Published October 6, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Hyalogyrina Marshall 1988


Genus Hyalogyrina Marshall, 1988

Type species. Hyalogyrina glabra Marshall, 1988; original designation. New Zealand, Recent.

Remarks. Hyalogyrinidae unite small, largely smooth-shelled lower heterobranchs which differ from each other mostly in radular characters. Warén & Bouchet (1993) argue that Hyalogyrina Marshall, 1988, and Hyalogyra Marshall, 1988 differ in the type of protoconch ― hyperstrophic and not hyperstrophic, respectively. Our shells seem to have a hyperstrophic protoconch and this is why we classify them in Hyalogyrina. There are a number of similar genera described from the fossil record: Bandellina Schröder, 1995, Alexogyra Bandel, 1996, Carboninia Bandel, 1996 and Doggerostra Gründel, 1998, which differ from each other only in minor details. This led Kaim (2004) to synonymize them all in the genus Bandellina Schröder, 1995. It seems, however, that the majority of these forms might instead be classified in Hyalogyrina Marshall, 1988 as they form a continuum of morphologically similar forms with a hyperstrophic protoconch, with the name Hyalogyrina having priority. Bandel (1996) stated that his Triassic genus Alexogyra differs from the Recent genus Hyalogyra in being smaller and having more protoconch whorls.


Published as part of Nakrem, Hans Arne, 2017, Gastropods from the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous seep deposits in Spitsbergen, Svalbard, pp. 351-374 in Zootaxa 4329 (4) on page 364, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4329.4.3,


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Hyalogyrina Marshall, 1988 sec. Nakrem, 2017


  • Marshall, B. A. (1988) Skeneidae, Vitrinellidae and Orbitestellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) associated with biogenic substrata from bathyal depths off New Zealand and New South Wales. Journal of Natural History, 22, 949 - 1004. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222938800770631
  • Waren, A. & Bouchet, P. (1993) New records, species, genera, and a new family of gastropods from hydrothermal vents and hydrocarbon seeps. Zoologica Scripta, 22, 1 - 90. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1463 - 6409.1993. tb 00342. x
  • Schroder, M. (1995) Fruhontogenetische Schalen jurassicher und unterkretazischer Gastropoden aus Norddeutschland und Polen. Palaeontographica, A, 238, 1 - 95.
  • Bandel, K. (1996) Some heterostrophic gastropods from Triassic St. Cassian Formation with a discussion on the classification of the Allogastropoda. Palaontologische Zeitschrift, 70, 325 - 365. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 02988078