Published October 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Solenocera rathbuni Ramadan 1938


Solenocera rathbuni Ramadan, 1938 (Fig. 2)

Solenocera lucasii, Rathbun, 1906: 904, pl. XX, fig. 9

Solenocera rathbuni Ramadan, 1938: 57, fig. 6.— Starobogatov 1972.— Ivanov & Hassan 1976.— Crosnier 1978: 163, fig. 49e, 52f, 57e, 59b, I, 62a–c, 63a–d.— Kensley et al. 1987: 276.— Dall 1999: 582.

Material examined. CMFRI (ID: ED. 2 males (one damaged; CL 12, 13 mm), India: Kerala, Cochin, southeastern Arabian Sea, 180–250 m, Oct 2015.

Diagnosis. Carapace glabrous, shiny, pubescent at base of adrostral carina. Rostrum straight with upward anterior edge, reaching middle of eye. Rostrum with 7 dorsal teeth, including epigastic. Postrostral carina faintly present up to middle of carapace, connecting with top of cervical sulcus. Carapace with orbital angle, and smaller spines at antennal, hepatic, and branchiostegal regions; larger spine at supraorbital region. Cervical sulcus deep, almost reaching dorsum of pterygostomian region, bearing shallow depression at ventral side of pterygostomian angle; well-defined hepatic sulcus extending posteriorly. Inner antennular flagellum shorter than upper flagellum; 57 segmented; tapering. Dorsal side of 1 st and 2nd abdominal segments rounded, without carination; 3rd to 6th segments dorsally carinated, with sharp spine posteriorly. Telson shorter than uropodal endopod; with pair of immovable spines. Petasma with dorsomedian and dorsolateral lobules, bearing long spinules; ventrolateral lobule with single large tooth; lateral accessory lobule with 10 or 11 spinules.

Remarks. Crosnier (1978) described the key characters for the identification of S. rathbuni and its distinguishing characters from S. algoensis and S. waltairensis. The carapace, antennular flagella, and petasma are important diagnostic parts used in the identification of S. rathbuni. The present specimens are considerably larger than those described by Crosnier (1978) (CL 9.5–10.5 mm), but smaller than those studied by Kensley et al. (1987) (CL 17.5–25.8 mm) and similar to those reported by Dall (1999) (CL 12–15 mm).


Published as part of Purushothaman, P., Chakraborty, Rekha Devi, Maheswarudu, G. & Kuberan, G., 2017, New records of Solenocera barunajaya Crosnier, 1994 and Solenocera rathbuni Ramadan, 1938 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Penaeoidea) from the southwest coast of India in Zootaxa 4341 (2), DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4341.2.13,


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Solenocera rathbuni Ramadan, 1938 sec. Purushothaman, Chakraborty, Maheswarudu & Kuberan, 2017


  • Ramadan, M. M. (1938) Crustacea: Penaeidae. Scientific Reports of the John Murray Expedition, 5 (3), 35 - 76.
  • Rathbun, M. J. (1906) The Brachyura and Macrura of the Hawaian Islands, Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, 23 (3), 827 - 930.
  • Starobogatov, Y. I. (1972) Peneidy (Sem. Penaeidae - Crustacea Decapoda) Tonkingskogo Zaliva, in Fauna Tonkingskogo zaliva i usloviya ee suchchestvovaniya issledovaniya fauny Morey. Isdatelstvo " Nauka " Leningrad, 10 (18), 359 - 415.
  • Ivanov, B. G. & Hassan A. M. (1976) Penaeid shrimps (Decapoda, Penaeidae) collected off east Africa by the fishing vessel " Van Gogh ", 1. Solenocera ramadani sp. nov., and commercial species of the genera Penaeus and Metapenaeus. Crustaceana, 30, 241 - 251. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 156854076 X 00620
  • Crosnier, A. (1978) Crustaces Decapodes peneides Aristeidae (Benthesicyminae, Aristeinae, Solenocerinae). Faune de Madagascar, 46, 1 - 197.
  • Kensley, B., Tranter, H. A. & Griffin, D. J. G. (1987) Deep water decapod Crustacea from eastern Australia (Penaeidea and Caridea). Records of Australian Museum, 39 (5), 263 - 331. https: // doi. org / 10.3853 / j. 0067 - 1975.39.1987.171
  • Dall, W. (1999) Australian species of Solenoceridae (Penaeoidea: Decapoda). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 43, 553 - 587.