Oppiidae Grandjean 1951
Family Oppiidae Grandjean, 1951
Berniniella Balogh, 1983
· Berniniella bicarinata (Paoli, 1908) *
· Original name: Damaeosoma bicarinata Paoli, 1908.
· In: Redia, 5, 59.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppia bicarinata (Paoli) Tarman, 1959; Berniniella bicarinatum (Paoli) Balogh, 1983; Berniniella (Berniniella) bicarinata (Paoli) Subías, 2004.
· Synonyms: Oppia similis Mihelčič, 1953; Oppia triconica Mihelčič, 1956. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Agricultural grassland (Curry 1969, 1969b, 1973). Counties: Kildare.
· Berniniella serratirostris (Golosova, 1970) *
· Original name: Oppia serratirostris Golosova, 1970.
· In: Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 49(5), 694.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppiella serratirostra (Golosova) Woas, 1986; Berniniella (Berniniella) serratirostris (Golosova) Subías, 2004.
· Synonyms: Oppia hauseri Mahunka, 1974; Berniniella hauseri (Mahunka) Balogh, 1983;? Oppiella rafalskii Oplotna and Rajski, 1983; Oppiella hauseri (Mahunka) Woas, 1986;? Berniniella rafalskii (Oplotna and Rajski) Subías and Balogh, 1989; Berniniella coronata oscensis Pérez-Ínigo, Jr, 1990. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Iris bog at seashore (Purvis 1982). Counties: Wexford.
Dissorhina Hull, 1916
· Dissorhina ornata (Oudemans, 1900) * · Original name: Eremaeus ornatus Oudemans, 1900.
· In: Tijdschrift voor entomologie, 43, 153.
· Historical combinations/variations: Dameosoma ornatum (Oudemans) Sellnick, 1928; Oppia ornata (Oudemans) Willmann, 1931; Oppia ornatus (Oudemans) Buitendijk, 1945; Oppiella ornata (Oudemans) Seniczak, 1975; Cosmoppia ornata (Oudemans) Balogh, 1983; Dishorrina ornata [sic] Arroyo and Bolger, 2011 and Dissohrina ornata [sic] Arroyo et al., 2012.
· Synonyms: Dameosoma splendens sensu Berlese, 1895 [misidentification] no C.L. Koch, 1841; Dameosoma tricarinatum Paoli, 1908; Dameosoma vetula Hull, 1914; Dameosoma captator Hull, 1915; Dissorhina captator (Hull) Hull, 1916; Dissorhina tricarinatum (Paoli) Hull, 1916; Oppia bolei Tarman, 1958. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss (Halbert 1915); agricultural grassland (Curry 1969, 1976; Valarasan 1971) cutaway raised bog and permanent pasture on peat (Whelan 1976); cutaway raised bog (Curry and Momen 1988); dune, pasture, Iris bog and Salix ditch at seashore (Purvis 1982); soil from Norway spruce forest (Heneghan 1994; Heneghan and Bolger 1988; McCarthy 2004); rushes, soil on cliff and agricultural soil (Bolger In press); fungal sporocarps (O’Connell 1994; O’ Connell and Bolger 1997); pastures and blanket bogs (rough grazing) (Arroyo et al. 2009a); Machair foredunes and fixed (stable) dunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); moss on soil in ash, oak, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests, moss in canopy in oak, ash and Scots pine forests, soil in oak, Sitka spruce and Scots pine forest (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b); moss in canopy and moss on trunk in yew and oak forests (Arroyo et al. 2013c); ant nests (Arroyo et al. 2015); canopy in ash and Sitka spruce forests (unpublished data). Counties: Clare, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Limerick, Mayo, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary, Wexford and Wicklow.
Microppia Balogh, 1983
· Microppia minus (Paoli, 1908) *
· Original name: Dameosoma minus Paoli, 1908.
· In: Monografia delle genere Dameosoma Berl. e generi affini. Redia, 5, 31–91.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppia minus (Paoli) Weis, 1916; Oppiella minus (Paoli) Seniczak, 1975.
