Doryscus chujoi Takizawa 1978
Doryscus chujoi Takizawa, 1978
(Figs 1 A–1D, 2)
Doryscus testaceus: Chûjô, 1962: 21; Kimoto, 1969: 57. Misidentifications
Doryscus chujoi Takizawa, 1978: 130; Kimoto, 1991: 119 (as synonym of Doryscus varians); Beenen, 2010: 474 (as synonym of Doryscus testaceus).
Doryscus varians: Kimoto 1991: 119; Kimoto & Chu, 1996: 86; Kimoto & Takizawa, 1997: 388.
Type. Paratype: 1♀ (SEHU), labeled: “Chitou (ỴĂ) / Nantou Taiwan / 12–13.VII.1977 / H. Takizawa [p, w] // 6– 7-VII-1975 / Chushan H. [h, on back of label] // Paratype [h, red letters] / Doryscus chujoi / Takizawa [h] 197 [p] 7.2 [h] / Det. H. Takizawa [p, w] // Paratype [h, red letters, on back of label]”. The holotype and another paratype were supposed to be deposited at the SEHU but could not be found (Masahiro Ohara, personal communication, 17.V.2016).
Additional specimens (n= 181) LAOS. Houa Phan Prov.: 2♂♂ (NHMB), Ban Saluei + Phou Pane Mt., 20°12–13.5’ N 103°59.5’ –104°01’E, 1340–1870 m, 15.IV.–15.V.2008, leg. Lao collectors; 3♂♂, 4♀♀ (NHMB), Phou Pane Mt., 20°13’09–19” N 103°59’54” –104°00’03”E, 1480–1550 m, 1–16.VI.2009, leg. Z. Kraus; 1♀ (NHMB), same locality, 17.V.–3.VI.2007, leg. V. Kubáň; TAIWAN. Chiayi: 2♂♂, 1♀ (TARI), Alishan (ȐmƜ), 27.VI.2010, leg. U. Ong; 1♂ (TARI), Fenchihu (Ḃďã), 25.V.2013, leg. W.- C. Liao; Hsinchu: 1♂ (SEHU), Paoshan (ṖƜ), 20.V.1975, leg. K. Akiyama; 1♂ (TARI), Talu trail (ϮÊIJẘ), 17.V.2008, leg. Y.- L. Lin; Hualien: 1♀ (TARI), Hualuhsi (ẸÖỴ), 25.IX.2010, leg. W.- P. Chan; Ilan: 1♂ (TARI), Fushan Botanical Park (DZ ƜüLj ḋ), 22.V.2008, leg. S.- F. Yu; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 13.IV.2011, leg. C.- F. Lee; Kaohsiung: 1♀ (EUMJ), Erhchituan (ĹDzḏ), 7.IV.1976, leg. K. Ushijima; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 21.VI.2010, leg. U. Ong; 1♂, 3♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 8.III.2013, leg. B.- X. Guo; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 1.IV.2015, leg. B.- X. Guo; 3♀♀ (BMNH), Jongjhihguan (ϕŽḆ), 12.VIII.2008, leg. H. Mendel, M. V. L. Barclay & L. C. Shih; 1♂, 1♀ (SEHU), Liukei (Āǿ), 29.IV.–8.V.1982, leg. H. Takizawa; 2♂♂ (SEHU), Nanfanshan (ĦṚƜ), 28.IV.1981, leg. S. Tsuyuki; 2♂♂ (SEHU), Tengchih (Dḃ), 29.III.2001, leg. H. Mizusawa; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 19.XI.2008, leg. C.- T. Yao; 1♂, 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 26.V.2009, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 4.VII.2011, leg. M.- H. Tsou; 2♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 21.VII.2012, leg. J.- C. Chen; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 20.III.2013, leg. B.- X. Guo; 1♂, 2♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 29.V.2013, leg. B.- X. Guo; 7♂♂, 7♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 10.VIII.2013, leg. W.- C. Liao; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 27.IX.2013, leg. W.- C. Liao; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 23.VIII.2014, leg. W.- C. Liao; 2♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 17.X.2015, W.- C. Liao; 1♂ (TARI), Tona trail (șṁIJ ẘ), 25.II.2013, leg. Y.- T. Chung; 1♂ (SEHU), Wukongshan (BŘƜ), 23.III.1995, leg. H. Takizawa; 5♀♀ (SEHU), same locality, 2.V.1996, leg. H. Takizawa; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 23.I.2009, leg. M.- H. Tsou; Natou: 1♂ (TARI), Chingching (ffidz), 6.IV.2010, leg. Y.- T. Wang; 1♀ (TARI), Fenghuangshan (ṚĿƜ), 10.V.2010, leg. Y.- T. Wang; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 10.VIII.2011, leg. M.