Published September 19, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eidmanacris Chopard 1956

  • 1. Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão, travessa 14, n. 101, 05508 - 900, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


Key to species of Eidmanacris (excluding E. paramarmorata)

The first keys to the species of Eidmanacris was published in Desutter-Grandcolas (1995a), one for each sex. Those keys included nine (males) and six (females) species. Subsequently, 10 additional species were described (Mesa et al. 1998; Gorochov 2014; Campos et al., 2015; Souza-Dias et al., 2015; Bolfarini, 2016), and now 10 more species are added to the genus (seven new species and three new combinations). The following key, for both males and females, includes all the 29 species of Eidmanacris, except for E. ParamarmOrata as this species has no known males.

1. Posterior border of female subgenital plate with central furrow, almost reaching median portion of plate (Fig. 27M); posterior aperture of female copulatory papilla large (Fig. 29E); male genitalia: apex of pseudepiphallic arms upcurved, forming a 90° angle in lateral view (Fig. 28C); lateral projection of pseudepiphallic sclerite (L.P.Ps) present (Fig. 41C); ventro-posterior projection of ectophallic invagination curved inwards (Fig. 43B)................................................... 2

- Posterior border of female subgenital plate with short or rounded concavity (Fig. 6M); posterior aperture of female copulatory papilla inconspicuous (Fig. 8E); male genitalia: apex of pseudepiphallic arms slightly upcurved in lateral view (Fig. 8C); lateral projection of pseudepiphallic sclerite absent, ventro-posterior projection of ectophallic invagination straight or curved outwards (Figs. 7B; 19B)..................................................................................9

2. Lateral projections of metanotal gland absent or inflated (Figs. 40H, I; 49H, I); supero-internal projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm reduced to spine (Figs. 42A, 50A).............................................................3

- Lateral projections of metanotal gland conical and parallel (Figs. 46H, I); supero-internal projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm not reduced (Fig. 28C).............................................................................. 4

3. Lateral projections of metanotal gland absent (Figs. 40H, I); supero-lateral borders of Supra-anal plate dark brown, lateral-posterior projections dark brown (Fig. 40J); posterior border of subgenital plate straight (Fig. 40K); ventral projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm absent (Fig. 41C)............................................... E. scopula Campos, sp. nov.

- Lateral projections of metanotal gland inflated, curved anteriorly, medially fused (Fig. 49H, I); supero-lateral borders of Supraanal plate reddish, lateral-posterior projections greyish (Fig. 49J); posterior border of subgenital plate rounded (Fig. 49K); ventral projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm present, very short with hard bristles (Figs. 50B; 51B)................................................................................................ E. desutterae Campos, sp. nov.

4. Ventral projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm present (Fig. 28B); proximal and distal regions of ectophallic apodeme same width in dorsal view (Figs. 43A, B)....................................................................... 5

- Ventral projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm absent; proximal region of ectophallic apodeme wider than distal region in dorsal view (Fig. 48A).................................................................................6

5. 7th abdominal tergite yellowish, contrasting with other tergites (Fig. 27D); posterior border of subgenital plate straight (Fig. 27K); lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate longer than posterior border (Fig. 27J); central portion of base of pseudepiphallic sclerite narrower than lateral portions, in dorsal view (Figs. 28A; 29A); dorsal projection of ectophallic invagination without concavity on posterior border (Fig. 28A; 29A).............................. E. corumbatai Garcia, 1998

- 7th abdominal tergite with same coloration as other tergites; posterior border of subgenital plate rounded (Fig. 43K); lateralposterior projections of Supra-anal plate the same length of posterior border (Fig. 43J); central portion of base of pseudepiphallic sclerite the same width as lateral portions in dorsal view (Fig, 44A; 45A); dorsal projection of ectophallic invagination with small concavity on posterior border (Fig. 44A).......................................... E. gigas Campos, sp. nov.

6. Lateral projections of pseudepiphallic sclerite with rounded tip; superior projection of apex of pseudepiphallic reduced, spinelike................................................................................................. 7

- Lateral projections of pseudepiphallic sclerite with pointed tip (Fig. 47C); superior projection of apex of pseudepiphallic hook-shaped, upcurved (Fig. 47C; 48C)........................................................................8

7. Apex wider than base of pseudepiphallic arm in lateral view; inferior projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm rounded; dorsal projection of ectophallic invagination with median invagination on posterior border............................................................................................... E. caipira Souza-Dias, Campos & Nihei, 2015

- Apex same width as base of pseudepiphallic arm in lateral view; inferior projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm hook-shaped, upcurved; dorsal projection of ectophallic invagination with posterior border straight................................................................................................. E. bernardii Nihei & de Mello, 2015

8. Lateral-posterior projections of supra-anal plate longer than posterior border; median fold of anterior border of metanotum with cluster of lateral clinate bristles pointed laterally (Fig. 46H); superior and inferior projections of apex of pseudepiphallic arm hook-shaped, close to each other in lateral view; both supero-internal and inferior projections present (Figs.47C; 48C)........................................................................... E. neomarmorata Campos, sp. nov.

