Published August 21, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pygoda civilis (Breddin, 1903) , Comb.


Pygoda civilis (Breddin, 1903) Comb. Nov.

(Figures 8A–D, 13C–D, 15)

Edessa civilis Breddin, 1903: 139; Kirkaldy, 1909: 156; Froeschner, 1981: 66

Lectotype male, designated by Gaedike (1971:83, by use of “ Holotypus ”). Ecuador, Balsapamba, R. Haensch (SDEI). Examined. Here designated.

Material examined. ECUADOR. Carchi: ♂ ♀ Chical [El Pailon], 26–30-VI-1983, 1250 m. 0°56’N, 78°11’ W. J. Rawlins, R. Davidson, N. Jacobson, M. Smyers, S. Thompson, S. Weller. Rawlins Collection (CMNH); ♀ same data, 1–10-VII-1983 (UFRG); ♂ 13-VII-1983 (UFRG); Guayas: ♀ Guayaquil, Leg. 15. VI. 1910. (Ded. 5. IX. 1910), R. Paessler (COP).

Measurements. Total length 17.2–17.7; total width 9.4–9.8; head length 1.5–1.7; head width 2.9–3.1; length of antennal articles I: 0.7–1.0; II: 1.8–1.9; III: 1.2–1.6; IV: 3.0–3.2; pronotum length 3.1–3.3; pronotum width 9.9– 10.1; scutellum length 7.7–8.1; scutellum width 5.8–6.0.

Diagnosis. Species medium (17–18mm) and dorsally green. Pronotum with brown to black punctures interspersed with irregular yellow lines or spots. Scutellum with large punctures on dark brown spots. Contour of the corium completely made by yellow veins like in P. poecila; close to costal margin sometimes occur few (around 3) small calloused yellow spots and a rhombus (Fig. 13C). Connexivum green with median yellow oblong callus (Fig. 13C); segment VII with basal half green and distal half black partially surrounding yellow median calloused spot. Body ventrally mostly greenish yellow or pale yellow with some parts light green, dark brown narrow lines on the edges of the sternites and pseudosutures. Evaporatorium brown. Antennae and legs yellow.

Head. Mandibular plates with dense punctuation. Tylus yellow medially with margin dark (Fig. 13C). Ventral surface yellow. First rostral segment slightly surpassing bucculae in lateral view.

Thorax. Pronotum densely punctured, punctures coarse; pronotal disc with small irregular yellow callus; cicatrices variegate with green and greenish yellow, delimiting dark furrows surrounded by pale greenish yellow calloused stripes (Fig. 13C); anterior delimiting furrow punctured. Anterolateral margin pale yellow; line of brown coarse punctures long, exceeding ½ of the margin. Anterolateral punctuated line short, reaching 1/3 of the anterolateral margin; punctures dark and coarse. Scutellum with coarse, large, black punctures sparser on anterior half and median longitudinal line than on remaining parts, lateral and distal punctures small, fine and black; most of the punctures on dark brown spots. Corium with few yellow veins branched and isolated yellow calli (Fig 13C). Propleura with dark stripe alongside dark, fine and dense punctures; green stripe parallel to yellow margin. Evaporatorium dark and rugose. Peritreme short reaching 1/3 of the distance between ostiole of the scent gland and margin of the body. Metasternal process greenish yellow with arms broad and receiving fourth rostral segment (Fig. 13D).

Abdomen. Connexivum with excavations concolorous, densely punctured except on yellow callus and distal margin on each segment; base of lateral spines green. Lateral part of segment VII, corresponding to ventral side of connexivum, greenish yellow with margin partially black, sometimes only inner margin black. Yellow spot surrounding spiracles. Small brown rounded spot close to spiracle on each segment (Fig. 13D).

Male (Fig. 8A–C). Pygophore with posterolateral angles slightly flat laterally and little projected (Fig. 8A). Superior process of genital cup rounded and large. Paramere with only two processes, posterior margin only with ventral, short and rounded process curved laterally, distal process absent; dorsal margin slightly enlarged and flat or barely excavated (Fig. 8B). Proctiger dark brown with posterior face yellow, short, not reaching level of posterolateral angles (Fig. 8B); lateral excavation barely forming a crest dorsally; dorsal part of posterior face tumid. Ventral rim medially greenish yellow or light yellow; expansions strongly developed and tumid (Fig. 8C). Ventral surface mostly greenish yellow or light yellow with few suffused dark spots; punctures fine and concolorous.

Female (Fig. 8D). Gonocoxites 8 with lateral margin almost rounded and posterior margin black, arched or acuminated near laterotergites 9; punctures slightly concentrated on convex part; sutural border contiguous except distally; gonapophysis 8 not visible. Gonocoxites 9 large, distal part straight. Laterotergites 8 with black distal margin projected in a black spine that exceeds apex of segment VII. Laterotergites 9 with small part of the base excavated; apices below the level of laterotergites 8.

Comments. The previously unknown female is recognized and described in this work. Male and female genitalia were not dissected.

Distribution (Fig. 15). ECUADOR: Carchi, Guayas.


Published as part of Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin, Nascimento, Agata Tyanne Silva & Nunes, Benedito Mendes, 2018, Revision of Pygoda Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Edessinae) with description of four new species, pp. 205-232 in Zootaxa 4461 (2) on pages 223-225, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4461.2.3,


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Collection code
Event date
1910-06-15 , 1983-06-26 , 1983-07-01
Scientific name authorship
(Breddin, 1903)
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
1910-06-15/09-05 , 1983-06-26/30 , 1983-07-01/10
Taxonomic concept label
Pygoda civilis (Breddin, 1903) sec. Fernandes, Nascimento & Nunes, 2018


  • Breddin, G. (1903) Neue Arten der Gattung Edessa Fab. Societas Entomologica, 18 (17), 131 ¯ 132.
  • Kirkaldy, G. W. (1909) Catalogue of the Hemiptera (Heteroptera). Uol. 1. Cimicidae. Felix L. Dames ed., Berlin, xl + 392 pp.
  • Froeschner, R. C. (1981) Heteroptera or True Bugs of Ecuador: A Partial Catalog. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 127 pp.
  • Gaedike, H. (1971) Katalog der in Sammlungen des ehemaligen Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes aufbewahrten Typen - V. Heteroptera. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 21, 79 - 159.