Published January 16, 2018 | Version v1
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Paractenodia Peringuey 1904


Genus Paractenodia Péringuey, 1904

This genus, studied by Kaszab (1969a), is under revision (Pitzalis & Bologna in preparation). According to molecular research (Bologna et al. 2005; Salvi et al. in preparation), it seems referable to the genus Hycleus as a distinct lineage, similarly than Ceroctis (see above). The reduced number of antennomeres (7) represents a sinapomorphic condition. All five known species are distributed in Namibia; two (P. namaquensis, P. parva) are spread also in western South African (Northern and Western Cape), and one (P. damarensis) in western Botswana (Kalahari).

Paractenodia damarensis Kaszab, 1951 (Fig. 5S)

Distribution. Botswana and Namibia (new species record for this country).

Material examined and literature records. [Kunene] Khorixas: Bethanis 514, 20.4000°S 14.4000°E (SMWN); W Khorixas, Rooiberg 517, 20.22°S 14.58°E (CB; SAMC). [Omaheke] Kalahari: Good Hope 397, 22.1833°S 19.2833°E (SMWN). [Karas] Karasburg: Ortmansbaus 120, Warmbad, 28.3000°S 18.7000°E (SMWN).

Other records: Namib Sand Sea desert (Seely 2012).

Remarks. Types of this species were examined at NHP.

Paractenodia freyi Kaszab, 1955 (Fig. 5T)

Distribution. Western Namibia (endemic).

Material examined and literature records. [Khomas] Windhoek Rural: SE corner of Namib Desert Park, near Knamhoek Farm, 23.5333°S 15.9500°E (CB). [Hardap] Gibeon: 1 km from Elim Dune, SE Sesriem, 24.3333°S 15.8333°E (CB); Sesriem 137, 24.4833°S 15.8000°E (CP; SMWN); Gorraris 99, 25.3184°S 15.9089°E (SMWN); Rehoboth West: btw Rehoboth and Bullsport (Kaszab 1955b, as ab. disconjuncta; Kaszab 1969a). [Karas] Lüderitz: Awasib, dunes E, 25.2500°S 15.7167°E (SMWN); Dunes SW of Kanaan, 25.8333°S 16.1500°E (SMWN); Gt. Namaqualand, Namtib, 70 miles NW of Aus, 25.9667°S 16.2000°E (Kaszab 1955b, type locality also of ab. a nticeconjuncta, ab. disconjuncta, ab. longivittata, ab. maculata, ab. namtibana, ab. nigripes, ab. vittata); Aus Townlands 36, 26.6333°S 16.3333°E (SMWN); Grillental, Diamond Area 1, 26.9833°S 15.3667°E (SMWN). Keetmanshoop Rural: Rotegab 95, 27.3333°S 18.4167°E (SMWN).

Other records: Namib Sand Sea desert (Seely 2012); Namibia (Bologna 2000a).

Remarks. Types of this species were examined at NHP.

Paractenodia glabra Kaszab, 1969 (Fig. 5U)

Paractenodia sp. n. Bologna, 2000a

Distribution. Western Namibia (endemic).

Material examined and literature records. [Erongo] Dâures: Brandberg 500 m N into Hungorob, 21.2167°S 14.51670°E (Bologna 2000a, as Paractenodia sp. n.; SMWN); Brandberg, Hungaro river, 21.2250°S 14.5183°E (SMWN); Messum River, 21.2586°S 14.4714°E (Bologna 2000a, as Paractenodia sp. n.; CB; SMWN); D2342, 17 km SE Messum Valley, 21.3048°S 14.6574°E (CB). Walvis Bay Rural: Mirabib Plains, Namib Desert Park, Walvisbaai, 23.3750°S 15.3750°E (SMWN); betw Hope Mine and Gobabeb, 23.684°S 15.827°E (Kaszab 1969a, type locality). [Karas] Lüderitz: Entrance to Kaukausib River Diamond Area I, 26.8833°S 15.3667°E (SMWN).

Other records: Namib Sand Sea desert (Seely 2012); Namibia (Bologna 2000a; Pitzalis et al. 2014).

Remarks. Types of this species were examined at NHP.

Bologna (2000a) signalized the specimens from Dâures as a possible new species. The error is due to the incorrect description of body setation made by Kaszab (1969a) who described erroneously the head and pronotum as glabrous.

Paractenodia namaquensis Kaszab, 1955 (Fig. 5V)

Distribution. Namibia and northwestern South Africa (new species record for this country: some localities of Nothern Cape, CB).