· Synonyms: Oppia minus simplex Jacot, 1938; Oppia minutissima Sellnick, 1950; Microppia minutissima (Sellnick) Balogh, 1983.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Agricultural grassland (Curry 1969, 1970, 1976; Ganley 1976; Bolger 1980; Piotrowska 2010; Arroyo et al. 2015); cutaway raised bog and permanent pasture on peat (Whelan 1976); dune, Iris bog and gorse bank at seashore (Purvis 1982); hedgerow around a barley field (Emmanuel 1977; Emmanuel et al. 1985a); soil fom Norway spruce forest (Heneghan 1994); ant nests (Arroyo et al. 2015).
Counties: Dublin, Cork, Kildare, Kilkenny, Limerick, Meath and Wexford.
Multioppia Hammer, 1961
· Multioppia neglecta Pérez-Íñigo, 1969 *
· Original name: Multioppia neglecta Pérez-Íñigo, 1969.
· In: Nuevos oribátidos de suelos españoles (Acari, Oribatei). EOS, 44, 377–403.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppia neglecta (Pérez-Ínigo) Woas, 1986.
· Synonyms: Multioppia excisa Moritz, 1971; Oppia excisa (Moritz) Woas, 1986. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Dune, pasture and Salix ditch at seashore (Purvis 1982), Machair fixed (stable) dunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); moss on soil surface in oak forest (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b).
Counties: Galway, Laois and Wexford.
Oppia C.L. Koch, 1836
· Oppia nitens C.L. Koch, 1836 *
· Original name: Oppia nitens C.L. Koch, 1836.
· In: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden, Vol. 3.
· Historical combinations/variations: Damaeus nitens (C.L. Koch) Michael, 1888; Dameosoma nitens (C.L. Koch) Sellnick, 1928.
· Synonyms: Belba minuta Banks, 1895; Oribata minuta (Banks) Banks, 1904; Oribata perolata Banks, 1909; Dameosoma myrmecophilum Sellnick, 1928; Oppia nitens myrmecophila (Sellnick) Sengbusch, 1951; Oppia myrmecophila (Sellnick) Sellnick, 1960; Oppia perolata (Banks) Norton, 1979. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Stored grain (Cusack 1974; Cusack et al. 1975). Counties: no location given in the references.
Oppiella (Lauroppia) Subías and Mínguez, 1986
· Oppiella (Lauroppia) tenuipectinata Subías and Rodríguez, 1988 · Original name: Lauroppia tenuipectinata Subías and Rodríguez, 1988. · In: Miscellanea Zoologica, [1987], 11.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss in canopy in oak, ash and Scots pine forests and soil in oak and
Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b).
Counties: Kerry, Kildare, Laois and Wicklow.
Oppiella (Moritzoppia) Subías and Rodríguez, 1988
· Oppiella (Moritzoppia) clavigera (Hammer, 1952)
· Original name: Oppia clavigera Hammer, 1952.
· In: Investigations on the microfauna of northern Canada. Part I: Oribatidae. Acta arctica., 4, 1–108.
· Historical combinations/variations: Moritziella clavigera (Hammer) Balogh, 1983; Oppiella clavigera (Hammer) Marshall et al., 1987; Moritzoppia clavigera (Hammer) Arroyo and Bolger, 2011.
· Synonyms: Oppia translamellata (Willmann) Moraza et al., 1980.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Fungal sporocarps (O’Connell 1994); Machair foredunes and fixed (stable) dunes (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); soil, moss on soil, canopy and moss in canopy in oak, forests, canopy and canopy moss in Sitka spruce forests and soil and moss on soil in Scots pine forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b); canopy in Sitka spruce forests (unpublished data).
Counties: Clare. Galway, Kerry, Kilkenny, Laois, Mayo, Sligo and Wicklow.
