC: male 1,6–1,9 / female 1,8–2; OL: 3,9–4,5.


Published as part of Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello, Oliveira, Jomara Cavalcante De, Alves-Oliveira, João Rafael & Rafael, José Albertino, 2017, New species and new behavioral data of Phlugiola Karny, 1907 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae) from the Brazilian Amazonian Rainforest, pp. 503-520 in Zootaxa 4243 (3) on pages 511-517, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4243.3.5,


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