Published November 20, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Sidonis bira Churata-Salcedo & Almeida & González & Gordon 2017, sp. nov.


Sidonis bira sp. nov.

(Figs. 26–37)

Diagnosis. Sidonis bira sp. nov. resembles Sidonis biguttata sp. nov. in the male genitalia, but differs in color pattern. It is distinguished by having three large black spots on each elytron.

Description. Length 2.75 mm, width 2.33–2.42 mm. Male. Body slightly oval; with uniform, bristly, long and whitish hairs; integument dark yellow and punctation dense (Fig. 26). Head brownish, antennae and mouthparts yellow (Figs. 27–28). Pronotum widely orange laterally; hypomeron without foveae (Fig. 27). Scutellar shield triangular, black. Elytron orange; each one with three large black spots; the first oval, oblique, extending from the base and reaching the humeral callus until lateral middle part of elytra; the second elongate-trapezoidal, juxtaposed along suture, not reaching elytral apex; the third spot round and small, placed near lateral margin (Figs. 26–29). Epipleuron yellowish, narrowing towards apex (Fig. 27). Meso- and metaventrite brownish. Legs with flattened and brown femora, tibiae narrow, yellowish, claws bifid (Fig. 27). Abdomen with recurved, complete postcoxal lines, not reaching posterior margin of the first ventrite; first ventrite and middle region of remaining ventrites brownish (Fig. 30). Genitalia with tegmen symmetrical, penis guide short, apex not acuminate, shorter than the parameres; parameres twice longer than the penis guide, slightly extended, with short bristles (Figs. 31–32). Penis sclerotized, J-shaped, recurved, penis capsule with inner arm developed (Fig. 33).

Female. Similar to the male. Genitalia with coxites longer than wide, sub-triangular, mammiliform stylus with long bristles; spermatheca with recurved cornu, highly developed ramus and long sperm duct (Fig. 34).

Variation. Posterior elytral spots may be joined and form diffuse spots (Figs. 35, 36).

Etymology. This species is named in honor of the dedicated entomologist Dr. Ubirajara Ribeiro Martins de Souza, an expert in the taxonomy of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae), who died in 2015.

Geographical distribution. Brazil (São Paulo).

Type material. HOLOTYPE: male—BRAZIL: São Paulo “BR- S. P. Campos do Jordão / Eug. Lefevre – 1200 m / 4- 8 SET 953 – Prav F. / Pd. Pereira & Medeiros [col.], “ Coccidulinae / M P. Sidonis / det. R. Gordon 1985, ♂, “ DZUP / 188207 [DZUP, genitalia on glycerin] (Fig. 35). PARATYPE: male—BRAZIL: Paraná. “ São José dos/ Pinhais, BR 277 km 54/ (Torre –Telepar) 1060m,/ 2533’18”S 4858’22”W,/ malaise, 15–22.IX.2015 / ACD & RRC leg. " ♂ ", 1 specimen “ DZUP / 228940 [DZUP, genitalia on glycerin]; female—BRAZIL: São Paulo “ S. Bocaina 1650 m / S. J. BARREIRO SP/ Brasil XI-1968 / Alvarenga e Seabra [col.], “ Coleção M. Alvarenga, ♀, Aulis / sp./ det. R. Gordon 1985, 1 specimen “ DZUP / 228939 [DZUP, genitalia on glycerin].


Published as part of Churata-Salcedo, Julissa M., Almeida, Lucia M., González, Guillermo & Gordon, Robert D., 2017, On the taxonomy of the genus Sidonis Mulsant, stat. nov. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Chnoodini) with descriptions of new species from Brazil in Zootaxa 4350 (3), DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4350.3.4,


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Collection code
Scientific name authorship
Churata-Salcedo & Almeida & González & Gordon
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Taxonomic concept label
Sidonis bira Churata-Salcedo, Almeida, González & Gordon, 2017