· Oppiella (Moritzoppia) keilbachi (Moritz, 1969)
· Original name: Oppia keilbachi Moritz, 1969.
· In: Neue Oribatiden (Acari) aus Deutschland. V. Oppia keilbachi nov. spec. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernst Moritz ArndtUniversität Greifswald. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe, 1–2, 37–40.
· Historical combinations/variations: Moritziella keilbachi (Moritz) Balogh, 1983; Moritzoppia keilbachi (Moritz) Arroyo and Bolger, 2011.
· Synonyms: Moritziella uherkovichi Mahunka, 1985.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Machair fore and fixed (stable) dunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); moss from canopy and soil surface in oak forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b). Counties: Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Laois, Mayo and Sligo.
· Oppiella (Moritzoppia) neerlandica (Oudemans, 1900)
· Original name: Eremaeus longilamellatus var. neerlandica Oudemans, 1900.
· In: New list of Dutch Acari 1st Part. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 43, 150–171.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppia neerlandica (Oudemans) van der Hammen, 1952; Oppiella neerlandica (Oudemans) Seniczak, 1975; Lauroppia neerlandica (Oudemans) Subías and Mínguez, 1986; no “ Oppia neerlandica ” Willmann 1931 (!) no “ Damaeosoma neerlandicum ” Sellnick 1928 (!). Moritzoppia (Moritzoppia) neerlandica (Oudemans) Arroyo et al., 2009; Moritzoppia neerlandica (Oudemans) Arroyo et al. 2012.
· Synonyms: Dameosoma translamellatum Willmann, 1923; Oppia novus Buitendijk, 1945; Oppia carniolica Tarman, 1958; Oppia translamellata (Willmann) Tarman and Cervek, 1976; Lauroppia translamellatum (Willmann) Vasiliu, Ivan and Vasiliu, 1993.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Agricultural grassland (Purvis 1978), Salix litter on a cutaway bog (unpublished data), soil from Western hemlock and Sitka spruce forest and agricultural grassland (unpublished data); fungal sporocarps (unpublished data); moss in canopy in Sitka spruce forest (Arroyo et al. 2009b); moss on soil in oak, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests, moss in canopy in oak and Scots pine forests and in soil in Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b).
Counties: Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Offaly, Sligo, Wexford and Wicklow.
· Oppiella (Moritzoppia) oreia Colloff and Seyd, 1991 *
· Original name: Moritzoppia oreia Collof and Seyd, 1991.
· In: A new species of Moritzoppia from montane sites in the British Isles, with a redescription of M. clavigera (Hammer, 1952) (Acari: Oribatida: Oppiidae). Journal of Natural History, 25 (4), 1067–1074. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Lichen (Seyd 1992); Machair fored and fixed (stable) dunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); moss in canopy in Sitka spruce forest (Arroyo et al. 2009b); moss on soil in oak, ash, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests, soil in oak, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests and moss in canopy in oak and Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2009b, 2012, 2013b) moss on trunk in yew and oak forest (Arroyo et al. 2013c); canopy in ash forests (unpublished data).
Counties: Carlow, Clare, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Laois, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary and Wicklow.
· Oppiella (Moritzoppia) unicarinata (Paoli, 1908) *
· Original name: Damaeosoma unicarinatum Paoli, 1908.
· In: Monografia del genere Dameosoma Berl. e generi affini. Redia, 5, 31–91.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppia unicarinata (Paoli) Willmann, 1931; Oppiella unicarinata (Paoli) Marshall, 1968; Moritziella unicarinata (Paoli) Balogh, 1983; Moritzoppia unicarinatum (Paoli) Vasiliu, Ivan and Vasiliu 1993; Moritzoppia unicarinata (Paoli) Arroyo and Bolger, 2011.
