Published February 16, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Prosodes (Dilopersina) mithras Reitter 1904


Prosodes (Dilopersina) mithras Reitter, 1904

(Figs 3G–L)

Prosodes mithras Reitter, 1904: 258.

Prosodes mithras: Kühnelt (1957: 77).

Prosodes (Dilopersina) mithras: Reitter (1909: 133); Löbl et al. (2008: 232).

Prosodes (Dilopersina) chorassanica G. Medvedev, 1996: 603, syn. n.

Prosodes (Dilopersina) chorassanica: G. Medvedev (2001 a: 91); Löbl et al. (2008: 232).

Type material. Prosodes mithras Reitter. Lectotype (HNHM), ♂, designated here, with labels: “Budschnurt Persien”, “ Prosodes Mithras n. sp”, “Typus Prosodes Mithras Rtt. Coll. Reitter”. The description is based on an undefined number of specimens (more than one). A male in the HNHM is designated as lectotype. Whereabouts of the rest of the type series are unknown to the authors.

Prosodes chorassanica G. Medvedev. Holotype (ZIN), ♀, with Cyrillic label “Иpaн, oкpecт. дep. Бoжнypт 20.05.1963 leg. O. Фeдocимoв N. Skopin det.” [Iran, Bojnourd env., 20.v.1963, leg. O. Fedosimov, N. Skopin det.] and ”Holotypus Prosodes chorassanica G. Medvedev ”. Paratype (ZIN): ♀, with Cyrillic label “C. Иpaн, Xopaccaн 20.05.1963 leg. O.Фeдocимoв Coll. N.Skopin” [N Iran, Khorasan, 20.v.1963, leg. O. Fedosimov, collection of Skopin], “ Prosodes sp. aff. laticauda Rtt. 1964 N. Skopin” “ Prosodes sp. ♀ 1198 Dr. Z. Kaszab det., 1964” and “Paratypus Prosodes chorassanica G. Medvedev ”.

Non-type material. Iran. 1♂: N Irаn, Khоrаsаn, 20.v.1963, leg. O. Fedоsimоv, соlleсtiоn оf Skорin (ZIN); 1♀: Kuh-e Aladag (Bojnurd) [North Khorassan Province], 2200–2400 m, 22.v.1966, G. Remaudière (HNHM).

Comments. The synynomy of Prosodes mithras and P. chorassanica is based on the identical sculpture of pronotum, elytral sculpture and microsculpture of male and female and the same type locality. The sculpture of male elytra is variable, a non-type specimen (male from ZIN) has coarser and denser granules.

Distribution. Iran: North Korassan Province.


Published as part of Nabоz, Maхim, Merkl, Оttó & Kоvalev, Aleхey, 2018, A review of the genus Prosodes Eschscholtz, 1829 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) of Iran, pp. 451-483 in Zootaxa 4379 (4) on page 457, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4379.4.1,


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Collection code
Event date
1963-05-20 , 1966-05-22
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
1963-05-20 , 1966-05-22
Taxonomic concept label
Prosodes (Dilopersina) mithras Reitter, 1904 sec. Nabоz, Merkl & Kоvalev, 2018


  • Reitter, E. (1904) Sechs neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Region. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 23 (9), 255 - 258.
  • Kuhnelt, W. (1957) Ergebnisse der osterreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949 / 50. Die Tenebrioniden Irans. Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 166, 65 - 102.
  • Reitter, E. (1909) Neue Revision der Arten der Coleopterengattung Prosodes Esch. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 28 (5 - 6), 113 - 168.
  • Lobl, I., Nabozhenko, M. V. & Merkl, O. (2008) Tribe Blaptini Leach, 1815. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 5. Tenebrionoidea. Apollo books, Stenstrup, pp. 219 - 257.
  • Medvedev, G. S. (1996) New Darkling beetles of the genus Prosodes Eschsch. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) from Middle Asia. II. Subgenera Meropersina Rtt., Dilopersina Rtt., Iranosodes subgen. n., Prosodura Rtt., Megaprosodes Rtt., Prosodella Rtt. Entomological Review, 76, 627 - 664.
  • Medvedev, G. S. (2001 a) Evolution and system of darkling beetles of the tribe Blaptini (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). In: Chteniya pamyati N. A. Holodkovskogo. Issue 53. Russian Entomological Society Publ., Saint Petersburg, pp. 1 - 332.