- Lateral-posterior projections of supra-anal plate same size as posterior border; median fold of anterior border of metanotum with cluster of proclinate bristles; superior and inferior projections of apex of pseudepiphallic arm hook-shaped, distant from each other in lateral view; only supero-internal projection present.......................... E. marmorata (Bruner, 1916)

9. Abdominal sagittal line occupying more than half of dorsum (Fig. 36D); lateral projections of metanotal gland elongate, slightly curved inwards (Fig. 33H) (except in E. endophallica comb. nov. and E. fusca); anterior margin of metanotum without crest (Fig. 36H); apical dorsal spur of TIII the longest on inner surface; apex of pseudepiphallic arm curved inwards forming 90° angle in dorsal view (Figs. 34A; 35A); apex of ovipositor laterally straight in dorsal view (Fig. 36L)................10

- Abdominal sagittal line not occupying more than half of dorsum; lateral projections of metanotal gland cylindrical and parallel (except E. tridentata, absent) (Fig. 6H); anterior margin of metanotum with median triangular crest (Fig. 6H); median apical spur of TIII the longest on inner surface; apex of pseudepiphallic arm not curved (Figs. 10A; 11A); apex of ovipositor laterally rounded, drop shaped in dorsal view (Fig. 9N).............................................................. 13

10. Metanotal gland vestigial or absent (Fig. 36C).............................................................. 11

- Metanotal gland present (Fig. 6H)....................................................................... 12

11. Metanotal gland absent; lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate longer than posterior border (Fig. 36J); inferior projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arms short (Fig.38A); subapical margins of ectophallic fold laterally inflated (Fig. 39B); median-posterior projection of endophallic sclerite four times longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite; ectophallic arc slightly rounded; ectophallic apodeme three times longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite (Fig. 37A, B; 38A)................................................................................................. E. endophallica (de Mello, 1990)

- Metanotal gland vestigial (fig. 15F, I); lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate very short (Fig. 15J); inferior projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arms long and pointed (Figs. 16C; 17C); subapical margins of ectophallic fold not inflated laterally; median-posterior projection of endophallic sclerite slightly longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite (Fig. 16A, B, C); ectophallic arc V-shaped; ectophallic apodeme almost same size as pseudepiphallic sclerite......... E. fusca Desutter-Grandcolas, 1995

12. Inferior margin of median ocellus truncate (Fig. 33A); frons with three longitudinal bands, one median and two below eyes (Fig. 33A); inner margins of male FWs touching each other (Fig. 33C); median fold of anterior margin of metanotum with two lateral-posterior projections (Fig. 33H), sclerite A of pseudepiphallus curved inwards; apex of ectophallic fold not reaching apex of pseudepiphallic arms (Figs. 34A, B); female subgenital plate with posterior border rounded.................................................................................................... E. minuta (de Mello, 1990)

- Median ocellus spherical (Fig. 58A); frons without longitudinal bands (Fig. 58A); inner margin of male FWs not touching each other (Fig. 58C); median crest of anterior margin of metanotum inflated (Fig. 58H); sclerite A of pseudepiphallus straight; apex of ectophallic fold reaching or surpassing apex of pseudepiphallic arms (Figs. 59A, B); female subgenital plate with posterior border with central concavity.................................................. E. melloi Campos, sp. nov.

