Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cryptodifflugia oviformis Hedley et al. 1977


C. oviformis Penard, 1890

Figs 5 g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k

Difflugiella oviformis in Bonnet et Thomas, 1955; Cryptodifflugia operculata Page, 1966

Original description. Penard 1890, P. 168, Table 7, Figs 95–107.

Description. Shell colorless, oval, with smooth surface, the shell wall is composed of two layers, a thin outer covering of organic material and a thick inner layer of amorphous calcium phosphate, the aperture is terminal, circular and bordered by a small organic collar.

Measurements. Shell length 13–26 µm, shell width 8.0–20.7 µm, diameter of aperture 3.0–6.9 µm.

Habitat. Freshwater sediments, Sphagnum mosses, wet green mosses, aquatic plants, acid soil.

Geographical distribution. Cosmopolitan.


Published as part of Bobrov, Anatoly & Mazei, Yuri, 2017, A review of testate amoeba genus Cryptodifflugia Penard, 1890 (Phryganellina: Cryptodifflugiidae) with a key to species, pp. 292-308 in Zootaxa 4282 (2) on page 301, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4282.2.4,


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  • Penard, E. (1890) Etudes sur les Rhizopodes d'eau douce. Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, 31, 1 - 230.
  • Page, F. C. (1966) Cryptodifflugia operculata n. sp. (Rhizopodea: Arcellinida, Cryptodifflugiidae) and the status of the genus Cryptodifflugia. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 85, 506 - 515.