- 1. PhD of pedagogical sciences, doctoral student, T.Н. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)
The article proves that modern Ukrainian students need to have the appropriate qualities and characteristics that are components of their citizenship, civic culture and civic position. It is determined that civic education of students of general secondary education, in contrast to students of other educational institutions, has specific personality traits due to the presence of students with a qualitatively higher level of abilities. It is substantiated that the substantive elements of the education of civic responsibility are: tolerant attitude towards people, regardless of their language, gender, nationality, religion, political beliefs; respect for other people’s private property; rule of law and observance of legal norms and laws; active participation in the socio-political life of society.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the importance of civic education in the educational process for students of general secondary education.
The methodology is based on the general principles and basic modern principles of pedagogical science, psychology, and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of scientific and methodological views of domestic scientists on the problem of civic education of students of general secondary education.
Scientific novelty. It is substantiated that civic education is a necessary component of the educational process in general secondary education institutions.
Conclusions. 1. The purpose of civic education is the formation of a conscious citizen, patriot, professional. 2. Civic education is a necessary component of the educational process in general secondary education. 3. There is a need for further development of national standards of citizenship and its implementation in educational practice at the level of formal, non-formal and informal education. 4. Civic maturity is a consequence of the formation of civic competence and culture of students of general secondary education.
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