- H. Tsou; 1♂ (TARI), Hsitou (ỴĂ), 15.VI.2011, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♂ (SEHU), Jiuyuehtan (Hqfi), 30.VI.1978, leg. H. Akiyama; 1♂ (SEHU), Kuantoshan (ḆŊƜ), 17.V.1996, leg. S. Tsuyuki; 1♂ (SEHU), Lienhwachi (ỄẸŤ), 15.III.1980, leg. T. Niisato; 1♂, 2♀♀ (SEHU), Lushan (ŔƜ), 5.V.1978, leg. Y. Komiya; 2♀♀ (BMNH), same locality, 8.VIII.2008, leg. M. V. L. Barclay & H. Mendel; 1 ♁ (TARI), Meifeng (aeệ), 2–4.VI.1980, leg. L.Y. Chou & C.C. Chen; 1♂, 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 8.VI.1980, leg. K.S. Lin & B.H. Chen; 6♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 24–26.VI.1981, leg. K.S. Lin & W.S. Tang; 1♂, 2♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 19.VI.2010, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♂ (EUMJ), Nanshanchi (ĦƜỴ), 25.III.1977, leg. Y. Notsu; 1♀ (SEHU) same locality, 30.IV.1977, leg. Y. Komiya; 1♂ (SEHU), same locality, 7.V.1977, leg. Y. Komiya; 1♀ (SEHU), same locality, 7.V.1978, leg. M. Ito; 1♂ (EUMJ), same locality, 29.V.1981, leg. K. Sasagawa; 1♂, 1♀ (SEHU), same locality, 31.VII.1985, leg. H. Takkizawa; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 7.IV.2010, leg. Y.- T. Wang; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 27.IV.2010, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♀ (TARI), Tatachia (ḎḎAE), 16.V.2010, leg. M.- H. Tsou; 1♂, same locality, 17.V.2010, leg. C.- F. Lee; 2♂♂, 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 9.VI.2010, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 9.V.2011, leg. M.- H. Tsou; 1♂, 2♀♀ (SEHU), Tongpo (wů), 16–18.VII.1995, leg. H. Takizawa; 3♀♀ (TARI), same locality (= Tungpu), 28.IV.–2.V.1981, leg. T. Lin & C.J. Lee; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 23–27.VII.1984, leg. K.C. Chou & C.H. Yang; 2♂♂ (SEHU), Tsuifeng (Ḛệ), 11.VII.1983, leg. H. Takizawa; 1♀ (EUMJ), Tsuifeng (Ḛệ)- Sungkang (ḲḢ), 3.VI.1981, leg. K. Sasagawa; 1♂, 1♀ (SEHU), Wushe (ẔË), 12. V.1977, leg. Y. Komiya; 3♂♂, 6♀♀ (SEHU), same locality, 4.V.1978, leg. T. Niisato; 1♂, 2♀♀ (SEHU), same locality, 4.V.1978, leg. M. Ito; Pingtung: 1♂ (TARI), Jinshuiying (ª‡º), 17.IX.2010, leg. J.- C. Chen; 1♂ (TARI), Peitawushan (ẌϮỂƜ), 11.IV.2010, leg. J.- C. Chen; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 22.IX.2012, leg. J.- C. Chen; 1♂ (TARI), Shouka (⁂+), 25.II.2009, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 14.II.2010, leg. M.- H. Tsou; 1♀ (TARI), Tahanshan (ϮÃƜ), 28.IV.2009, leg. M.- L. Jeng; 3♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 21.X.2011, leg. J.- C. Chen; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 19.VII.2012, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 22.VII.2012, leg. Y.- T. Chung; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 1.X.2012, leg. J.- C. Chen; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 29.VI.2013, leg. B.- X. Guo; 1♂, 4♀♀ (TARI), same locality, 11.VIII.2013, leg. B.- X. Guo; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 6.VI.2014, leg. Y.- T. Chung; Taichung: 3♀♀ (TARI), Kukuan (ỖḆ), 19.III.2014, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♀ (TARI), Wushihkeng (ŖƂ Ệ), 21.III.2013, leg. C.- F. Lee; Tainan: 1♂ (TARI), Meiling (aeö), 24.IV.2013, leg. B.- X. Guo; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 4.X.2015, leg. U. Ong; Taitung: 1♀ (TARI), Hsiangyang (ȒḄ), 23.VI.2010, leg. M.- H. Tsou; 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 14.VIII.2012, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♂, 2♀♀ (TARI), Liyuan (ḛḋ), 23.VI.2010, leg. M.- H. Tsou; 2♂♂ (TARI), same locality, 8.VII.2010, leg. J.- C. Chen; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 19.VI.2013, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♂ (TARI), same locality, 19.VI.2013, leg. Y.- T. Chung; 1♀ (TARI), Motien (ṂX), 23.V.2011, leg. C.- F. Lee; 1♂, 1♀ (TARI), same locality, 19.VI.2011, leg. C.- F. Lee; 3♀♀ (TARI), Wulu trail (ẔÊIJẘ), 24.VI.2010, leg. M.- H. Tsou; Taoyuan: 1♂, 1♀ (TARI), Hsiaowulai (ṬŖẎ), 10.X.2009, leg. M.- H. Tsou; THALAND. 1♂, 1♀ (SEHU), near Meo Village, 13–16.VI.1979, leg. W. Suzuki; Chiang Rai Prov.: 1♂, 2♀♀ (NHMB), 7 km S of Doi Chang, 1600± 50 m, 19°48’N 99°34’E, 16–18.V.2009, leg. L. Dembický; VIETNAM. Ninh Binh Prov.: 1♀ (NME), 90km SW Hanoi, Cucu Phuoung N. P., primat rescue centre, 25.IV.2012, 20°14’24”N 105°42’53”E, leg. A. Weigel.
