Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Neoeutrypanus maya Monné & Botero, 2017, sp. nov.


Neoeutrypanus maya sp. nov. (Figs. 1–3)

Description. Male. Integument dark-brown. Pubescence mainly dark brown. Basal third of antennomeres covered by white pubescence. Pronotum with narrow median longitudinal fascia of grayish pubescence, at each side, on anterior third a yellowish oblong spot; laterally with band of yellowish pubescence that reaches prosternum.

Elytron with three irregular transversal stripes of grayish pubescence, the anterior one, oblique from humeri to suture, a second one slightly post-median, also oblique from margin to suture and the distal one covering the apical third.

Posterior apex of pro- and mesosternal process, median region of metasternum, coxae and first urosternite surface covered by dense yellow pubescence.

Distance between upper lobes twice the width of one upper lobe. Antennae exceeding elytral apices at antennomere VI, with erect, sparse setae, mainly on ventral face and apex. Scape and antennomere III subequal in length, antennomeres IV–IX slightly decreasing in length (antennae broken at antennomere IX). Prothorax armed with rounded lateral tubercles situated at posterior third. Pronotum with basal row of punctures. Prosternal process narrowed at middle, width at narrowest point equal to 1/5 of procoxal cavity width. Mesosternal process truncate at apex, width 2/3 of mesocoxal cavity width.

Elytra almost 4 times as long as prothorax, basal half with coarse punctures. Humeri prominent, rounded. Lateral carina feebly demarcated. Apices sinuous, marginal angles slightly projected.

Metatarsomere I about 2 times as long as II–III together. Sternites II–IV subequal in length, sternite V 1 /3 longer than sternite IV, narrowed to apex. Apex of urotergite V truncate; urosternite V with apical margin semicircularly emarginate, angles slightly produced, with lateral margins projecting.

Measurements, in mm. Holotype male/ Paratype male. Total length, 10.5/12.3; prothorax length, 2.0/2.4; prothorax width at its widest point, 2.9/3.4; elytral length, 7.5/8.5; humeral width, 3.5/4.1.

Etymology. Tikal (locality where the specimens were collected) is the ruin of an ancient city of the Mayan civilization; the specific ephithet, maya, refers to that civilization.

Type material. Holotype male, GUATEMALA, El Petén: Flores (Tikal), 21.VII.2008, Skillman, C. & O’Brien, L. leg. (ACMT). Paratype male: same data as holotype (MNRJ).

Remarks. Neoeutrypanus maya sp. nov. is similar to N. generosus (Monné & Martins, 1976) and N. mutilatus (Germar, 1824), but differs in having the lateral elytral carinae feebly demarcated, almost imperceptible and by the elytral apices sinuous with the marginal angles slightly projected. In N. mutilatus and N. generosus, the lateral elytral carinae are clearly marked and the elytral apex obliquely truncate. By the elytral pattern color and the elytral carinae feebly demarcated, the new species is also similar to N. llanero Botero & Monné, 2015, but differs by the pronotum without prominences and by the unicolor tarsomere II. In N. llanero, the pronotum has a rounded prominence at each side of the middle in the anterior half and the tarsomere II is bicolored (i.e., basal half grayish and apical half black).

According to the most recent key to species of the genus (Botero & Monné, 2015), Neoeutrypanus maya sp. nov. can be inserted into couple 7, as follows:

6(1) Tarsomere II covered with black pubescence.................................................................................................................................... 7 - Tarsomere II covered with whitish-gray pubescence or with basal half grayish and apical half black ........................................... 8 7(6) Lateral elytral carinae feebly demarcated, almost imperceptible; elytral apices sinuous. Guatemala (El Petén). Figs. 1-3 ...............

.................................................................................................................................................................................. N. maya sp. nov. - Lateral elytral carinae clearly marked; elytral apex obliquely truncate ............................................................................................ 8 8(7) Pronotum with a brown central longitudinal band and each side with a narrow yellow longitudinal stripe. Bolivia (Santa Cruz) ...

.............................................................................................................................................. N. generosus (Monné & Martins, 1976) - Pronotum without bands, covered with mottled pubescence (brown, whitish and yellow). Costa Rica, Panama, French Guiana,

Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul), Paraguay ..............

................................................................................................................................................................ N. mutilatus (Germar, 1824)


Published as part of Monné, Miguel A. & Botero, Juan Pablo, 2017, A new species of Neoeutrypanus Monné, 1977 from Guatemala (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), pp. 125-126 in Zootaxa 4276 (1) on pages 125-126, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4276.1.6,


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Collection code
Event date
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Neoeutrypanus maya Monné & Botero, 2017


  • Botero, J. P. & Monne, M. A. (2015) Synopsis of the genus Neoeutrypanus Monne, 1977 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), with the description of two new species. Zootaxa, 3974 (1), 115 - 121. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3974.1.8