· Synonyms: Dameosoma splendes (C.L. Koch) Paoli, 1908; Dameosoma formosum Hull, 1914; Autogneta formosa (Hull) Hull, 1916; Dameosoma minus lamellata Halbert, 1923; Oppia lignivora Jacot, 1939; Oribella formosa (Hull) Turk, 1953; Oppia fixa Mihelčič, 1956; Oppiella splendes (C.L. Koch) Woas, 1986; Oppiella lignivora (Jacot) Marshall et al, 1987, Oppiella fixa (Mihelčič) Zalewska and Rajski, 1990; Moritziella similis Gordeeva and Grishina, 1991; Moritzoppia fixa (Mihelčič) Vasiliu, Ivan and Vasiliu 1993; Subiasella lamellata (Halbert) Luxton, 1996.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Under dead wood (Halbert 1915); Machair foredunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); moss in canopy in oak forest and moss on trunk in yew and oak forests Arroyo et al. 2013c); moss on soil in oak, ash and Sitka spruce forests, soil in Scots pine forest and moss in canopy in oak forests (Arroyo et al, 2012, 2013b).
Counties: Kerry, Galway, Laois, Roscommon, Sligo and Wicklow.
Oppiella (Oppiella) Jacot, 1937
· Oppiella (Oppiella) nova (Oudemans, 1902) *
· Original name: Eremaeus novus Oudemans, 1902.
· In: Acarologische Aanteekeningen. Entomologische Berichten (Amsterdam), 1, 36–39.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppia nova (Oudemans) van der Hammen, 1952; Oppiella nova (Oudemans) Hammer, 1962.
· Synonyms: Dameosoma corrugatum Berlese, 1904; Notaspis sculptilis Warburton and Pearce, 1905; Autogneta corrugata (Berlese) Hull, 1916; Autogneta sculptilis (Warburton and Pearce) Hull, 1916; Dameosoma uliginosum Willman, 1919; Dameosoma neerlandicum sensu Sellnick, 1928 non Oudemans, 1900 [misidentification]; Oppia neerlandica sensu Willmann, 1931 non Oudemans, 1900 [misidentification]; Dameosoma krygeri Trägårdh, 1931; Oppia neerlandica sumatrensis Willmann, 1931; Dameosoma corrugatum intralamellatum Thamdrup, 1932; Oppia corrugata (Berlese) Jacot, 1936; Oppiella corrugata (Berlese) Jacot, 1937; Oppiella corrugata apicalis Jacot, 1937; Oppiella corrugata squarrosa Jacot, 1937; Oppia washburni Hammer, 1952; Oppia neerlandica adauriculata Mihelčič, 1953; Oppia uliginosum (Willmann) Sengbusch, 1957; Oppia rossica Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1964; Oppiella aegyptiaca Elbadry and Nasr, 1974; Oppiella chistyakovi Rjabinin, 1975; Oppiella orientata Rjabinin, 1975; Oppiella nova palustris Laskova, 1980; Oppiella uliginosa (Willmann) Woas, 1986.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Agricultural grassland (Curry 1969, 1976; Valarasan 1971; Cunningham 1975; Ganley 1976; Bolger 1980; Bolger and Curry 1984 Piotrowska 2010; Arroyo et al. 2015; unpublished data); bog, grassland, heather and shelter belt on peat (Longworth 1973); cutaway raised bog and permanent pasture on peat (both soil and herbage) (Whelan 1978, 1985, 1986); soil from sugar beet field (Breslin 1979); dune, pasture, Iris bog and Salix ditch at seashore (Purvis 1982); fungal sporocarps (O’ Connell and Bolger 1997); pastures, wetland pastures, Sitka spruce forests, coniferous mixed of Norway spruce and lodgepole pine, broadleaved forests (mixed hawthorn and ash) and blanket bogs (rough grazing) (Arroyo et al. 2009a); soil from Norway spruce forest (Heneghan 1994; Heneghan and Bolger 1996, McCarthy 2004); soil and moss on soil in Sitka spruce forest (Arroyo and Bolger 2007); Machair fore and fixed (stable) dunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); moss on soil in oak, ash, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests, moss in canopy and soil in oak, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b); moss on soil and moss on trunk in oak forest (Arroyo et al. 2013c); raised bogs, mountain blanket bogs, Atlantic blanket bogs and fens (Wisdom et al. 2011); ant nests (Arroyo et al. 2015).
