Published January 5, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Frankliniella Karny 1910


Key to females of Frankliniella species from Argentina and Chile

1. Abdominal sternite III with one or two pore plates near antecostal ridge (Figs 25–30)................................ 2

-. Abdominal sternite III with no pore plates (Fig. 31)........................................................... 8

2. Fore wings pale; head weakly prolonged in front of eyes; abdomen mainly light brown but with segments VIII–X progres- sively darker............................................................................. colihue (in part)

-. Fore wings almost uniformly brown or largely brown but pale basally; head not prolonged in front of eyes; abdomen uniformly brown.............................................................................................. 3

3. Antenna with only segment III paler; metanotum strongly sculptured medially; ocellar setae pair III length more than 2.3 times ocellus diameter.......................................................................... australis (in part)

-. Antenna with segment III and IV paler, but segment IV darker than III and paler than V; metanotum scarcely sculptured medi- ally (Fig. 23); length of ocellar setae pair III usually less than 2.3 times ocellus diameter............................. 4

4. Head with postocular setae pair I absent (Sakimura & O’Neill 1979), mouth cone long, broad, directed ventrally, usually caus- ing head and prothorax to tilt strongly forward (see Lima & Miyasato 2017).............................. magellanica

-. Head with postocular setae pair I present, mouth cone slender.................................................. 5

5. Abdominal tergite VII with a comb of short or very short microtrichia with triangular bases........................... 6

-. Abdominal tergite VII without any microtrichial comb........................................................ 7

6. Ocellar setae pair III in front of posterior ocelli (Fig. 12); pronotal am and aa setae equal to or scarcely longer than discal setae (Fig. 15); abdominal sternite III with a single pore plate contiguous with antecostal ridge (Fig. 28)............ inesae sp.n.

-. Ocellar setae pair III between posterior ocelli (Fig. 13); pronotal am and aa setae well developed, am 0.3–0.6 times as long as aa setae (Fig. 16); abdominal sternite III with two pore plates separate from antecostal ridge (Fig. 30)...... juancarlosi sp.n.

7. Abdominal sternite III usually with one pore plate, if two then these are less than 30 microns apart (Fig. 26); am setae length 6– 25 microns.................................................................................. valdiviana

-. Abdominal sternite III with two pore plates more than 40 microns apart; am setae length 35–46 microns.............. otites

8. Head with ocellar setae pair III short, scarcely 2.0 times as long as diameter of an ocellus........................... 9

-. Head with ocellar setae pair III long, at least 2.5 times as long as diameter of an ocellus............................. 10

9. Body, all antennal segments and fore wings dark brown, abdominal tergite IX S1 setae longer than tergite X; head with postoc- ular setae pair I present............................................................................ amigoi

-. Body light brown, antennal segments III and IV paler than rest; fore wings weakly shaded; abdominal tergite IX S1 setae shorter than tergite X; head with postocular pair I absent.................................................. oxyura

10. Body extensively yellow............................................................................... 11

-. Body extensively brown............................................................................... 17

11. Antennal segment III pedicel with distinct swelling or disc.................................................... 12

-. Pedicel of antennal segment III without distinct swelling or disc................................................ 13

12. Abdomen uniformly yellow....................................................................... difficilis

-. Abdomen yellow except segment X brown at tip (Fig. 1).................................................. condei

13. Abdominal sternite II with one or two long discal setae; head with ocellar setae pair III and pronotal setae yellow to light brown; living on leaves of Zea mays and other Poaceae ................................................. williamsi

-. Abdominal sternite II with no discal setae; head with ocellar setae pair III and pronotal setae brown; living on grasses or dicot- yledonous plants..................................................................................... 14

14. Head slightly prolonged in front of eyes; associated with grasses............................................... 15

-. Head not prolonged in front of eyes; associated with dicotyledonous plants....................................... 16

15. Pronotal am and aa setae not longer than discal setae; abdominal segment X brown........................... graminis

-. Pronotal am and aa setae distinctly longer than discal setae; abdominal segment X yellow...................... frumenti

16. Abdominal tergites usually with brown blotch medially; abdominal tergite VIII comb with short microtrichia on triangular bases; head with postocular setae pair IV longer than distance between hind ocelli.................. occidentalis (in part)

