Published February 6, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The influence of globalization processes on the culture sphere

  • 1. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University – Kharkiv - Ucrania
  • 2. Universidad de la Amazonia - Colombia


The article is devoted to the problems of the influence of globalization processes on the culture sphere. It is emphasized that as the pace of globalization accelerates, the phenomenon of cultural globalization naturally occurs. It is noted that the globalization of culture is a process of integration of individual national cultures into a single world culture based on the development of vehicles, economic ties and means of communication. It is concluded that in the process of globalization objectively there are communications between representatives of different cultures or between subcultures. The main ways of interaction of cultures are singled out, as a result of which either the sociocultural experience of people and communities is enriched, or ethnocultural contradictions are aggravated. The main among them are: acculturation, cultural expansion, cultural diffusion, synthesis of cultures, etc.     


S2 -2 La influencia de los procesos de globalización 143 - 154 vd.pdf