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Published December 31, 2021 | Version v1.4
Project deliverable Open

Analysis report on the use of data and open science results

  • 1. formicablu


This Analysis Report on Data Journalism follows a Digital Engagement Focus Report realised in the summer of 2021 within the ENJOI project (WP7, deliverable 7.1). We tracked 15 practical experiences testing engagement as a key innovation asset in science journalism and communication in Europe in this previous work. Overall, within WP7, we explore the existing media landscape in science journalism and communication through the prism of engagement, data, general innovation, and solutions.


ENJOI WP7. Exploring the existing landscape of innovation and openness in science journalism and communication


D7.2 Analysis report on the use of data and open science results.pdf

Files (462.0 kB)

Additional details


ENJOI – ENgagement and JOurnalism Innovation for Outstanding Open Science Communication 101006407
European Commission