Material examined and literature records. [Otjozondjupa] Omatako: Waterberg Plateau Park, 20.3833°S 17.3000°E (SMWN). [Kunene] Khorixas: Gai-as Damaraland, 20.7667°S 14.0167°E (SMWN). [Khomas] Windhoek Rural: D1228, 7 km ENE Rehoboth, 23.2833°S 17.2333°E (CB). [Erongo] Walvis Bay Rural: C14, 36 km N Solitaire, 23.5823°S 15.8182°E (CB). [Karas] Lüderitz: Haibvlakte Diamond Area 2, 25.4833°S 15.7000°E (SMWN). Berseba: M29, 12 km S jct. M24, 26.0384°S 18.5871°E (CB). Keetmanshoop Urban: C16, 6 km jct. B1, 26.5809°S 18.1925°E (CB); Namaqualand, Rek Vlatke, 27.4000°S 16.5833°E (Kaszab 1955b, as ab. postunifasciata; Kaszab 1969a). Keetmanshoop Rural: D608, 87 km S Keetmanshoop, 27.32571°S 18.27616°E (CB); D608, 95.5 km S Keetmanshoop, 27.37944°S 18.22418°E (CB); D 608, 104.5 km S Keetmanshoop, 27.45086°S 18.18199°E (CB). Oranjemund: C13, 50 km S Rosh Pinah, 28.07076°S 17.12799°E (CB). Karasburg: M21, 31 km S Karasburg, Ortmaunsbaum River, 28.28274°S 18.75025°E (CB); M21, 4 km N Warmbad, 28.39832°S 18.75766°E (CB).

Other records: Namibia (Bologna 2000a; Pitzalis et al. 2014).

Remarks. Types of this species were examined at NHP.

Paractenodia parva Péringuey, 1904 (Fig. 5W)

Distribution. Southern Namibia and northwestern South Africa.

Material examined and literature records. [Karas] Keetmanshoop Rural: Wildheim Ost 384, 26.4833°S 19.5667°E (SMWN); 34 km S Aroab, 27.0500°S 19.5333°E (JP). Lüderitz: near Aus, 26.6667°S 16.2667°E (CP); Aus, 26.667°S 16.267°E (Kaszab 1969a); C13, 20 km S Aus, 26.84238°S 16.31281°E (CB).

Other records: Keetmanshoop-Lüderitzbuct (Kaszab 1969a); Namibia (Kaszab 1952; Bologna 2000a; Pitzalis et al. 2014).

Remarks. Types of this species were examined at SAMC.


Published as part of Bologna, Marco A., Amore, Valentina & Pitzalis, Monica, 2018, Meloidae of Namibia (Coleoptera): taxonomy and faunistics with biogeographic and ecological notes, pp. 1-141 in Zootaxa 4373 (1) on pages 93-95, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4373.1.1,


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Paractenodia Peringuey, 1904 sec. Bologna, Amore & Pitzalis, 2018


  • Peringuey, L. (1904) Sixth Contribution to the South-African Coleopterous Fauna. Description of new Species of Coleoptera of the South African Museum. Annals of the South African Museum, 3, 167 - 300.
  • Kaszab, Z. (1969 a) Eine neue Paractenodia - Art (Col. Meloidae) aus der wuste Namib. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station, 50, 119 - 121.
  • Kaszab, Z. (1951) Neue Meloiden (Coleoptera) aus Sudafrika. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 21, 429 - 437.
  • Seely, M. (Ed.) (2012) Namib Sand Sea World Heritage Nomination. Namibia National Committee for World Heritage, Windhoek, 195 pp.
  • Kaszab, Z. (1955 b) Neue sudafrikanische Meloiden (Coleoptera) aus dem Transvaal Museum in Pretoria. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 2, 401 - 413.
  • Bologna, M. A. (2000 a) Biodiversity of the Meloidae (Coleoptera) of the Brandberg Massif (Namibia). In: Kirk-Spriggs, A. H. & Marais, E. (Eds.), Daures-Biodiversity of the Brandberg Massif, Namibia. Cimbebasia, Memoir 9, 201 - 208.
  • Pitzalis, M., Amore, V., Montalto, F., Luiselli, L. & Bologna, M. A. (2014) Rarity of blister beetles in Southern Africa correlates with their phylogeny and trophic habits, but not body size. European Journal of Entomology, 111, 529 - 535. https: // doi. org / 10.14411 / eje. 2014.058
  • Kaszab, Z. (1952) Uber neue un Wenig Bekannte Meloiden aus Sudafrika. Annals of the Tramnsvaal Museum, 21, 429 - 437.