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Published August 7, 2016 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Video abstracts and video supplements to scientific articles – experiences from Copernicus Publications

  • 1. Copernicus Publications, Bahnhofsallee, 1e, 37081 Göttingen


Besides data sets, model code, and other underlying material, authors may also produce scientific videos relating to their articles. Outlets such as YouTube do not seem to be appropriate locations to host such scientific video supplements or video abstracts due to a lack of reliable long-term preservation and licensing. Therefore, Copernicus Publications and the TIB|AV-Portal of the National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) partnered to provide authors who publish in Copernicus’ open-access journals with the opportunity to host their videos in the TIB|AV-Portal and link them to their articles and vice versa via DOIs. This paper presents first experiences and examples from this collaboration.



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