Counties: Carlow, Clare, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Killarney, Laois, Limerick, Mayo, Meath, Monaghan, Offaly, Sligo, Roscommon, Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford and Wicklow.
· Oppiella (Oppiella) splendens (C.L. Koch, 1841)
· Original name: Oppia splendens C.L. Koch, 1841.
· In: Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden, Vol. 32(6).
· Historical combinations/variations: Damaeosoma splendens (C.L. Koch) Paoli, 1908; Opiella splendens (C.L. Koch) Woas, 1986 no “ Notaspis s.”: Michael 1888; no “ Damaeosoma s.: Berlese 1895; Oppiella (Moritzoppiella) splendens (C.L. Koch) Subías, 2004.
· Synonyms: Oppia lignivora Jacot, 1939; Moritziella nikolskii Gordeeva and Grishina, 1991. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Soil from Norway spruce forest (Heneghan 1994). Counties: Kilkenny.
Oppiella (Rhinoppia) Balogh, 1983
· Oppiella (Rhinoppia) fallax (Paoli, 1908)
· Original name: Dameosoma fallax Paoli, 1908.
· In: Monografia del genere Dameosoma Berl. e generi affini. Redia, 5, 31–91.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppia fallax (Paoli) Willmann, 1931; Oppiella fallax (Paoli) Pérez- Ínigo, 1971; Lauroppia fallax (Paoli) Arroyo et al. 2009.
· Synonyms: Oppiella dubia Hammer, 1962; Oppia aligarhiensis Kardar, 1976. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Heather and shelter belt on peat (Longworth 1973); Salix litter on cutaway peat (unpublished data); fungal sporocarps (O’Connell 1994); soil from barley crop (Arroyo et al. 2009a); moss in canopy in oak and ash forests, moss on soil in oak and Scots pine forests and soil in oak forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b).
Counties: Clare, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Louth, Mayo, Offaly and Sligo.
· Oppiella (Rhinoppia) obsoleta (Paoli, 1908) *
· Original name: Dameosoma fallax var. obsoletum Paoli, 1908.
· In: Redia, 5, 65.
· Historical combinations/variations: Oppia obsoleta (Paoli) Balogh, 1943, Oppiella obsoleta (Paoli) Seniczak, 1975; Medioppia obsoleta (Paoli) Subías and Mínguez, 1985; Kunoppia obsoleta (Paoli) Mahunka, 1987; Ctenopiella obsoleta (Paoli) Gordeeva and Karppinen, 1988; Rhinoppia (Rhinoppia) obsoleta (Paoli) Subías, 2004.
· Synonyms: Dameosoma vitrinum Hull, 1914, Autogneta vitrina (Hull) Hull, 1916; Autogneta fallax obsoleta (Paoli) Hull, 1916, Oppia fallax obsoleta (Paoli) Willmann, 1931.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Agricultural grassland (Curry 1969, 1976; Ganley 1976; Bolger 1980; Purvis 1982); bog (Longwoth 1973); cutaway raised bog and permanent pasture on peat (Whelan 1976); soil in barley field (Emmanuel 1977; Emmanuel et al. 1985a, b); soil in rushes (Bolger In press), fungal sporocarps (O’Connell 1994; O’Connell and Bolger 1997; unpublished data); Machair foredunes and fixed (stable) dunes (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); soil from Monterey pine, Sitka spruce and Lawson cypress forests (unpublished data); soil from Norway spruce and Sitka spruce forest (Heneghan 1994; Hennegan and Bolger 1996; McCarthy 2004; Arroyo and Bolger 2007); broadleaved (hawthorn, ash) and Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2009a); soil in oak and ash forests and moss on soil in Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b).
