Published August 25, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Trichocera (Trichocera) mirabilis Alexander 1934

  • 1. Department of Zoology, Institute of Biosciences, Filnius University Life Sciences Center, Sauletekis av. 7, LT 10222 Filnius, Lithuania Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Filnius, Lithuania


Trichocera (Trichocera) mirabilis Alexander, 1934

(Fig. 25; Nakamura & Saigusa 1997, Figs. 7–8, 80–85)

Trichocera mirabilis Alexander, 1934: 20.

Metatrichocera mirabilis: Dahl 1966: 97.

Trichocera (Metatrichocera) mirabilis: Dahl & Alexander 1976: 14. Trichocera (Trichocera) mirabilis: Krzemińska 2001a: 398.

Distribution. Known from Korea (Alexander 1934; Alexander 1938) and Japan (Nakamura 1995; Nakamura & Saigusa 1997; Suzuki et al. 2007).

Examined material (Fig. 39): 1 male, 1 female (same pin), North Korea, Ompo, alt. 800 ft., 0 5.11.1937, coll. A. M. Yankovsky; 1 male (pinned) North Korea, Ompo, alt. 1200 ft., 0 3.11.1937, coll. A. M. Yankovsky; 1 male (pinned) North Korea, Ompo, alt. 600 ft., 10.11.1937, coll. A. M. Yankovsky (all USNM).

Previous records for Korea. 1 female, North Korea, Kongo-san, 0 8.10.1933, coll. Machida; 1 male, North Korea, Kongo-san, 18.10.1933, coll. Machida (Alexander 1934); North Korea, Yanchen, alt. 40 ft., 0 6.10.1937, coll. A. M. Yankovsky; North Korea, Ompo, alt. 600 ft., 17.11.1937, coll. A. M. Yankovsky; North Korea, Seren Mountains, alt. 1800 ft., 13.10.1937, coll. A. M. Yankovsky (Alexander 1938).


Published as part of Petrašiūnas, Andrius & Podenas, Sigitas, 2017, New data on winter crane flies (Diptera: Trichoceridae) of Korea with description of a new species, pp. 561-575 in Zootaxa 4311 (4) on page 570, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4311.4.8,


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  • Alexander, C. P. (1934) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XXI. Philippine Journal of Science, 55 (1), 19 - 60.
  • Nakamura, T. & Saigusa, T. (1997) A revision of the Japanese species of the subgenus Metatrichocera Dahl, 1966 of the genus Trichocera Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Trichoceridae). Nature and Human Activities, 2, 59 - 89.
  • Dahl, C. & Alexander, C. P. (1976) A world catalogue of Trichoceridae Kertesz, 1902 (Diptera). Entomologica Scandinavica, 7 (1), 7 - 18. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 187631276 X 00027
  • Krzeminska, E. (2001 a) New additions to the subgenus Trichocera (Trichocera) Meigen (Diptera: Trichoceridae). Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 44 (4), 391 - 399.
  • Alexander, C. P. (1938) New or little known Tipulidae from Eastern Asia (Diptera), XL. Philippine Journal of Science, 67, 129 - 165.
  • Nakamura, T. (1995) New Record of Trichocera mirabilis Alexander (Diptera, Trichoceridae) from Japan. Japanese Journal of Entomology, 63 (2), 260.
  • Suzuki, Y., Miyatani, H. & Kobayashi, T. (2007) Diptera. In: Tanzawa Ohyama Mountain flora and fauna, 2007, pp. 254 - 272. [in Japanese]