13. Apex of male FWs triangular (Fig. 6C)................................................................... 14

- Apex of male FWs rounded (Fig. 30C).................................................................... 18

14. Sclerite A of pseudepiphallus straight................................... E. septentrionalis Desutter-Grandcolas, 1995

- Sclerite A of pseudepiphallus sinuous (Fig. 7A).............................................................15

15. Supero-internal projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm digitiform (Figs. 7A; 8A); connection between PsP2 and sclerite A not visible (Fig. 8A); ectophallic apodeme shorter than pseudepiphallic arm; PsP1 longer than wide................... 16

- Supero-internal projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm serrulated (Fig. 19A; 20A); connection between PsP2 and sclerite A visible (Fig. 20A); ectophallic apodeme as long as or longer than pseudepiphallic arm; PsP1 as long as wide............ 17

16. Body medium to large (longer than 18 mm); posterior margin of male subgenital plate without median invagination (Fig. 6K), anterior projection of pseudepiphallic sclerite present (A.P.Ps.) (Fig. 7C); sclerite A of pseudepiphallus not thin as below; endophallic sclerite anterior to base of pseudepiphallic sclerite......................... E. larvaeformis (Chopard, 1938)

- Body small (15 mm or smaller); posterior margin of male subgenital plate with median invagination (Fig.55K); anterior projection of pseudepiphallic sclerite absent; sclerite A of pseudepiphallus very thin (Fig. 56A); endophallic sclerite posterior to base of pseudepiphallic sclerite (Fig. 57B)......................... E. fontanettiae Campos, Nihei & de Mello sp. nov.

17. Posterior border of DD whitish in dorsal view, contrasting with pronotum (Fig. 18C); lateral projections of metanotal gland not reduced (Fig. 18H); lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate parallel (Fig. 18J); apex of the inferior projection of pseudepiphallic arm serrulated (Fig. 19C); anterior projection of pseudepiphallic sclerite very long, surpassing base of pseudepiphallic sclerite (Figs. 19A, B)......................................... E. multispinosa Desutter-Grandcolas, 1995

- Posterior border of DD same color as pronotum in dorsal view; lateral projections of metanotal gland very reduced; lateralposterior projections of Supra-anal plate not parallel; apex of inferior projection of pseudepiphallic arm very reduced (spine); anterior projection of pseudepiphallic sclerite very short, not surpassing base of pseudepiphallic sclerite......................................................................................... E. papaveroi Nihei & de Mello, 2015

18. Ectophallic apodeme curved inwards in dorsal view and upcurved in lateral view (Fig. 31A, C).......................19

- Ectophallic apodeme straight in dorsal and lateral views (Figs. 22A, C)..........................................20

19. 5th joint of maxillary palpus longer than 3rd and 4th joints (Fig. 30G); posterior half of antennae whitish; lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate very short, not extended (Fig 30J); posterior border of subgenital plate rounded (Fig. 30K); superior, internal and inferior projections of apex of pseudepiphallic arm very reduced (apex clavate) (Figs. 32A, B, C); PsP2 short (Figs. 31B, 32B)........................................................... E. speluncae (Mello-Leitão, 1937)

- 3rd, 4th and 5th joints of maxillary palpus almost the same size (Fig. 52G); antennae entirely banded; lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate elongate, extended (Fig.52J); posterior border of subgenital plate with central invagination (Fig. 52K); superior, internal and inferior projections of apex of pseudepiphallic arm not reduced, pointed (Figs. 53A, B, C); PsP2 elongate (Figs. 53B, 54B)................................................................ E. putuhra sp. nov.

20. FWs reticulated, apex without glandular thickening.......................................................... 21

- FWs not reticulated, apex with glandular thickening.........................................................24

21. DD without characteristic lines; lateral projections of metanotal gland elongated, curved to pronotum, inner borders fused (Fig. 24H); internal projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm absent (Fig. 25A; 26A)................ E bidentata Sperber, 1998

- DD with five longitudinal lines, two lateral-anterior, two posterior and one median (Fig. 20C); lateral projections of metanotal gland absent (Figs. 20H, I) or short, cylindrical, parallel, inner borders not fused medially; internal projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm present, pointed (Fig. 21A; 22A)........................................................ 22

22. FWs very short, not covering metanotum (Fig. 21C); metanotal gland absent; PsP2 thinner than pseudepiphallic arm in dorsal view (Figs. 22A, 23A)................................................... E. tridentata Desutter-Grandcolas, 1995

- FWs covering the metanotum; metanotal gland present; PsP2 with same width or wider than pseudepiphallic arm in dorsal view............................................................................................... 23

23. General coloration medium brown, marbled; FWs not surpassing posterior border of metanotum; abdominal median-dorsal line well discernible; Supra-anal plate yellowish brown contrasting with abdomen; PsP1 with a concavity inwards and a anterior, small projection in dorsal view; anterior projection of pseudepiphallus short; copulatory papilla wider than long, somewhat laterally rounded...................................................... E. simoesi Nihei & de Mello, 2015

