Glaucolepis pseudoflagellata Stonis & Remeikis & Diškus & Solis 2017, sp. nov.
Description of Glaucolepis pseudoflagellata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.
(Figs 3, 6–9, 26, 37, 40, 52)
Type material. Holotype: ♂, ARGENTINA, Neuquen, Lago Lacar, Pucará, elevation ca. 650 m, 28.xi– 27.xii.1981, E. S. Nielsen & O. Karsholt, genitalia slide no. RA587♂ (ZMUC).
Paratypes: ARGENTINA, 3 ♂, 3 ♀, same label data as holotype, genitalia slide nos RA583 (head, forewing & hindleg, ♂), RA593♂, RA624♀ (ZMUC); 1 ♂, same area, 5 km E of Hua-Hum, 26–27.xii.1981, E. S. Nielsen & O. Karsholt, genitalia slide no. RA 524♂ (ZMUC); 1 ♂, Rio Negro, S. C. de Bariloche, Colonia Suiza, elevation ca. 800 m, 23.xii.1981, E. S. Nielsen & O. Karsholt, genitalia slide no. Diškus 190♂ (ZMUC); 1 ♂, same locality, 5– 7.i.1982, E. S. Nielsen & O. Karsholt (ZMUC); 1 ♂, same locality, elevation ca. 810 m, 9.xii.1978, Mision Cientifica Danesa (ZMUC).
CHILE: 2 ♂, 3 ♀, Cabreria, Cord. Nahuelbuta, elevation ca. 1100 m, 15–20.i.1977, L. Peña (USNM); 2 ♂, 1 ♀, Temuco Province, Fundo La Selva, 48 km NW Nueva Imperial, elevation ca. 700 m, 9–11.xii.1981, D. R. Davis, genitalia slide no. RA 586♂ (USNM); 1 ♂, 2 ♀, Chiloe Id., Hueque Trumao, 22 km N. Quellon, elevation ca. 50 m, 26–27.xii.1981, D. R. Davis (USNM); 2 ♀, Cautin, Pucon Peninsula, 19.xii.1982, R. L. Brown (USNM); 1 ♀, Nuble Province, Shangrila, SW side of volcan Chillan, elevation ca. 1600 m, 19–21.i.1979, D. & M. Davis & B. Akerbergs (USNM); 1 ♀, same province, Las Trancas, 21 km E Recinto, near high waterfall, elevation ca. 1300 m, 17.i.1979, M. & D. Davis & B. Akerbergs (USNM).
Diagnosis. The combination of a forewing with postmedian fascia, absence of large compact cluster of spines near phallotrema, and wide caudal process of the gnathos in the male genitalia, and 3.5 coils of ductus spermathecae in the female genitalia distinguishes G. pseudoflagellata sp. nov. from all congeneric species, including the most similar G. flagellata sp. nov. The species belongs to the Glaucolepis flagellata group.
Male (Fig. 52). Forewing length 2.7–3.5 mm; wingspan 6.1–7.7 mm. Head: palpi brownish grey; frontal tuft pale orange to dark ferruginous orange; collar comprised of piliform scales, pale orange; scape very shiny, golden cream to silvery shiny; antenna slightly longer than half the length of forewing; flagellum with about 44 segments, grey-brown on upper side and underside, usually every segment annulated with cream at its base. Thorax and tegula golden brown. Forewing very shiny, golden brown with purple iridescence, coarsely speckled with dark golden brown scales with purple iridescence over apical part; fascia oblique, silvery shiny (or cream in other angle of view), sometimes split into two irregular spots; fringe dark brown with golden gloss, pale brown apically; underside of forewing dark brown, without spots or androconia. Hindwing relatively wide, very dark brown with some golden gloss on upper side and underside, without androconia; fringe dark brown. Legs pale brownish grey, with fuscous grey scales on upper side. Abdomen fuscous grey on upper side and underside; anal tufts grey cream to pale brown, very short, indistinctive; genital plates grey cream to pale brown.
Female. Similar to male. Forewing length 3.7–3.8 mm; wingspan 8.1–8.3 mm. Fascia of forewing very distinctive, wide.
Male genitalia (Figs 26, 37). Capsule 390–400 µm long, 220–255 µm wide. Valva 210–220 µm long. Juxta thickened, bifid (Fig. 37). Phallus (Fig. 26) 390–415 µm long, 105–130 µm wide; spines near phallotrema not collected into cluster (Fig. 26); rod-like sclerite (“flagellum” which actually represents an enlarged cornutus) about 230–270 µm long.
Female genitalia (Fig. 40). Total length about 1300 µm. Anterior and posterior apophyses very long. Vestibulum with a vaginal sclerite (Fig. 40). Corpus bursae with two hardly visible reticulate signa, without pectinations. Accessory sac absent; ductus spermathecae with 3.5 coils.
Bionomics. Host plant: Unknown. Adults fly in November–January.
Distribution. This species occurs in the southern Andes (Argentina and Chile) at altitudes 50–1600 m.
Etymology. The species is named after other, similar species, Glaucolepis flagellata, but with a Ancient Greek prefix pseudḗs (false) in reference to the similarity to G. flagellata.
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Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1977-01-15 , 1978-12-09 , 1979-01-19 , 1981-12-09 , 1981-12-23 , 1981-12-26 , 1982-01-05
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1977-01-15/20 , 1979-01-19/21 , 1981-12-09/11 , 1981-12-23 , 1981-12-26/1982-12-19 , 1981-12-26/27 , 1982-01-05/07