Redescription. Length 3.8–5.8 mm, width 1.6–2.3 mm. Generally yellow or yellowish brown (Fig. 1 A). First antennomere not modified in males (Fig. 2 A), length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.4: 0.6: 0.9: 0.9: 0.9: 0.9: 0.9: 0.9: 0.8: 0.9, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 3.5: 1.7: 2.5: 3.8: 3.8: 3.8: 3.8: 4.0: 3.8: 3.6: 3.9; first antennomere in female more slender (Fig. 2 B), length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.4: 0.6: 0.7: 0.7: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 0.7: 0.9, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 4.2: 2.1: 2.9: 3.6: 3.4: 3.6: 3.5: 3.7: 3.7: 3.3: 4.2. Elytra 1.8 x longer than wide; surface with erect setae brown, dense, and short; and fine punctures. Apical margin of last abdominal ventrite in male almost straight (Fig. 2 G), widely rounded in female (Fig. 2 H). Penis (Figs 2 C–2D) extremely slender, 8.0 x longer than wide, gradually narrowed towards apex; apex of dorsal surface with shallow notch; apex of ventral surface widely rounded; weakly curved in lateral view, apex with notch between dorsal and ventral surface; ventral surface with median longitudinal groove. Endophallic spiculae elongate, about 0.6 x as long as penis, median spiculae deeply bifurcate, elongate, basally conjoined and narrowed; two pairs of apical endophallic spiculae extremely slender, apically tapering and weakly and apically curved; two pairs of lateral spiculae at basal 1/3 of median endophallic spiculae short and moderately curved; one pair of ventral endophallic spiculae long, basally joined, apices bifurcate. Gonocoxae (Fig. 2 E) slender, 8.1 x longer than wide, sides narrowed at apical 1/10; apices obliquely truncate; inner margins approximate from apex to midpoint, apex with nine setae; slender from midpoint to base but abruptly widened at base. Ventrite VIII (Fig. 2 F) well sclerotized; spiculum elongate; apex square, apical margin truncate, with several short setae; disc with several long setae at sides. Receptacle of spermatheca (Fig. 2 I) as wide as pump, narrowly separated from pump; pump strongly curved, apically tapering; proximal spermathecal duct as wide as receptacle, shallowly projecting into receptaculum.
Variability. In Taiwanese populations the punctures on the elytra are more coarse and some males display variable color patterns: the elytra of some have one longitudinal, wide, dark stripe (Fig. 1 B); elytra of some are darkened; bodies of some are totally blackish brown except the yellowish brown pronotum (Fig. 1 C), and bodies of others are totally black (Fig. 1 D).
Differential diagnosis. Doryscus chujoi Kimoto adults are similar to those of D. varians Gressitt & Kimoto with yellowish brown bodies and dense erect setae on the elytra, but D. chujoi can be distinguished from D. varians by shorter erect setae on the elytra.
Remarks. Although Taiwanese specimens identified by Kimoto (1969) were not studied, they should belong to Doryscus chujoi without doubt.