- General coloration dark brown, marbled; FWs surpassing posterior border of metanotum; abdominal median-dorsal line almost not discernible; Supra-anal plate dark brown, not contrasting with abdomen; PsP1 with concavity outwards, with pointed projection posteriorly in dorsal view; anterior projection of pseudepiphallus long; copulatory papilla longer than wide, cylindrical......................................................................... E. eliethae Nihei & de Mello, 2015

24. Inner borders of FWs overlapping (Fig. 12C); lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate shorter than posterior border (Fig. 12J); posterior border of subgenital plate rounded; inferior projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm not curved inwards................................................................................................... 25

- Inner borders of FWs not overlapping (Fig. 9C); lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate same-sized or longer than posterior border (Fig. 9J); posterior border of subgenital plate straight; inferior projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm curved inwards (Figs. 10B; 11B)......................................................................... 26

25. Apex of FWs not curved inwards; pseudepiphallic arms thin; supero-internal, and inferior projections of apex of pseudepiphallic arm reduced (as in E. speluncae); ectophallic arc posterior to base of pseudepiphallic sclerite; anterior margin of copulatory papilla as wide as posterior margin in dorsal and ventral views................ E. meridionalis Desutter-Grandcolas, 1995

- Apex of FWs apex curved inwards (Fig. 12C); pseudepiphallic arms robust (Figs 13A, B,C; 14A, B, C); superior, internal and inferior projections of apex of pseudepiphallic arm not reduced (Figs.13C; 14C); ectophallic arc below base of pseudepiphallic sclerite (Fig. 13A); anterior margin of copulatory papilla wider than posterior margin in dorsal and ventral views (Fig. 14D, E)..................................................................... E. dissimilis Desutter-Grandcolas, 1995

26. FWs surpassing the posterior border of metanotum (Fig. 9C); lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate longer than posterior border; internal projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm reduced, spine-like (Figs. 10A); copulatory papilla cylindrical, wider than long in dorsal and ventral views (Fig. 11D, E)................................ E. alboannulata (Piza, 1960)

- FWs not surpassing posterior border of metanotum; lateral-posterior projections of Supra-anal plate shorter than posterior border; internal projection of apex of pseudepiphallic arm curved inwards, pointed; copulatory papilla longer than wide, flattened dorso-ventrally................................................. E. suassunai Souza-Dias, Campos & Nihei, 2015


Published as part of CAMPOS, LUCAS DENADAI DE, SOUZA-DIAS, PEDRO G. B. & NIHEI, SILVIO S., 2017, Taxonomic review of Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phalangopsidae), pp. 1-93 in Zootaxa 4321 (1) on pages 88-91, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4321.1.1,


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Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956 sec. CAMPOS, SOUZA-DIAS & NIHEI, 2017


  • Desutter-Grandcolas, L. (1995 a) Le genre Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956 (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Phalangopsidae, Luzarinae): habitat, repartition et especes nouvelles. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, 16 (4), 453 - 474.
  • Mesa A., Sperber, C. F. & Garcia, P. C. (1998) Two New Species of the Cricket Genus Eidmanacris and a New Combination Name for a Third Species (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Phalangopsidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 124 (1), 43 - 57, 59 - 61.
  • Gorochov, A. V. (2014) Classification of the Phalangopsinae subfamily group, and new taxa from the subfamilies Phalangopsinae and Phaloriinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 23 (1), 7 - 88.
  • Bolfarini, M. P. (2016) A new species of Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956, with notes on its distribution in Brazilian caves (Phalangopsidae, Luzarinae). Zootaxa, 4083 (4), 526 - 532. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4083.4.4
  • Campos, L. D., Souza-Dias, P. G. B., Nihei, S. S. & de Mello, F. A. G. (2015) New species of Eidmanacris Chopard, 1956 from Brazil (Orthoptera: Phalangopsidae: Luzarinae). Zootaxa, 4018 (2), 228 - 248 https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4018.2.4
  • Bruner, L. (1916) South American crickets, Gryllotalpoidea and Achetoidea. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 10, 344 - 428.
  • De Mello, F. A. G. (1990) A new genus of Phalangopsid crickets from South America (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phalangopsidae). Revista de Agricultura, 65 (2), 145 - 150.
  • Chopard, L. (1938) Description d´un Gryllide nouveau du Bresil. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 43, 59 - 160.
  • Mello-Leitao, C. F. (1937) Un Gryllide et deux Mantides nouveaux du Bresil (Orth.). Revista de Entomologia, 7 (1), 11 - 18.
  • Piza, S. T. (1960) Tres novos grilos brasileiros (Orthoptera). Studia Entomologica, 3, 253 - 256.