Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Trebacosa europaea Szinetar & Kancsal 2007


Trebacosa europaea Szinetár & Kancsal, 2007

(Figs 5–22, 24–29)

Trebacosa europaea Szinetár & Kancsal, 2007: 155, figs 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 (male holotype from HUNGARY: Mezȏföld: Lake Velencei Basin, István Chernel Bird Observatory, N 47°11' E 18 36', pitfall traps in reed belt 30 June 2004, leg. & det.: Cs. Szinetár & B. Kancsal, HNHMB)

Trebacosa brunhesi Villepoux, 2007: 1, figs 1, 2A–F, 3 (male holotype from FRANCE: Réserve naturelle du marais de Lavours (commune de Cézeyrieux, dép. de l'Ain, France N 45° 49' E 5° 45'), 20/6/1986, O. Villepoux leg., MNHN-AR 14431, examined. Female allotype from the same locality, 16/6/1995, MNHN-AR 14431). – New synonymy

Diagnosis. Males of Trebacosa europaea can be differentiated from those of T. marxi by the elongated median apophysis (Figs 23–24), which is 1.7 times longer than wide. Females can be distinguished by the lower atrium (which is even smaller than those of T. marxi) and the HS and VC subequal in diameter (Figs 8–19). In T. marxi, the VC is roughly twice as high as the HS, while VC is only 1.3–1.5 higher, than HS in T. europaea.

Intraspecific variation. We examined T. europaea and T. brunhesi specimens from Hungary and France, respectively and they showed the same shape and ratio in the median apophysis (Figs 25–26), being about 1.7 times longer than wide. We also got a bleached out specimen from Belarus (Fig. 27), and specimens with expanded palps from Greece (Fig. 28). Despite the suboptimal condition of these specimens and palps, the characteristic median apophysis together with the terminal apophysis and the central tegular process is identical both in shape and in its length/width ratio (Figs 27–28).

The original description of Trebacosa europaea was based on 16 males. Kancsal et al. (2010) reported 22 further Trebacosa europaea specimens from Lake Velencei, Hungary (without mentioning any females, although three were caught), while Buchholz & Schröder (2013) and Schröder et al (2011) reported seven (3 males, 4 females) T. europaea specimens from the Aladjagiola wetlands in Greece, but also without any further details. Villepoux has collected hundreds of Trebacosa specimens in France, listed here. Based on the specimens no significant differences have been observed, hence the synonymy seems justified.

Additional material examined. Trebacosa europaea Hungary: 34 males & 3 females from Lake Velencei, István Chernel Bird Observatory, N 47°11' 18 36' E, pitfall traps in reed belt, leg & det Béla Kancsal & Cs. Szinetár (2004: 16/0, 2008 2/0, 2009: 16/3), all deposited in HNHMB.

Greece: 3 males & 4 females from Aladjagiola, the Northeast of Chrysoupoli, N 41°00' E 24°42', pitfall traps in reed belt, 11. 0 6. 2008, leg & det: Maria Schröder & Sasha Buchholtz.

France: 120 males & 16 females from National Natural Reserve of " Marais de Lavours ", department of Ain, N 45° 50' E 5° 45', pitfall traps in Cladium mariscus dense beds leg & det: Olivier Villepoux (1986: 2/1, 1987: 2/0, 1989: 73/5, 1995: 41/6, 2005: 2/4), PCOV.

523 males and 51 females from the same locality, pitfall traps in sedge beds (Carex elata) with places of Cladium mariscus and some bushes (Frangula alnus, Salix spp.) leg & det: Olivier Villepoux & Alice Michaud (2008: 94/13, 2009: 66/1, 2010: 17/8, 2011: 346/29), PCOV.

229 males & 39 females from Lacs de Conzieu, department of Ain, N 45° 42' E 5° 36', pitfal traps in Cladium mariscus dense beds, 12. 0 5. 2009 –28. 0 7. 2009, leg & det: Olivier Villepoux & Alice Michaud, PCOV. 155 males & 10 females from National Natural Reserve of " Etang de Cousseau ", France, department of Gironde N 45° 02' W 1° 08', pitfall traps in Cladium mariscus dense beds, 0 1. 0 6. 2004–01. 0 8. 2004, leg & det: Marcel Cruveillier, PCOV. 20 males & 3 females from National Natural Reserve of " Tourbière de Logné ", France, department of Loireatlantique, N 47° 19' W 1° 30', pitfall traps in mainly in wet Myrica gale heathland with Carex paniculata and Molinia caerulea, 24. 0 5. 2011–18. 0 7. 2011, leg & det: Cyril Courtial & Alexis Saintilan, PCOV. Belarus: 1 male from " Pripyatskiy " National Park, N 51°56' E 27°58', pitfall traps in Pinetum ledosum, 0 2.06 – 20.10.1998, leg: Dr. L. S. Chumakov, det: Evgeni Zhukovets, PCEZ.


Published as part of Szűts, Tamás, Zalai, Béla, Villepoux, Olivier, Buchholz, Sascha, Eichardt, János, Zhukovets, Evgeni, Oger, Pierre & Szinetár, Csaba, 2017, On the identity of the Palearctic species of the wolf spider genus Trebacosa (Araneae: Lycosidae), pp. 384-394 in Zootaxa 4216 (4) on pages 387-390, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.242299


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  • Villepoux, O. (2007) Description de Trebacosa brunhesi n. sp. de France, premiere espece palearctique du genre (Araneae, Lycosidae). Revue arachnologique, 17, 1 - 7.
  • Kancsal, B., Szinetar, Cs., Bognar, V. & Angyal, D. (2010) Data to the spider fauna (Araneae) of Lake Velence. Natura Somogyiensis, 17, 133 - 140.
  • Buchholz, S. & Schroder, M. (2013) Diversity and ecology of spider assemblages of a Mediterranean wetland complex. Journal of Arachnology, 41, 364 - 373. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1636 / P 13 - 26.1
  • Schroder, M., Chatzaki, M. & Buchholz, S. (2011) The spider fauna of the Aladjagiola wetland complex (Nestos Delta, northeast Greece): a reflection of a unique zoogeographical transition zone in Europe. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 102, 217 - 233. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8312.2010.01572. x