Distribution. Laos, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
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Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1975-05-20 , 1976-04-07 , 1977-03-25 , 1977-04-30 , 1977-05-07 , 1978-05-04 , 1978-05-05 , 1978-05-07 , 1978-06-30 , 1979-06-13 , 1980-03-15 , 1980-06-02 , 1980-06-08 , 1981-04-28 , 1981-05-29 , 1981-06-03 , 1981-06-24 , 1982-04-29 , 1983-07-11 , 1984-07-23 , 1985-07-31 , 1995-03-23 , 1995-07-16 , 1996-05-02 , 1996-05-17 , 2001-03-29 , 2007-05-17 , 2008-05-17 , 2008-05-22 , 2008-08-08 , 2008-08-12 , 2008-11-19 , 2009-01-23 , 2009-02-25 , 2009-04-28 , 2009-05-16 , 2009-05-26 , 2009-10-10 , 2010-02-14 , 2010-04-06 , 2010-04-07 , 2010-04-11 , 2010-04-27 , 2010-05-10 , 2010-05-16 , 2010-05-17 , 2010-06-09 , 2010-06-19 , 2010-06-21 , 2010-06-23 , 2010-06-24 , 2010-06-27 , 2010-07-08 , 2010-09-17 , 2010-09-25 , 2011-04-13 , 2011-05-09 , 2011-05-23 , 2011-06-15 , 2011-06-19 , 2011-07-04 , 2011-08-10 , 2011-10-21 , 2012-04-25 , 2012-07-19 , 2012-07-21 , 2012-07-22 , 2012-08-14 , 2012-09-22 , 2012-10-01 , 2013-02-25 , 2013-03-08 , 2013-03-20 , 2013-03-21 , 2013-04-24 , 2013-05-25 , 2013-05-29 , 2013-06-19 , 2013-06-29 , 2013-08-10 , 2013-08-11 , 2013-09-27 , 2014-03-19 , 2014-06-06 , 2014-08-23 , 2015-04-01 , 2015-10-04 , 2015-10-17
- Family
- Chrysomelidae
- Genus
- Doryscus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Takizawa
- Species
- chujoi
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1975-05-20 , 1976-04-07 , 1977-03-25 , 1977-04-30 , 1977-05-07 , 1978-05-04 , 1978-05-05 , 1978-05-07 , 1978-06-30 , 1979-06-13/16 , 1980-03-15 , 1980-06-02/04 , 1981-04-28 , 1981-04-28/05-02 , 1981-05-29 , 1981-06-03 , 1981-06-24/26 , 1982-04-29/05-08 , 1983-07-11 , 1984-07-23/27 , 1985-07-31 , 1995-03-23 , 1995-07-16/18 , 1996-05-02 , 1996-05-17 , 2001-03-29 , 2007-05-17/06-03 , 2008-05-17 , 2008-05-22 , 2008-08-08 , 2008-08-12 , 2008-11-19 , 2009-01-23 , 2009-02-25 , 2009-04-28 , 2009-05-16/18 , 2009-05-26 , 2009-10-10 , 2010-02-14 , 2010-04-06 , 2010-04-07 , 2010-04-11 , 2010-04-27 , 2010-05-10 , 2010-05-16 , 2010-05-17 , 2010-06-09 , 2010-06-21 , 2010-06-23 , 2010-06-24 , 2010-06-27 , 2010-07-08 , 2010-09-17 , 2010-09-25 , 2011-04-13 , 2011-05-09 , 2011-05-23 , 2011-06-15 , 2011-06-19 , 2011-07-04 , 2011-08-10 , 2011-10-21 , 2012-04-25 , 2012-07-19 , 2012-07-21 , 2012-07-22 , 2012-08-14 , 2012-09-22 , 2012-10-01 , 2013-02-25 , 2013-03-08 , 2013-03-20 , 2013-03-21 , 2013-04-24 , 2013-05-25 , 2013-05-29 , 2013-06-19 , 2013-06-29 , 2013-08-10 , 2013-08-11 , 2013-09-27 , 2014-03-19 , 2014-06-06 , 2014-08-23 , 2015-04-01 , 2015-10-04 , 2015-10-17
- Taxonomic concept label
- Doryscus chujoi Takizawa, 1978 sec. Lee, 2017
- Takizawa, H. (1978) Notes on Taiwanese Chrysomelidae, I. Kontyu, 46, 123 - 134.
- Chujo, M. (1962) A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Formosa, part XI. Subfamily Galerucinae. The Philippine Journal of Science, 91, 1 - 239.
- Kimoto, S. (1969) Notes on the Chrysomelidae from Taiwan II. Esakia, 7, 1 - 68.
- Kimoto, S. (1991) Notes on the Chrysomelidae from Taiwan, China, XII. Entomological Review of Japan, 46, 115 - 124.
- Beenen, R. (2010) Galerucinae. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Uol. 6. Apollo Books, Stentstrup, pp. 443 - 490.
- Kimoto, S. & Chu, Y. - I. (1996) Systematic catalog of Chrysomelidae of Taiwan (Insecta: Coleoptera). Bulletin of the Institute of Comparative Studies of International Cultures and societies, 16, 1 - 152.
- Kimoto, S. & Takizawa, H. (1997) Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) of Taiwan. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, 581 pp.