Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Elimaea (Rhaebelimaea) maculata Wang & Shi 2017, sp. nov.


Elimaea (Rhaebelimaea) maculata sp. nov.

(Figures 1 D, 2C–D, 3O–R, 4D, 8A, 9F–H)

http://lsid.speciesfile.Org/urn:lsid: OrthOptera.speciesfile.Org:TaxOnName:498013

Type material. HOlOtype, male, Chachang, Suiyang, GuizhOu, 15 Aug. 2010, cOll. LehOng ZhaO. Paratype, 1 male, Emeishan, Sichuan, 31 Jul. 2011, cOll. Fuming Shi.

Description. Male. BOdy medium-sized. Fastigium verticis narrOw, slOping anteriOrly, shallOwly furrOwed On dOrsal surface; separated frOm fastigium frOntis by a gap. PrOnOtum with disc flattened in pOsteriOr area, lateral angles appreciably cOnstricted befOre the middle, then gradually expanding backwards, anteriOr margin cOncave, pOsteriOr margin rOunded, principle transverse sulcus V-shaped; lateral lObes distinctly lOnger than deep, anteriOr margin slightly cOncave, pOsteriOr margin rOunded, ventral margin descending pOsteriOrly; humeral sinus distinct.

Tegmina surpassing apices Of pOstfemOra, and brOader than the length Of prOnOtum, apices rOunded; radius sectOr branching behind the middle Of tegmina and with 3 branches at distal part Of Rs, withOut Other stems behind Rs On radius (Fig. 8 A); stridulatOry areas Of left and right tegmina with internal margin mOderately prOjecting, prOximal part Of MP+CuIP vein behind stridulatOry area curved Outwards, width Of the area Of left tegmen abOut 2.1 mm (Fig. 2 C–D); stridulatOry file 2.9 mm lOng, mOderately curved befOre the middle, with abOut 170 teeth, which Of basal twO thirds with 80 definite teeth, the Others faint and arranged densely (Fig. 4 D).

All femOra dOrsally smOOth, with a lOngitudinal grOOve On ventral surface; prOcOxae unarmed; prOfemOra with 12 ventrO-internal and 7 ventrO-external spines; prOtibiae with 5 dOrsO-external spines, 11–13 ventrO-internal and 8–9 ventrO-external spines; mesOfemOra with 14–16 ventrO-external spines; mesOtibiae with 11–13 dOrsO-internal and 5–7 dOrsO-external spines, 13 ventrO-internal and 15–18 ventrO-external spines; pOstfemOra with 12–13 ventrOexternal spines; pOsttibiae with numerOus spines On dOrsal and ventral surfaces.

Tenth abdOminal tergite with pOsteriOr margin excised in the middle. EpiprOct lOng tOngue-shaped, basal area brOad, apical half narrOw, apex narrOwly rOunded; cerci shOrt and stOut, strOngly curved inwards, with a flattened, sharp tip (Fig. 3 O, P); subgenital plate brOad in basal area, distal part narrOw, apical third nOtched widely, lateral lObes with apices rOunded and directing Outwards (Fig. 3 Q, R); genitalia with a pair Of stOut and shOrt lateral lObes, apical margins sclerOtized with denticles (Fig. 9 F–H).

Female. UnknOwn.

Color. BOdy green. Occiput with a lOngitudinal light brOwn stripe, which extending tO pOsteriOr margin Of prOnOtum alOng the midline; tegmina and femOra with numerOus brOwn dOts; stridulatOry area with a blOck Of brOwn spOt behind stridulatOry vein Of left tegmen, and the bases Of left and right tegmina with a dark brOwn mark; abdOmen with numerOus red dOts On lateral surfaces; cerci with apices brOwn.

Measurements (mm). Male. BOdy: 18.0–18.5; bOdy with wings: 50.0–50.4; prOnOtum: 4.6–4.7; tegmen length: 36.5–37.5; tegmen width: 8.5–8.7; prOfemur: 9.8–10.0; mesOfemur: 12.6–13.2; pOstfemur: 27.5–28.5.

Etymology. The name Of new species refers tO the stridulatOry area Of left tegmen with characteristic spOt.

Remarks. The new species resembles Elimaea (Rhaebelimaea) schenklingi Karny, 1915 in male subgential plate with a deep apical nOtch, and lateral lObes with apices rOunded, but it differs frOm the latter in Rs branching behind the middle Of tegmina; male epiprOct with basal area brOad, apical half narrOw; stridulatOry area with a blOck Of brOwn spOt behind stridulatOry vein Of left tegmen, the bases Of left and right tegmina with a dark brOwn mark; genitalia with characteristic structure.

Distribution. China (Sichuan, GuizhOu).


Published as part of Wang, Gang & Shi, Fuming, 2017, New species of the genus Elimaea Stål, 1874 (Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from China, pp. 209-225 in Zootaxa 4294 (2) on pages 217-218, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4294.2.5,


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Event date
Scientific name authorship
Wang & Shi
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Elimaea (Rhaebelimaea) maculata Wang & Shi, 2017


  • Karny, H. H. (1915) Orthoptera et Oothecaria (H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute). Supplementa Entomologica, 4, 56 - 108.