Counties: Clare, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Mayo, Waterford, Wexford and Wicklow
· Oppiella (Rhinoppia) subpectinata (Oudemans, 1900)
· Original name: Eremaeus subpectinatus Oudemans, 1900.
· In: New list of Dutch Acari, 1st Part. Tijdschrift voor entomologie, 43,150–171.
· Historical combinations/variations: Dameosoma subpectinatum (Oudemans) Sellnick, 1928; Oppia subpectinata (Oudemans) Willman, 1931; Oppia subpectinatus (Oudemans) Buitendijk, 1945; Oppiella subpectinata (Oudemans) Seniczak, 1975, Medioppia subpectinata (Oudemans) Subías and Minguez, 1985; Kunoppia subpectinata (Oudemans) Mahunka, 1987; Ctenopiella subpectinata (Oudemans) Goordeva and Karpinnen, 1988; Rhinoppia (Rhinoppia) subpectinata (Oudemans) Subías, 2004.
· Synonyms: Beba (Dameosoma) pectinata [sic] Berlese, 1892; Belba pectinata sensu Berlese, 1892 no Michael, 1885 [misidentification], Dameosoma clavipectinatum Paoli, 1908 no Michael, 1885 [misidentification]; Dameosoma subpectinatum aberratum Thamdrup, 1932; Oppia paoliana Cooreman, 1941; Oppia globosa Mihelčič, 1956; Oppia zachvatkini Kulijev, 1962; Oppia bulanovae Kulijev, 1962; Oppia tuberculata Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1964; Ctenopiella globosa (Mihelčič) Gordeeva and Karppinen,
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss on soil in oak, ash, Scots pine Sitka spruce forests, canopy moss and soil in oak, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo and Bolger 2007; Arroyo et al. 2009b, 2012, 2013b); pastures, blanket bogs, broadleaved forests (hawthorn and ash mixed, birch), coniferous forests (Norway spruce and lodgepole pine, Sitka spruce), barley crops and pastures (rough grazing) (Arroyo et al. 2009a); Machair foredunes and fixed (stable) dunes and Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); Atlantic blanket bogs (Wisdom et al. 2011); agricultural grassland (Piotrowska 2010; Arroyo et al. 2015); ant nests (Arroyo et al. 2015).
Counties: Clare, Cork, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Laois, Louth, Mayo, Offaly, Sligo, Tipperary, Waterford and Wicklow.
Ramusella (Ramusella) Hammer, 1962
· Ramusella (Ramusella) clavipectinata (Michael, 1885) *
· Original name: Notaspis clavipectinata Michael, 1885.
· In: New British Oribatidae. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, 5, 385–397.
· Historical combinations/variations: Xenillus clavipectinatus (Michael) Oudemans, 1913; Amolops clavipectinatum (Michael) Hull, 1916; Dameosoma clavipectinatum (Michael) Paoli, 1908; Oppia clavipectinata (Michael) Willmann, 1931 no Woas 1986 (s. Multioppia laniseta); Eremaeus clavipectinata (Michael) Willmann, 1931; Oppia clavipectinatus Buitendijk, 1945; Ramusella (Inscultoppia) clavipectinata (Michael) Subías, 1980; Inscultoppia clavipectinata (Michael) Balogh, 1983 no “ Dameosoma clavipectinatum ” Paoli 1908 (Medioppia subpectinata); Ramusella clavipectinata (Michael) Fain et al., 1991; Dameosoma clavipectinata (Michael) Jacot, 1934.
