Supporting data for review article: The Global Distribution, Formation, and Fate of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Matter Under a Changing Climate – A Trait-Based Perspective
Supporting data and code for review article: Sokol N.W., Whalen E.D., Kallenbach C., Pett-Ridge J., Georgiou K. The Global Distribution, Formation, and Fate of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Matter Under a Changing Climate – A Trait-Based Perspective. Functional Ecology, 2022.
We leveraged data from a global synthesis of soil fractionation measurements (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5987415). For this review article, we specifically focused on measurements of bulk and mineral-associated soil organic carbon concentrations (reported in units of gC/kg soil) and the proportion of bulk soil organic carbon that is mineral-associated (reported as a %). This subset also includes auxiliary data regarding climate and biome characteristics extracted from the synthesized papers; for more variables, see the original full dataset. Köppen-Geiger climate zones were extracted from a georeferenced global database (using R package 'kgc' v1.0.0.2) with site coordinates, where available. Three files are provided in this repository: (1) data file, (2) metadata file, and (3) code for manuscript figures and summary statistics.