-. Abdominal tergites without brown blotch medially; abdominal tergite VIII comb with long microtrichia; head with postocular setae pair IV shorter than distance between hind ocelli................................................... gemina

17. Head with postocular setae pair III absent; metanotum with median setal pair arising behind anterior margin; often apterous................................................................................................ platensis

-. Head with postocular setae pair III present; metanotum with median setal pair arising at anterior margin; macropterous or micropterous........................................................................................ 18

18. Micropterous................................................................................... karnyae

-. Macropterous........................................................................................ 19

19. Antennal segment III with cup-shaped pedicel....................................................... brevicaulis

-. Antennal segment III pedicel simple...................................................................... 20

20. Fore wings uniformly shaded or pale..................................................................... 21

-. Fore wings bicolored, brown with base pale................................................................ 25

21. Metanotal campaniform sensilla absent; head with ocellar setae pair III close together, between posterior ocelli; abdominal tergite VIII posterior margin with no comb or with few teeth laterally...................................... schultzei

-. Metanotal campaniform sensilla present; head with ocellar setae pair III far apart in other position; abdominal tergite VIII pos- terior margin with comb............................................................................... 22

22. Body brown but not uniformly shaded, posterior abdominal segments darker than anterior segments; head weakly projecting in front eyes................................................................................ colihue (in part)

-. Body uniformly brown or with abdomen darker than thorax, head not projecting in front eyes........................ 23

23. Body and fore wings uniformly brown................................................................ gracilis

-. Body bicolored; fore wings pale......................................................................... 24

24. Head with ocellar setae pair III near to hind ocelli, inside ocellar triangle; abdominal tergite VIII marginal comb with long microtrichia................................................................................... rahakana

-. Head with ocellar setae pair III arising midway between center of anterior ocellus and posterior ocelli; abdominal tergite VIII marginal comb with short microtrichia.................................................... occidentalis (in part)

25. Compound eyes large and extending outside the cheek line, ventral facets more than twice the diameter of dorsal facets................................................................................................. longipennis

-. Compound eyes normally developed, not extending outside the line of the cheeks, ventral facets almost equal in size to dorsal facets.............................................................................................. 26

26. All tibiae pale yellow in contrast to brown femora; tergite VIII with posterior marginal comb absent or scarcely visible; head with postocular setae pair I absent................................................................... fulvipes

-. Fore tibiae paler than femora, mid and hind tibiae as dark as femora; tergite VIII with posterior marginal comb complete, but sometimes with two or three teeth missing medially; head with postocular setae pair I present or absent................ 27

27. Head with ocellar setae pair III outside triangle, about equidistant between anterior and posterior ocelli........... insularis

-. Head with ocellar setae pair III inside triangle.............................................................. 28

28. Head with ocellar setae pair III less than 3.5 times the length of a posterior ocellus; pronotal am setae less than 0.4 times the length of pronotum....................................................................... australis (in part)

-. Head with ocellar setae pair III more than 5.0 times the length of a posterior ocellus; pronotal am setae more than 0.5 times the length of pronotum................................................................................... 29

29. Antennal segments III–V and basal half of VI, yellow; fore tibiae as brown as femora; head with postocular setae pair I absent............................................................................................... setipes

-. Antennal segments brown except segment III yellow; fore tibiae usually paler than femora; head with postocular setae pair I present........................................................................................ tuberosi


Published as part of Borbón, Carlos Manuel De & Zamar, María Inés, 2018, Two new species of Frankliniella (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) from Argentina with a key to species from Argentina and Chile, pp. 419-431 in Zootaxa 4369 (3) on pages 422-423, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4369.3.7,


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Frankliniella Karny, 1910 sec. Borbón & Zamar, 2018


  • Sakimura, K. & O'Neill, K. (1979) Frankliniella, redefinition of genus and revision of minuta group of species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Technical Bulletin of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1572, 1 - 49. Available from: http: // ageconsearch. umn. edu / record / 157858 / files / tb 1572. pdf (accessed 11 December 2017)
  • Lima, B. E. F. & Miyasato, E. A. (2017) The Frankliniella fauna of Brazil: additions and updated key to species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Zootaxa, 4323 (3), 391 - 402. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4323.3.3