Published October 18, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Platynosomoides Yamaguti 1971


Platynosomoides sp.

Site of infection. small intestine, bile duct

Collection number. MLP-He 7324

Host species. Akodon montensis. CG 169

Localities: RVSU and PPU

Comments. The morphological characters observed in the specimens agree with the description given by Yamaguti (1971) of the genus Platynosomoides, i.e. long and narrow caeca, reaching far beyond middle of body; testes posterolateral to ventral sucker; median genital pore anterior to intestinal bifurcation; ovary posterior to testes and vitelline glands forming lateral bands starting at level of ventral sucker.

The genus Platynosomoides sp. has not been mentioned parasitizing sigmodontine rodents until today. However, it was recorded for Leopoldamys siporanus Thomas 1895 (Muridae) in Asia (Malaysia, Armenia and Daguestan, Russian Federation) and for Crocidura olivieri (Lesson 1827) (Soricidae) in Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (Pojmańska 2008).

This is the first record of the genus for South America.

Platynosomoides. A. montensis *


akodontis A. montensis A. cursor A. montensis N. " # $ % &’() * et al. +,&&

! lasiurus O. nigripes O. rufus

baine S. angouya S. angouya!­./ 0 et al +,&1

navonae A. montensis T. nigrita A. montensis T. nigrita!­ 0 +,&& 0 et al. +,&1 travassosi N. squamipes * O. nigripes # $ 2 et al &’’+

Trichuris E. russatus *

Eucoleus 3&4 A. montensis *

Eucoleus 3+4 Brucepattersonius *

coronatum A. montensis * E. russatus * O. 5!$ Holochilus brasiliensis $ " 6 76 et al. &’’) nigripes * S. angouya *! Tapirus terrestris. 2


. ulysi E. russatus * S. angouya S. angouya!­ 6 et al. +,&+

. zetta O. nigripes 5!$ A. cursor E. russatus N. $ 2/ 2 # $ 8 &’9) et al. &’:+ squamipes Cerradomys!­ 2 +,,9 * et al +,&& subflavus O. nigripes Galea 6 et al +,&+ * et al. +,&+ spixii; <et al. +,&(

. epsilon N. squamipes O. nigripes * 5!$ A. cursor N. squamipes 2/ # $ 8 &’9) 6 76 &’)& et al &’:+ 2 et al. &’:1! et al +,,(

......continued on the next page 35 4 lenti A. montensis 5!$ A. cursor A. montensis A. # $ $ " 8 5 = 6 76 &’’&! simulator O. flavescens O. => &’’+ 6 et al. +,,) nigripes * et al +,&&

aculeata A. montensis 5!$ A. cursor A. montensis # $ 8 &’9) 2 +,,9 *

et al. +,&&

lanfrediae E. russatus * O. nigripes S. 5!$ A. cursor A. montensis O. # $? et al +,,’ * et al. +,&&

angouya * nigripes

Stilestrongylus 3&4 T. nigrita * 5!$

Stilestrongylus 3+4 E. russatus * S. angouya * 5!$

3&4 T. nigrita * 5!$

3+4 E. russatus * 5!$


alata T. nigrita 5!$ N. lasiurus T. nigrita " $!­./ @ &’(: &’(’ 0 +,,: +,&,

5/> $ "

carlitosi A. montensis 5!$ A. azarae A. montensis A. # $!­ 0 => +,,) 0 +,&,

philipmyersi * et al. +,&&

evaginata E. russatus * Oryzomys sp. $" $ A = @ &’:B

kinsellai O. nigripes 5!$ O. nigripes!­ 0 => +,,)

venteli N. squamipes N. squamipes # $!­ 8 &’9) 0 => +,&, navonae N. squamipes O. nigripes * 5!$ A. azarae H. chacarius N../ 5A!­> +,,B

squamipes O. chacoensis O.


> C D $ D $ E $"D $ $ "D $ 5A D 5 5/ D 5 " D "./ D. 2/D 2 F!­ D! D 0 2D 2 #D #>D. 8 5D 8 F


Published as part of Guillermo Panisse, María Del Rosario Robles, María Celina Digiani, Juliana Notarnicola, Carlos Galliari & Graciela Teresa Navone, 2017, Description of the helminth communities of sympatric rodents (Muroidea: Cricetidae) from the Atlantic Forest in northeastern Argentina, pp. 243-262 in Zootaxa 4337 (2) on pages 245-247, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4337.2.4,


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  • Yamaguti, S. (1971) Synopsis of Digenetic Trematodes of Vertebrates. Vol. I. & II. Keigaku Publishing Co, Tokyo, 1074 pp.
  • Pojmanska T. (2008) F amily Dicroceliidae Loos, 1899. In: Bray, R. A., Gibson, D. I. & Jones, A. (Eds.), Keys to the Trematoda. Vol. 3. CAB International y Natural History Museum, London, pp. 233 - 260.