· Synonyms: Dameosoma alces Jacot, 1934; Oppia assimilis Mihelčič, 1956; Oppia taminae Rjabinin, 1975; Oppia alamellata Kardar, 1976; Ramusella (Ramusella) assimilis (Mihelčič) Subías, 1980.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss (Halbert 1915), agricultural grassland (Curry 1969, 1969b, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1979; Valarasan 1971; Cunningham 1975; Ganley 1976; Curry and Ganley 1977; Curry and Tuohy 1978; Purvis 1978; Bolger 1980; Purvis and Curry 1980; O’ Neill 1981; Bolger and Curry 1984; Arroyo et al. 2015; unpublished data); cutaway raised bog and permanent pasture (both soil and herbage) on peat (Whelan 1978, 1985, 1986); sugar beet field (Breslin 1979; unpublished data); salt marsh (Healy 1975; Speight and Healy 1977); dune, pasture, Iris bog and Salix ditch at seashore (Purvis 1982); Machair grassland (Arroyo and Bolger 2011); apple orchard (Momen 1987); soil in Western hemlock, Monterey pine, Sitka spruce and Lawson cypress forest (unpublished data); fungal sporocarps (O’Connell 1994; unpublished data), pastures, Sitka spruce forests, blanket bogs, barley crops and arable field (Arroyo et al. 2009a); ant nests (Arroyo et al. 2015).
Counties: Carlow, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kildare, Kilkenny, Limerick, Louth, Mayo, Meath, Monaghan, Offaly, Wexford and Wicklow.
Ramusella (Insculptoppia) Subías, 1980
· Ramusella (Insculptoppia) elliptica (Berlese, 1908)
· Original name: Lo(h)mannia elliptica Berlese, 1908.
· In: Elenco di generi e specie nouve di Acari. Redia, 5, 1–15.
· Historical combinations/variations: Insculptoppia elliptica (Berlese) Balogh, 1983.
· Synonyms: Oppia assimilis (Mihelčič) Pérez-Íñigo, 1965; Oppia insculpta (Paoli) Pérez-Íñigo, 1971; Oppia fasciata (Paoli) Seniczak, 1975; Insculptoppia lamellata Pérez-Íñigo jr., 1991; Ramusella abarkouhiensis Bayartogtokh and Akrami, 2000.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Soil and moss on soil surface from Sitka spruce forest (Arroyo and Bolger 2007); pastures, Sitka spruce forests, broadleaved forests (birch) and blanket bogs (rough grazing) (Arroyo et al. 2009a); agricultural grassland (Piotrowska 2010; unpublished data); raised bogs (Wisdom et al. 2011), moss on soil in ash, Scots pine and Sitka spruce forests and soil in ash forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b).
Counties: Cork, Dublin, Galway, Laois, Offaly, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary and Waterford.
Serratoppia Subías and Mínguez, 1985
· Serratoppia duffyi (Evans, 1954) *
· Original name: Oppia duffyi Evans, 1954.
· In: Some new and rare species of Acarina. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 123, 793–811. Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Moss (Evans 1954); agricultural grassland (Ganley 1976). Counties: Clare and Dublin.
· Serratoppia serrata (Mihelčič, 1956)
· Original name: Oppia serrata Mihelčič, 1956.
· In: Zoologische Anzeiger, 157, 166.
Irish Reference/s and Habitat/s: Sitka spruce forest (Arroyo and Bolger 2008); soil in Scots pine forests, moss in canopy in oak forests and moss on soil in Sitka spruce forests (Arroyo et al. 2012, 2013b); Sitka spruce and coniferous forests and blanket bog (rough grazing) (Arroyo et al. 2009a); agricultural grassland and ant nests (Arroyo et al. 2015).
Counties: Cork, Galway, Laois, Limerick and Wicklow.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Oppiidae
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Sarcoptiformes
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Grandjean
- Taxon rank
- family
- Taxonomic concept label
- Oppiidae Grandjean, 1951 sec. Bolger, 2017
- Subias, L. S. (2004) Listado sistematico, sinonimico y biogeografio de los acaros oribatidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758 - 2002). Graellsia, 60 (numero extraordinario), 1 - 305. [updated online 2017]
- Hull, J. E. (1916) Terrestrial Acari of the Tyne province. Transactions of the Natural History Society Northumberland, 4, 381 - 423.
- Willmann, C. (1931) Moosmilben oder Oribatiden (Oribatei). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 22, 79 - 200.
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